Oligoarticular JIA | Arthritis Information



About my <4 year girl...One year ago she was diagn. "Untreated Reactive arthiris" as her left knee swallen 15 days after infection (probably post viral, but she also had streptococcus pneummonie and ear hurt at that time), but as it lasted longer that 6 weeks, she is diag as JIA later on.
First she received  intrarticular steroid in the left knee, and 8 months later in the right as it appeared swallen but very very small. She is on Mobic 7,5mg (only for two months now as we were scared to take it before). She never had pain, stiffness or any other problem, only swallen knees. ESD was 25/50 in the beggining than 8 then 30/60 and now 8 which is OK again. ANA and RF are negative.
I wander is there any person that had only one episode of flare? And is there anyone that also had "only" swallen knee? And also if anyone takes Mobic only for long time.
Many regards to all of you from CroatiaTake care, hope this helps a little!  Thank you Susanne very much for your reply.
Lyme is very rare here, but exists. They didn't check that on my doughter.
She doesn't take anything to protect stomac against Mobic problems as dr. claims it is not necessary, but I will give it anyway. He said 7,5mg but as she is only 16kg I give her half of that dose. What dose your daughter has taken, do you remember?
One month ago ESR was 30/60 but Mobic make it 8 after one month (or bioenergy or Noni juice who knows). Have you tried  Noni with your daughter?  I heard that is very helpfull for arthritis and ESR among other things.
I'm sorry, it has been awhile and I don't remember her exact Mobic dose.  I do remember that it was a welcome change from Motrin!  She had to take that three times a day!  With both meds, she was on Prevacid for her stomach.  We had to double the dose for the Mobic, because it bothered her so much more.

I'd ask my dr. about a Lyme test, since it exists there.  It doesn't seem out of the question, since you were told it was reactive and the symptoms match Lyme arthritis.  If that is what it is, they should be able to treat/cure it, so I definitely think it is worth asking about a test!

My daughter's sedrate/ESR has been normal for a long time now, but she does have visible swelling.  I haven't tried Noni juice yet, but I've seen adults post that they like using it.  Supplements/juices, etc. are hard for me as a parent - how can you tell if it is making a difference?  For myself, I think I would know, but with my daughter, it's harder.

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