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I have shingles.

good lord.
Ive noticed the past few days every thing I wear feels like its setting my skin on fire. I had to rip my bra off in the grocery store (I did go to the lady's room to do so) 
It hurts, but there was no injury.
 I was talking on the phone this afternoon and felt my waist band just irritating the crap out of me and opened my shorts and looked down. I have patches of red blisters all over my right torso.
 they hurt like hell. right now I'm wearing a satin sleepshirt and nothing else and the weight of the fabric is awful.
 I have called my rheumy since my pcp is closed, and am waiting for a call back.
 I have to ask if I can take my MTX today..
whats funny is I had Ally in the dr  this morning and passed on her 2nd chicken pox vaccine..  good thing I guess.
I wish the dr would hurry up and call
oh my, Kathy..
sounds like maybe shingles??
I hope not.
My MIL gets her fair share of shingles, since she had hodgkins. She gets hers on her face though. It looks painful.
I hope it is not shingles and just something simpler.
oh yeah its shingles
 talked to dr.  he has called the drugstore.
I was reading up on it and Ive had every one of the pre rash symptoms
oh what fun.
Poor thing. I have had shingles...had them on the side of the face. I know how painful it is.

I hope you get some relief soon!!YIKES! Hope they go away quickly- I have heard they are terribly painful.I had shingles a couple of yrs ago. I wonder if the shingles caused the RA or the RA caused the shingles (I was only dx'd this yr). It is painful and knocked me out good for 2 -3 weeks.
I would recommend giving yourself a good week or so to recover even after rash etc has gone. I tried to go back to work early and ended up on the sick again.
I feel like my whole torso is on fire.. I have no idea how to soothe it at all?  oatmeal baths?
 ointment? it just hurts like hell and its spreading.
IM\'m on valtrex?  that pill is HUGE  I had a lot of trouble getting it down even cut in half..

oatmeal baths are good  and calamine lotion .  You should also take a burst of pred that will help a lot. I had shingles around the middle when I was about 18. I remember the 'being on fire feeling'.  You have my deepest sympathy,  it's very painful.

Can you try the espom salts bath with hyrdogen peroxide?  That should soothe the area.
Oh boy, you have my sympathies.  I've heard shingles is just the painful.  I've also heard and read that the immune suppression drugs we take make us more likely to get shingles.  Not fair, is it, with everything else we have to deal with.  I sure to hope you feel better very quickly.
My hubbie had shingles once, said it was the most painful thing he has gone through.  Hang in there, and hope it runs its course quickly.  I have an aloe vera cream that is great is supposed to treat shingles.  If you would like info, send PM.

Sorry it hurts so bad.

Neither of my kids have had chicken pox.... is that a good or bad thing?
I am not sure that this is true, but I was told that shingles are contagious? 
I hope that you get relief soon. Yes, they are. When I was pragnant with my daughter, my MIL could not be around me, because I could get them from her. And when she got them after my daughter was born, MIL had to stay away from my daughter, because it would cause her to have chicken pox. So every time MIL gets a case of the shingles she just stays away from my kids until they are gone so they will not come down with chicken pox.
At least that is how MIL explained it to me.
joonie - did your kids get the chicken pox vax? They didn't have it when my kids were little and all 3 got them. I'm not sure I think the new vax is a good thing...Yeah they both got their vax. I remember I got chicken pox and then measles when I was a kid. when my best friend's daughter came dowm with chicken pox, I ran my children over to her house to play and share germs and it didn't work. When their cousin had them, we did the same thing and kids caught it one after the other. (this was before the vaccine)
When I last saw my primary, he had a poster up for a vaccine for shingles, it was called something starting with a  z or v   zostrex or vostrex, something like that.
