Maybe my weekend will be better | Arthritis Information


So... I called RD's office some time this week, and asked for some thing for a flare. I figured it would just get lost or go unanswered like my other messages and requests to make pain go away. RD's office and staff is a little unorginized. Most of her staff she had when I started going to her, August '06, are now gone except a few of them. They have new staff every time I visit her and half of them do not even know what they are to be doing. They all "share" jobs. One does a job if the other is busy and they do not really have specific jobs it is just help where it is needed.

I called figured it would get lost or not answered then, today since my fingers are bad again, I decided to call the pharmacy to see if they had a call in for me. To, my surprise they did! BUT the RX instructions were not clear for the pharmacist, so they have to call and get the instructions right. Which probably will not be done by today, or maybe it will be.
I just need a break from this swelling, pain, and stiffness.
Oh and the pharmacy said I had a prednisone RX ready to be picked up, so... it is probably the same one the instructions were not clear. So... it sounds like I have been RXed a pred taper for my flare. WoooHoo!!
I like the ole pred taper! 2 weeks of feel good! And one week of all symptoms returning slowly and then back to where I started. I'm  sorry you are having a hard time right now. As much as we all hate taking prednisone - I hope it brings you some relief so that you are able to enjoy your weekend.
Oh I am one of the few people who like prednisone. I know I am not to, but with or without it I am doomed. At least with pred the pain is much less. Oh joonie- I love your attitude. No matter what life deals you - you always deal with it without crying boo hoo. You are one tough lady.
How you are going to survive no tv with your kids....I'm pondering that one.
Hope you get some relief from your aches and pains!
I got a pred taper!!! I will be feeling good and doing good for 2 weeks or a little longer now!
I am flaring non-stop because of the rain storms we are having. The rain really messes with me and messes me up for a few days. I have not had time to recouperate from the last flare from the rain.
But now, my fingers should work a little better and not be painful when I touch stuff. And I should be able to walk a little better too! YAY!!
I will be on 30mg of pred for 3 days, then 25 for 3 days, then 20mg for 3 days, then 15mg for 3 days, then continue with my regular 10mg. When I get to the 20mg is when my symptoms begin to return. Yay I am happy you are going to get relief!yay!!  some good days ahead!!
I too hate pred... but for those of you who get great relief from it.. I am happy for YOU!!
what? no TV?????
Yep, I took my first 30mg yesterday evening, and I was just so tired, that I went to sleep and slept almost all night and all this morning. But I did wake up feeling much better and to much less swelling, which is always a good thing for me!
I can touch my fingers to the palm of my right hand when I woke up. First thing I done when I woke up was to see if my fingers were better and they are! I can even make a fist!
My right leg/thigh/hip area pain is almost nil. I have a little bit of twitching on the outter side of my knee, but it always does that.
So.... the pred is doing it's job!
Now... I am off to go with MIL to hunt down daughter some school uniform clothes and the rest of her school supplies.
joonie2008-07-26 10:36:38


Glad it's working!We had rain storms today and this evening and I did not even have the normal pain and problems I was having from the rain. I was even walking as normal as I am going to get. I was not creeping along in the stores. I still had to seek a bench or 2 while shopping, but I was not in pain, just my left ankle kept getting stiff on me from standing up without moving for a while.
Today was a good day... this is one of those days that gives me hope that one day I will be like this almost  all the time and I can return to work. I have thought about trying to be on high dose prednisone all the time just so I can go back to work, but I do not think my RD would go along with it. She is more than sure I could return to work if I ever can stay on Remicade long enough and get my pulse down.
She has mentioned Orencia to me, but that is every month. And hubby does not have enough vacation days (10) in a year to to be running me up there every month and then for the rest of my Dr appts.
When I woke up this morning... probably TMI.... I went pee and I peed and peed and peed. I was thinking to myself... How much did I drink before I went to sleep? Then I reviewed my rememories and nope, just enough to take my night time meds. Then today while I was in the car going to buy daughter's school uniforms with MIL, I was thinking about it. And then it hit me! It was all the inflammation I had that I was peeing out! I mean that inflammation has to go some where right?
Well... tomorow and a another should be good days. Oh ya'll will know when it starts to come back

I hope one day you can work outside of the house if it would make you feel whole again.

Humm... the real question would be... can you get to the phone before your 3 year old picks it up?  The answer to that varies from day to day.
I loved working. I hated taking maturnity leave. But I was having a hard time. Then I never returned because my RA got a little worse after having her. Then I just stayed home with her because I did not need to work.

Joonie- I made out bound calls only. But having a 3 year old who may be carrying on in the back ground might present a problem..... When my kids were little and I answered my husband's business phone & our employees check in to tell us they are at the job. It is part time evening work so it starts at 4 PM. All the kids had to go to their rooms for 2 hrs. It was called 4 o clock time LOL! They were too unruly downstairs and I didn't want them to know I worked from home.

Joonie, what if you learned to drive and got a license?  Then you could drop your hubby off at work and keep the car and take yourself to your appointments?