a warm welcome to all the new people... | Arthritis Information


It seems I am away for a few days and BAM, lots of new people! I wish I could welcome you all individually, but time... there's never enough. As you can see by the late hour, I have my days and nights mixed up and cannot figure out how to switch em.

You will find a lot of loving well-informed and supportive people here, so ask away. In the beginning, I was so overwhelmed, I was in a fog of denial. Then of course came anger, then denial, then anger. I wanted off that merry-go-round and my old life back and had this weird idea if I were to lose all the extra weight I was carrying and get back to my old healthy habits, I would be healthy again. Nope, lost the weight, but still RA, lupus, etc. darn... I wonder how many other people have been told "you just need to lose a few lbs." by incompetent pcps. Oh this was years ago, but it still irks me to think about it because this was before prednisone, so I was only about 15 lbs overweight. Doofus doc.
Anyway, here I am sleep deprived in all my glory, to welcome one and all. Join in, you'll never meet a better bunch of people!
owiemom- how's the new job going?

Thank you for the warm welcome, owiemom.  There are a lot of new people that have transfered from the Arthritis Foundation's RA Connect site due to ongoing site problems.  They keep promising a fix, but thus far, it hasn't happened.

I can totally relate to your having your body clock backwards.  Every time I'm off work, I end up staying up all night and then sleeping in the morning.  I need to quit picking up books to read in the evening; I just can't seem to put them down and go to bed!

Thank you again for your kindess,


what a thoughtful post, owie. 
and a wonderful welcome to the newbies!!
Thanks for the welcome!
Awww - thanks for the welcome! Everyone has been so wonderful! I  hope you get some sleep soon!
Let me second this thread.  (Great idea, owiemom). I like to welcome newbies individually but I'm sure I miss some from time to time.  Each and every one of you are a new link that makes our RA chain stronger.  There is so much help and support here and your presence and personal experience is a welcome addition to our little family. From one newbie to another.............I look forward to getting to know you!  Welcome!Thanks. It's been a very warm welcome we've received.
BTW I don't being a Newbie, but I'm not sure I want to progress to be a Groupie... LOL...

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