I need pain relief while pregnant | Arthritis Information


Sorry to trouble you again.

I have established that i cannot take the sulfasalazine or the diclofenic because i am pregnant.

But my doctor has said i can take the codeine phosphate!..I am unsure because i do not want to harm my unborn baby.

Please please help me, i am in so so so much pain, i can barely walk even as far as the toilet!! alexi2008-07-26 12:13:53Oh, I hope you feel better!  How far along are you?  I thought that symptoms somethimes got better during pregnancy.  I would talk to my doctor, but I have had 2 children and am hoping to have another one/my last one in the near future and in my personal opinion I wouldn't take anything stronger than a tylenol but that's just me.  Hope to hear you are feeling better soon!reegie, i do feel the same about the pain relief side but i just feel like i need something!!  But i just don't know what.
I am only 6 weeks pregnant and i know i can go into partial or full remission by the time i reach my second trimester..Lets just hope thats correct information, huh? Good luck for you, getting pregnant. That part of it is fine for me. Other than sore breasts, i have no symptoms. I was pregnant a few years back.  Unfortunately it ended in a miscarriage (I was 36 at the time and also had been using the hot tub and sauna alot before I knew I was pregnant).  My rheumatologist said that if I had a need for pain relief while pregnant, I could take tylenol, occasional vicodin, and corticosteroids if needed.  Definitely talk to your doctor. Go ahead and take what your doctor has prescribed. I work in the ER, we give pregnant people pain medication all the time. The only time pain meds would have a drastic effect on the baby is if you took it just before delivery, the baby's respiratory drive can be effected then. However, pregnant women get pain meds while laboring (thank God!).Thank you for your advice.

I feel like if i don't take anything tonight it will have a worse affect because the pain is stopping me from sleeping too!!

I think as long as i am not taking it ALL the time, i should be ok.

Of course please check with your doctor but I thought prednisone was okay.  May be worth seeing if your insurance or something will cover accupuncture?  Maybe try those heat wraps they are selling now?  Fingers crossed that you go into remission!!I'm not big on pred but during a pregnancy even I would think about it for a flareHope you feel better soon! Being pregnant should be a happy time-- sorry the RA is complicating things!congratulations!!

I  hope you find relief.. I have NO idea what to say about this.. since I was never in much pain when PG.
I was diagnosed as a teen so I had to come off the ra meds to become pregnant. Of course...flare city. I never had a remisson. I was under a ton of stress during pregnancy (divorce-fun) so I took pred. to manage most of the swelling and pain. There is a side effect of pre-term labor. My son was born 6 weeks early-but he was healthly. We don't know if it was the pred or not since I was a preemie, my sister was a preemie, and her son was also a preemie. We are just really efficient in my family--who needs nine months? Anyway, trust what the dr. told you. Was it you RD who mentioned it? If you are really unsure, check with your OB. Being in pain causes stress and high blood pressure---also not good for the baby. You gotta take care of yourself and that will help your little one.

Congrats on the baby. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Most people do go into remission. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!I first had RA pain after my second child , I was dx and had never felt so much pain.  I can still remember my mother saying to me, that the doctors were stupid as there was no RA in our family.  When I fell pregnant with my 3rd child the pain went, I never thought any more about it until 4years ago my mother died and two weeks after I woke with pain in my neck, which was the start of RA again. So all these years (20) I was in remission.  I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!! I don't know how you mothers out there do it with RA. you are my hero'sI took prednisone during the first trimester of my pregnancy and it helped me enormously.  My doctors said that taking prednisone early on is generally no problem - they just don't like you to be on it late into the third trimester, although some people have to be.  I went into remission like clockwork when the second trimester hit - I wish the same for you!  Things started flaring again towards the end of the third, but I managed without meds until the birth.
Good luck to you!  If prednisone isn't the answer for you, I'm sure there must be something you can take.  What does your doctor say?
First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy!
Make sure all your doctors are informed on what each is saying and everyone is agreeing on your treatment. Even if you have to go back and get copies of their notes, make your own copies and make sure all the docs are getting them. I too, have heard that the 1st trimester is the worst. Do you have all over pain or is it in specific areas? I know Diclofenac now comes in a patch and it can be cut to fit specific areas. I used them for a bit - they are very new on the market and my Rheumy wanted me to try them.
Best wishes sweetie, and keep your eye on the prize... the precious baby at the end If your ankles are bothering you, try a deep foot bath.  I use a big plastic bin to soak my feet when they're hurting; it's about 15" deep so there is plenty of room to soak the ankles too.  I use dead sea salts, epsom salts, and/or some fragrant aromatherapy salts.  It's a bit challenging moving it around once it's filled, so I usually use a smaller bucket to fill it in place, and then also to empty it when I'm done. Alexi, how old are your 3 boys?  That must be draining in itself much less being pregnant!  My are 4 and 2 and they are a handful I can't imagine having 3.  How exciting that you are almost into your 2nd trimester, I hope that you will get some relief before then.  Keep us posted!My 3 boys are nearly 12, just 4 and a 2 year old.
They are my life and they are very boisterous.
It can be very hard work but it is also very rewarding. One is a serious drama queen and throws the mother of all tantrums....... Oh I hear you on the 4 and 2 year old!! They are also my life, it is hard work with ra but I wouldn't be as strong as I am without them.  Your 12 is probably pretty decent help for you most the time, hopefully.to be honest, 12 yr old is a star...he is currently having a break in scotland for 6 weeks....bless him ( although he does complain alot....lol)
I admit that without my boys, i definitely would not be as strong, like you said. They make life worth living.=, don't they?
They sure do!!
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