Rituximab Efficacy In Seronegative Patients | Arthritis Information


A study which explored the relationship between baseline autoantibody status (rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP) found that patients seronegative for these autoantibodies achieved a significant moderate/good ACR response compared to the placebo group from a first treatment course with rituximab.

However, autoantibody seropositive patients treated with rituximab showed even higher ACR response rates compared to both the placebo and rituximab-treated seronegative groups (Abstract #833).

Study author Professor Paul Tak, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, said that his group's findings confirmed rituximab as an effective, novel therapy for RA.

"The effect on autoantibodies is important to get a robust effect, but as you can see, an effect in autoantibody negative patients suggests that other mechanisms are important as well."

American College of Rheumatology Annual Congress (ACR)

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