good god! | Arthritis Information


I woke up in the middle of the night with MAJOR stomach cramps - in my upper tummy area and it was as sore as early labour - i was throwing up for ages (which was horrible and there was definatley something horrible in my stomach) because the pain went when i'd finished throwing up.  This happens to me quite a lot - it stared when i was pregnant - I used to wake up at night with this sore upper tummy, and chills and sometimes vomiting - this is when all this joint pain started too - weird or what?!? Julie,  Your stomach pain and your flares may be caused by stress and/or hormones.  Can you get a doctor to give you something to calm down?  I think that is what you need most right now.  Then you can deal with a diagnosis.  Go to your gp and let him/her know how you cannot function because you are so worried.  We worry about you mostly because of how stressed out you are.  I know that you will be able to deal with an ra diagnosis but this stress will tear you up for sure.  Please Julie.  Get some help.  I did. 