MTX and liver function | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

   I have a question about Methotrexate and liver function values.  I've been on MTX and Remicade for 5 1/2 years and all has been well.  In the past, if the ALT liver function value has risen slightly, the doc has reduced the amount of MTX for a week or two, and then it lowers.  Then I go back to the regular routine.  I'm on a pretty low dose of MTX, just 7.5 mg/week. 

   The normal range is 5-35 units/L.  (of course i know nothing about what that really means...just that that's the normal range.).  In June my value came back high, at 46.  Doc took me off of MTX all together, and two weeks later, I tested at 78! Why?  She had me do an ultrasound to make sure the liver was okay and continue to stay off the MTX altogether.

   My results have now come back even higher!  96.  However, the ultrasound shows no problem with the liver.  I am to continue without the MTX and will do blood tests again in two weeks, and a full blood panel, although everything else has come back fine a few weeks ago when i had it.

   Has anyone had this happen?  What did they do about it? 

Thanks for any insight. 


Hi Sue,
I just barely started MTX and I am also taking 7.5mg. So I will go for first blood work in 5 weeks and can't help you to much there. I hope you will be able to get our problem sorted out though.

someone once told me it could be a virus affecting your levels..

oh wait.. I just read that it could even be strenuous exercise!  any way you may have done that prior to a test?
I wish you the best!!!
babs102008-07-26 11:18:23I have been on mtx since 1986.  The few times my alt/spgt numbers have been elevated my doc has adjusted my meds and labwork returns to the normal range. 
Are you taking any supplements or anything?  Let your doc know if you are, sometimes we forget to mention over the counter  drugs, or vitamins or supplements.
Good luck, hope this all gets sorted out.  Take care.
not all liver problems show up on an ultrasound
are all your other metabolic tests running normal
Do you still have a gallbladder? If your gallbladder isn't functioing correctly your liver enzymes can go up. If you had an ultrasound of the liver, they should have seen gallstones too if you have them. You can have just plain ole' dysfunction without having stones. Liver enzymes also go up if you have hepatitis and sometimes if you are a heavy drinker.