"Last Lecture" Professor Has Died | Arthritis Information


Carnegie Mellon professor turned "Last Lecture" Internet sensation Randy Pausch has died. He was 47.

Last September, Pausch's "Last Lecture" speech -- which was actually called "Really Achieving Your Dreams" -- became a viral phenomenon and was even retold in its entirety on Oprah.

Pausch had been battling pancreatic cancer and passed away early this morning. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Lynn492008-07-25 08:43:22I saw this on the news this morning.  How sad.  He was a very inspirational man.  Such a shame, someone so young, with such a young family.I watched his presentation - how uplifting and brave it was for him to present to an audience and leave a gift for his children.    Even when you know this outcome was in his near future, it's still so sad.
His passing is very sad, but his life touched and inspired many.  How lucky we live with Youtube (never thought I would say that) and that he shared with us an amazing lecture and life spirit. I hope that if there are people who missed it or need to see it again will use todays opportunity to see it again. I am so sorry for his family.This makes me so sad.  I was hoping against hope that he'd be one of the rare ones to survive this particular cancer.  Life is so unfair sometimes.  I'm going to remember this young man when I start feeling sorry for my sorry self.  I love his quote that "You don't beat the Grim Reaper by how long you live, but rather, how well you live." I may have the days wrong, but I believe that Tuesday night there is a special and hsi presentation will be aired.    Monday morning on Good Morning America a tribute as well.sad time for us all..  a great loss..
he's left a wonderful legacy

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