OT - Love My Wii Fit | Arthritis Information


I had been wanting to start exercising more often for a while, hoping it might eventualy help with the fatigue and pain, but never could quite get motivated. My husband talked me into buying a Wii back in March and the whole family has loved it. This past weekend, he bought me the Wii Fit after I had hinted around at wanting it. It was a costly investment but I really think it will be worth it. I love doing the yoga stretches. Even if I'm having a bad day and not up to the areobic type exercises, I feel a little better after stretching. I've been doing it 30 min. a day for almost a week. I figure since this pain, fatigue, etc looks like something I'll be dealing with longterm, it couldn't hurt to try and keep my body in good shap now incase that becomes harder in the future. Just thought I would share!Someone else here has that too...lorster maybe? I would like to find an exercise I would enjoy...we have Wii...  I'll have to see about the Fit program.

Thanks for the idea...
I just ordered Tai Chi DVD's..
I need to get back into shape!!!!!!
I have the wii fit too.  And, am loving it.  You can do as much or little as you feel you are able.  The best part is that it really doesn't feel like you are excercising.  It is actually fun!!!the mantra in RA is "use it or lose it"  so keep at it.  just be careful if your jooints hurt for longer than 2 hours post exercise you've done too muchMy daughter just bought one, she loves it too but she's sore from doing lunges (did I spell that right?). Says her dog sits and watches everything she does with the Wi!I have a Wii and am waiting for the store to get a Wii fit in. So far i've missed finding one.  We purchased a fit board a few months ago and I love mine too. I have been checking in to weigh almost daily as well as doing the balancing and stretch but have been doing outdoor activities for aerobics. I love how it will keep track of your weight/BMI as well as you can log your daily activity. It is a very good incentive for those that are having trouble getting motivated. The initial investment is pricey, but worth it in terms of health benefits. I cannot for the life of me, get that one balance exercise where you hit the soccar ball with your head. Anyone else having trouble with that one?Lorster, I am an expert at getting beaned in the head with cleats!! I can't do the soccer one to save my life!I can't do the soccer one either.  I quit even trying.  Too frustrating.  My 13 yo nephew, who plays soccer, tried it and did it so easily!  He would just pick up one foot and lean.  I don't know how he does it though.  I can't do it, even after watching him!Has anyone got the new wii fit fitness game? cannot remember what it is called. Love my fit board. Just want some feedback. I've been wanting to get the wii fit but is it really worth the cost?
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