Anti CCP | Arthritis Information


I'm sure many of you have had the anti ccp blood test.  What were your results and what was your RF and anti inflammatory markers? 

My anti ccp just came back greater than 250 (strong positive).  And my RF is 657, my anti inflammatory markers were negative, chem panel unremarkable, cbc good...........rheumatologist wasn't sure if I had RA before cause I didn't meet the criteria.  He dx me as Palandromic for now.  Any other Palandromic or RA peeps with input on their lab results they can share???
My anti ccp was exactly the same as yours and my original RF, 2 1/2 yrs ago, was 658. My RF has since gone down gradually and is now about 270.
My c-reactive protein and sed rate are also high.
My rf was 129 can't remember the other. That was 3 years ago when I was dx. Mine were low, but present so I guess the count didn't really matter?  CRP was never elevated until this last blood work, when I tried decreasing mtx, so that was a surprise. 
CCP - 40
RF - 54
My CCP was negative at diagnosis but 3 when I started AP.  My RF was 353 on daignosis and 706 on starting AP only 5 months later.  However I know another Plaindromic person who was the exact opposite - sky high CCP and 0 RF.  The other Palindromic people seem to be all over the board - it's one of the reasons I complain about the tests - they don't tell us much. 
I've since gone negative on the CCP again. 
Does this help?

Pip, I'm just not understanding how the Palandromic is coming into play when I'm so positive on my RF and anti ccp.  Rheumy said 50% move into full blown RA.  It doesn't seem like anyone has any rhyme or reason. 

Cathy, you're right.........if it's there, it''s there!!
Nini, we match except for the inflammatory markers. 
So, all of you have Palandromic RA?  I'd like to know the other Palandromics (I'm sure you can fill me in Pip!)

I don't remember who's Palindromic besides you and me!  And only because you made the post - LOL. 

I guess I'm saying that the nature of Palindromic is the migratory patterns, the screaming pain and the large joints first.  And I can definitely attest to RA 'feels' different than Palindromic.  It's weird - but you know when it changes.  Or at least I did. 

I really don't think the CCP and the RF are really any good indication of what's happening in our bodies.  I spoke to another Palindromic Peep last night who told me her CCP jumped all over the place.  I just assumed she meant her RF and asked her to verify and she did - no, she meant CCP as she was hospitalized when this came on and her tests came down 55 points in one day.  It blew me away.  I'm like ??? must research!  But I think this is what happens with Palindromic people - our bodies are fighting this tooth and nail and like some clunky old jalopy, it misfires, but it tries to fix it. 

Not trying to be a downer - but being sero+ and with the high CCP, yes, you are more likely to move on to regular RA.  However, you're doc is wrong about the percentages - it's only 25% that move on to RA.  The rest either resolve (those are the people told bursitis etc) or stay PRA for life. 

Wow, that's a lot of information Pip.  I really appreciate your answers and thoughts.  I can't believe we are the only Palandromics here.............I can't believe a CCP would drop in a day.  RF I would believe.  Did you move into full blown RA?  I'm already mentally ready for the thought that I have a good possibility of having RA being sero pos and a high CCP.  I'll take things as they come.I was diagnosed palandromic but treated for RA as I had high RA and CCP (but no other inflamation markers yet). Don't really know what everything means just know I get a lot of aching joints and muscles so at the end of the day we are all in the same boat.I am not Palandromic, as far as I know. I just thought it was interesting that our CCP and RF were identical.We're not the only Palindromic people here - there are more but I'm blanking on the names.  I'm exhausted from all the 'playing' we did today - my daughters play date just left and this place is a mess!  The kids were good and cleaned up know what I mean.  LOL
Yes, I went on to RA and much quicker than I should have as I was self medicating with Aleve and kind of poisoned myself.  I think my 3 elevated LFTs were because of that stuff. 
On the plus side, I have managed to rewind myself with AP and went back to Palindromic, if you can believe that.  Again, if you have to have one of these diseases, Palindromic is the one to have.  It wants to go into remission.
Did you know Palindromic are the only AI disease with an up to 50% natural, med free remission rate?  The rest of the AI people are under 1% but Joe M just posted 10% and I've got to ask him where he got that.
Jay, you and I had high RF and CCP but no inflammatory markers.............and we're Palandromic.  But you're right.  At the end of the day, we all hurt.
My Rheumy is only giving me Mobic right now.  He'll see me in 3 months.  He didn't seemed concerned in the least since my pain is hit and miss and lasts only for a couple of days.  I was using Motrin, but it's relatively "short acting" so he switched me to a longer acting NSAID. 
I guess I'll have to ask about the antibiotic protocol.  That's relatively an alternative therapy isn't it Pip?? 
Wow, there is so much to take in.
Relatively alternative - just to rheumies.  It's an approved DMARD but...they think its whacko.  LOL
I know.................I think I'd get the "look" if I asked about AP.  After all, I am an RN asking about something they consider "out there".