Pinched nerve question | Arthritis Information


what do they do for a pinched nerve?I had a pinched nerve in my elbow. All he did was told me to use a brace on my elbow to keep it from being injured more and to turn it around to keep me from bending my elbow when I sleep. This was to rest the tissue and help the swelling go down. The next week after seeing the nerve specialist was when I was diagnosted with RA. My RA Dr put me on predisone and all the problems I was having with my elbow nerve went away. I hated the brace.joonie, it depends on how it is being pinched.  If it is from your spine, it may be compressed discs or osteophytes (bony growths) or stenosis, some of which they can do something about and others they can't.  If it is from a muscle spasm, they could prescribe physical therapy or a muscle relaxant (or both).  If it is from a joint or from motion, they might immobilize it like they did for Lorrie and/or prescribe an anti-inflammatory.  If it is very bad or chronic, they might prescribe a nerve pain med such as Neurontin or Lyrica.

Are you having a problem with a pinched nerve?

Thanks for the replies!

Innerglow - I am not sure yet. Have not went for my MRI of my spine yet. I had to reschedule it because that was the day my mom went in for her 2nd surgery and I wanted to be home and not unreachable.
When I went to the nuerologist and told him about my right leg problems, how my lower back "spasms" when I bend over, and how my legs shake uncontrollably when I bend over many times to pick stuff out of the floor. And he said he was more than sure I had a pinched nerve some where. Then he scheuled me for the MRI. I am not sure if it is for the pinched nerve or just to see if I had inflammation on my spine like he said.
The MRI is of my C-spine & L-spine. But most of my pain no matter what is in my T-spine. But I guess he is looking for the pinched nerve? Not sure.
I am tired of going to dr's and not knowing too much, because it seems I always get sucked into have an expensive test done or out patient surgery. I am just lost with all of this crap. I just want to feel better by now. I know I can, because I have, but this is getting to be to much for me. All these different doc's and procedures and no one knowing how to tame my rapid pulse, but keep finding even more wrong with me in trying to find out what is wrong with my pulse.
I do not know. It is just too much for me to handle when I am not doing well RA wise. RA is my main concern to get fixed right now, it is the most troublesome. The other findings did not bother me, so why should I get those fixed before my RA? I guess because my rapid pulse needs to be fixed, but no one knows how to fix it. So... I say give me the Remicade already and then fix the rapid pulse! I mean my pulse gets higher when I am hurting and annoyed with pain, stiffness and just plain not being able to do stuff and having to ask for help.
Ok, I am done. joonie, it is really difficult to have so much going on and the docs pulling you in so many different directions.  Hang in there!  It sounds like physical therapy and/or a muscle relaxant would help, and if they discover a compressed disc in your l-spine, perhaps they would do an epidural nerve block or facet joint injection.
The docs may be trying to treat other things because they are concerned about an acute problem and feel the RA is chronic.  Listen to their advice, but keep steering them back to the problems that are causing you the most difficulty.
They are treating these problems because the acute problems right now have potentially more serious outcomes than he chronic RA.
I understand wanting to get off the doctore roller coaster and the diagnosis of the day but you need to find out what is going on if not for you but for the sake of your kids
Joonie- part of the problem is that you wait until things are at an emergent state to deal with things.  You self diagnosis to avoid going to the doctor.  You over do things when you do feel good for a day.  You don't take any precautions to prevent things from getting worse during the day ( like using a cane to help take pressure off your leg or a wheelchair/cart in a big store).  There is more to dealing with health problems than going to the doctor.  You have to learn to take care of yourself and truly take charge of your health issues.  We care about you Joonie and just want you to feel better
buckeye's right.. we do care!
maybe the RA is the cause of your other issues?  if that is addessed and gives you better feelings.. maybe the other things will fall into place too!! 
do take care of you... then you can feel well enough to take care of your family..  big, gentle hugs.
Joonie - I wasn't quite able to follow what you are saying about the MRI orders, but a "pinched nerve" that effects your leg would mostly be in the lower part or lumbar part of the spine, as that's where the nerves which control the legs (and lower organs, etc.) are located.  The mid back pain can be referred upwards from a low back pinched nerve.  I am surprised nobody thought of this before now.
I would suspect you are not a user of  chiropractic, but after you get your MRI results and get some answers, and if you are tired of the medical roller coaster, some back problems are better handled by chiropractors if its not a bone spur hitting the nerve or a collapsed disc, etc.  Something is "pinching off" the nerves that supply the electrical current from your brain via your spinal nerve electrical system to make your legs work properly.  If its something a chiropractor can handle with manipulation to move the spine back into a normal position, you might want to think about it.  But let us know what your MRI says - you may need back surgery instead.  The danger of a "pinched nerve" is not only the leg or other pain you feel, but lack of brain impulse into the organs in the area, causing illness. 
Once you get your MRI results, you may be able to do physical therapy, learn low back stretches, etc., all sorts of avenues other than pills or surgery. 
Take care  ~~ Cathy

thanks for the replies!

See I know for a fact that when the RA is not controlled my pulse tends to be much higher than when it is controlled. I am talking about almost 20 more beats per minute and that is while I am at home laying in my bed and doing nothing but hurting.
I think if they would just give me the remicade, I would feel better and want to tackle whatever the "DX" is for that week and do all the testing and all that crap.
The only reason I wait until it is a real problem is because I only had 14 doctor visitsalloted for this year. Well... I am on doctor visit #20. So... that means I have 6 doctor visits I have to pay for the high co-pay of a visit. I do NOT have to pay them a visit and they all want their co-pay before they even put my file in the waiting pile. Excpet that one visit when they allowed me to owe the to co-pay until my next visit. But you know what? I have not even went back for my next visit, because 1. I do not have , 2. because I had the TEE done and missed my appt.
Nuerologist wants my c-spine because my of neck problems I have and the lack of ROM in my neck when he was rolling my head around. Plus, how I told him when I turn my head I can feel it in my back some where. Oh and about the "mini blackouts" I was getting when I would try to turn my head further than the stiffness would allow me. He said most sounds like inflammation pressing on my spinal cord. The same as with my right leg problem.
have you looked into any other places that could assist you with your medical costs?
have you talked to all of your doctors specifically about your financial situation
have you applied of social security disbility or since you don't have enough work credits SSI?
can your husband try for another job with better medical benefits?
Its time to start working the system Joonie...isn't your health worth fighting for


joonie2008-07-28 02:29:12


joonie2008-07-28 02:29:29Joonie, I am so sorry about everything.  So horrible to have to worry about money on top of everything else.  I would offer suggestions but I know it sounds like you've through through a lot.  I just can't believe they cut you off like that.  Maybe you could get an appointment with legal aid or something, a law school clinic with someone that can review everything and see if there is some glitch, or any loophole that might benefit you?  I know that you unfortunately probably understand it better than anyone though.
Any possibility of moving to an area with higher wages or to a job with better insurance?  Easier said than done, right?  I wish there was something I can do, but I can listen, so please rant all you want!
Don't worry about it. Just let me be able to vent is all I need.
I do not know the in N outs of the medicaid or  SSI crap. I just know what I have been told by the agencies.
I tried to fight for SSDI, because I am only 2-3 work credits away from recieving SSDI benefits, but all lawyers I talked to said SSI was all I could get because of my age. They would not even look over my case, and you know that is something when they will not even make an attempt to find something.
No, no moving to another area. The area we live in use to have good paying jobs, but the company that has/had the good paying jobs are down sizing and have been changed to another company who is doing away with most of the jobs now. We were suppose to be getting some new jobs out in the industrial park, but most of the companies changed their minds or something like that. One company was to have starting pay of hr and after 6 months of being with the company you got to be paid .00hr. Right now my hubby's job is at maximum pay. No more raises.
Oh well... I am not feeling well, and have started crying about my situation and not being able to tell my mom about my problems. It makes me feel better when I talk to her about my problems, but I cannot anymore and maybe can again when she gets better.
joonie2008-07-28 02:29:54


  Please don't get offended...I just hate hearing about all your physical problems and want to help you.  There has got to be a way around the pay schedule delimma somehow.  Does your county have a social services dept that can help you.
 And are there state programs that you are elgible for during the months you do have medicaide..I'm thinking of things like transportation and home help.  How about the private prescription assistant plans.  I'm just trying to think of may have done all of this already..of course if it has been a while it may be worth revisiting.
Where are you in AL? Chattanooga just landed the VW plant and there are going to be a lot of good paying jobs here soon, both construction of the plant then production.  Of course I don't know what your hubby does...
There's no one who listens to problems like a mom...praying that she will recover quickly!
Nah, was not offended Buckeye. I know you are just trying to help.
It just sucks to be poor and "sick".
joonie2008-07-28 02:30:40Joonie, I can so relate to your money problems. I'm not eligible for SSI because I didn't have enough credits and hubby makes too much money. We have four more years of mortgage payments then things will start looking up. We will be able to catch up. I hope. We live 20 some miles from hubby's job and he has been car pooling because of gas prices. Thank God for his parents, they have helped us out more than once. We hate asking for money but in IL it gets cold and we needed gas for heat and food to eat.
Yep, it sucks to be poor and sick!
