Is there such thing as a cleaning fairy? | Arthritis Information


I got up to a disaster of a house. Have spent my last 7 days off totally enjoying myself. I have to go back to work on Friday and my house is a sty. I need a magic wand. To top it off, we had war of the worlds type storm yesterday (the sky was absolutely out of the movie, so cool) and with it hail. Ruined the exterior of our prius, cracked windshield, dimples everywhere. And I have aspen branches and leaves everywhere! So, guess I'll be cleaning the inside and outside. oh my.. that sounds terrible.. where do you live that you got such hail?

don't over do... we know what that leads to.
good luck
I'll go out to my 'bibbity-bobbity-boo' pumpkin plant and dispatch a fairy your way!

Besides the mess, sorry about your car!!!!  Sounds terrible!
Invite someone over.  That's the best way for me to get my house cleaned up.  I get everyone in the house to pitch in and help.  "We got to get this place cleaned up, we're having company tomorrow."  And I'm really good at delegating - with sons and hubby I can't just say help me clean up - I have to give them specific tasks.  My hubby likes a written list that he can cross off, and I learned that my youngest son get's overwhelmed if he is given a list of things to do, so I give him his tasks one at a time, LOL.  Ouch - sorry about your car - where did that storm come through?
Good luck getting your place cleaned up - it's one of those necessary evil things - we don't want to do it - but we have to do it. You'll feel so much better when it's done - so crank up the tunes and have at it!
Lorster...Probably a few in San Francisco.......lolWow that sound horrible! So sorry about your car. I don't know any cleaning fairies personally, but if you find one, please send my way![QUOTE=6t5frlane]Lorster...Probably a few in San[/QUOTE]
HAHAHAMy cleaning fairy has retired and the back-up cleaning fairy is flaky.My cleaning fairy is a bigger slob than I am. I have 2 cleaning fairies who come in every 2 weeks. And only each time! But since I'm in a chair almost all the time, now, I can't do the big cleaning like vacuum, polish furniture and do floors. My "fairies" are worth their weight in gold.
Good luck! I hope you have some help. We have a Prius, too and it makes me sad to think of it being damaged like that! Must have been some hailstorm!
Don't work too know what happens then!
Hugs, Nini
I live in southwest montana and we rarely have bad storms like that. It was very kewl though, I have to admit. We were waiting for the ground to open up and space aliens to come out....crap, never happened. Oh well..on with my boring life. [QUOTE=lorster]We were waiting for the ground to open up and space aliens to come out....crap, never happened. Oh well..on with my boring life.[/QUOTE]

There's always next time. [QUOTE=SnowOwl][QUOTE=JasmineRain]My husband is the neat freak in our house, though he'd look funny in that outfit [/QUOTE]