Yeah I am "ok" - really long post | Arthritis Information


My right leg is getting worse and pain and all that has been going on with it. It seems now the symptoms aka problems are happening together, and not individually like it was.

It all starts around evening time, about 6pm.
Now... my right calf swells, when my right leg is in pain. Now... my right leg has much more pain. I have pain in my right shin, but it runs down from my hip/thigh area. I am on 325mg of aspirin so, I do not think it is a blood clot, at least I hope not.
Towards evening time is when it is MUCH more bothersome. To the point that my right leg is too weak to raise the weight of my right leg. I cannot even get my foot up but maybe 6inches and that is sheer pain thru out my leg. It is like my thigh muscle is weak, really weak. I mean I cannot even roll over in bed without having to use my hands to help my right leg.
But here is the odd thing about it all.... I can take my pain meds, 2 every 6hrs, and by the time I go to sleep is when my 2nd dose of pain meds I can take. So... I take all my bedtime meds and go to sleep. NO PAIN whatsoever, throughout the night! Even when I wake up around 10am, no pain. Walk to the bathroom , my right works just like nothing wrong with it, other than the normal pain I have in my hip/thigh area. BUT all other pain I have in the evening time is nil.
I have even spent a day trying not to walk so much, to see if my calf will still swell, and yep... it still will swell. But when I wake up it is the normal skinny calf, just like my left calf.
I do not know what this is. I have 2 events that could have triggered this and around the same time my right leg has been giving me even more pain and problems. I mean there is soo much pain... that is makes me cry because it hurts soo bad! But it seems to  not be as bad as that pain I had in Oct '07. because the Ultracets make the pain go away, unlike when I was taking lortab10's and it was not even touching that pain when I first started having problems with my right leg in Oct '07.
The 2 events are... 1st- when my brother from california was helping me get out of the car, and he force bent my leg, with all the swelling I could not get my leg bent up enough to get out of the backseat. Darn doors do not open wide enough. And that really really hurt my right leg BIG time. I actually cried and thought I was not going to be able to hobble around.
2nd event is when I had that nerve test done. It seems like I started having more running pain in my right leg after that.
Oh and here is another weird symptom... I already told my GP about it, but he just smirked and asked nothing about it... when I breath in, I feel like the intaked air is being pushed down my thigh into my knee. It kinda feels like my right leg is breathing with me. BUT ONLY does it when I take in deep breaths, does not matter if I am laying or sitting I will get that feeling everytime.
I am thinking it is a pinched nerve like the nuerologist said, but will not know until next month when I actually go in for the MRI. I had to reschedule it, because that was the same day as when my mom went in for her 2nd surgery to fix her sturnum wires. I did not want to be anywhere else other than home that day, just in case something did happen to her.
So... I have been trying to stay off my leg as much as I can. Seems like the more I am on it thru the day, towards evening it is magnified because of how much I walked around on it.
joonie2008-07-24 01:08:36WOW Joonie sounds like you have been having a time of it. Poor thing. I was wondering if you were ok as we hadn't heard from you  on the boards for a while.  Hopefully they can figure it out and you can get some  relief. Goodness sakes alive the things we go through.  I gotta run as I am late getting up and getting ready for work. I hope you can have a better day today then you did yesterday.  It's D-Day tomorrow for me. DOWN WITH RA DAY I will start my high risk meds tomorrow. The MTX and Plaquenil which will hopefully (no nasty or dangerous side effects please) work for me and begin to kick this RA in the butt. So if you find a spare moment today think a good thought for me.

So sorry for you Joonie.   Two weeks ago my left calf was swollen and I didn't know what was wrong with it.  It would go down at night when I was sleep but swell as soon as I get up.  It hurt so bad I couldn't walk.   After about a week of crying and hobbling around, I layed down and elevated it high and kept ice bags on it all day.   Finally it has gone down to normal.   I don't know what that was but my calf is back to normal now.   Maybe you should try that.   BTW, I noticed while laying down I had to urinate a lot and it was so much water.   It seemed the fluid came out through my urine.  I don't know this is very crazy but I hope you feel better soon.Joonie
call your is possible that you could have a blood clot or blocked artery in that leg.  It swells when it is down and swelling goes away when elevated.
Also as ugly as they are you might find support hose helpful in preventing some of the swelling but check with your doctor first
joonie.. what a time of it you've had!
Can you use crutches for awhile to keep the weight off the bad leg?
Hope it clears up miraculously and as quickly as it came on.

Oh wow, joonie.  I'm sorry you are having to deal with this now.  Try to keep off your feet today.  I hope it gets better soon. 

Aw Joonie, that doesn't sound right. I would try and see a DR. ASAP. And try and stay off your feet today.Oh Joonie.  Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time of it and I would definitely see a doctor ASAP to find out what's going on.  Like everyone else says, try to take it easy and stay off your feet as much as possible.  Hope things get better, pronto!Well. I visited my GP's office today, they were backed up and I did not even ask to be worked it, because MIL & both kids were waiting on me and MIL had to get ready for work.
PLUS, my right leg is much better today. No pain near like I was having, and I can actually lift my leg up without my hands. The swelling that was in my right knee is almost gone. I can feel my knee cap again.
But I did get something done while I was at GP's office. I lost my labwork paper I was to have done a week ago. I was going to try to visit the lab before they preped me for the TEE, but I did not get a chance and the paper went MIA.
I also got some more samples of the coreg cr 40mg, because I was out, and to tide me over until next month when I can come up with the co-pay.
I also got them to do the referal to the cardiologist.
All that done and did not have to see GP or even pay a co-pay
Oh and they are going to call me with my next GP appt, when they get my bloodwork results back for the elevated Fibrinogen.
The last time I told any of my dr's about my right leg, they say it is muscle spasm or fibro and one says it is a pinched nerve. 3 diffrent doctors, 3 different answers.
Wow you can't even say 2 out of 3 doctors recommend......isn't that how life is supposed to be? Don't the commercials say that?Joonie, its always something :)  I am glad your leg is better, but I am with buckeye, a blood clot (especially after a stroke) is something to be checked out.  Take care you ~~ CHope you can figure it out!  I'm sorry about the pain...I agree with everyone else, go to the doctor and get and ultrasound of your leg and make sure you don't have a clot. Ya know a clot can kill you and we don't want ya gone! Sending good wishes your way for a speedy recovery :)Thanks for the replies.
I will call monday to make an appt, if they do not call me before they close tomorrow. They close at noon on fridays, and some days not even open on friday.
My leg is doing pretty good today. But my fingers are painfil and swelled and my upper back/neck/shoulder area is killing me!
It hurts to type with my right hand, so yet again pecking with me left hand with thw ring finger, less painful finger.
I just want my Remicade!!!!!
