POLL - bruising and/or prior sickness | Arthritis Information


Hillhoney and Cah got me thinking so I thought I'd run a poll.  Just place your answers to the following questions in the reply box to play along. 

Are you a bruiser or non-bruiser prior to RA and has that changed since RA?
Were you sickly or never sick prior to RA and has that changed since RA?
Me -
Bruiser - still bruise easily.
Sickly - not sickly because I'm on AP (go figure) but did get sick past 2 winters one time.
Edited to explain sickly comment
Pip!2008-07-27 15:00:36Bruise when there is just cause before & after
Super Healthy before & after. SSH! It was my bragging of such that landed me with such a horrific onset of RA overnight!
Bruised before and after RA.  Very rarely was sick before Ra and very rarely sick now...always have bruised, now it seems to be more sensitive.
hardly ever sick. before Ra or after.
Bruised before and after, sick a couple times a year but I have 2 small children who bring home a lot of stuff and I don't catch most of it. Never bruised before RA, but bruise very easily now.  Looks like I fell off a train! 
Was rarely sick before RA, except for a hysterectomy and gallbladder removal.
GG2008-07-27 16:19:23Don't forget - aspirin and NSAIDs increase the tendency to bruise. Don't forget the fish oil and some other alternative therapies you are using that can make you more prone to bruising.
I don't bruise easily before or after RA dx and I take NSAID and Fish Oil.  I have noticed in past 10 years, very little illness. It seemed when the kids were little, I was always ill.
I am covering with bruising, most of my life.  The slightest touch bruises me.
Rarely sick, but when I do its big: scarlet fever, a flu 20 years ago that put me in the hospital and almost killed me.  Haven't had a cold in probably 30 years, nothing, just autoimmune which doesn't protect me anymore so why I don't get sick is a mystery to me. 

Bruiser- Never before or after.  ( I am also very fair skinned and light haired like snow owl, another reason I find this odd)

Sickly- No- only sinus infections and I rarely get those anymore. That is really the only thing I can think of. I have never had strep or ear infections or any of that stuff that goes around with little kids. Besides the RA I was a healthy child and now I don't get sick and I am a teacher. 

I have always bruised easily.
I wasn't as sick before I had RA. seems after I have had more health issues colds, flu, everything under the sun.

Bruise easily before and after RA
Not sick much before RA - a few head colds, but that was about it.   Still pretty healthy after RA, except for having the flu hit me this spring.

not a bruiser before or after

never sick before or after and that includes all the years I've been on the heavy hitters-I've been on all of the biologics

I was always sickly as a kid, and still to this day tend to get the latest and greatest viruses.

never a bruiser before or after

sickly not before only went to the doctor 1 time in 23 years and that was for volunteer fire department physical, i was perfectly healthy until this just up and hit me out of the blue. i have still just had one cold it last 2 years so i dont think i am to sickly. other than the ra itself. hope everyone has a nice evening.
I'm not an easy bruiser but when I get one, it tends to stay forever. I played women's rugby in college and I was never covered in bruises, but the ones I had were good ones.

I haven't ever been really sick. I teach middle school and I am around things all the time so I have become immune to alot of things going around. I was sick alot the first year of teaching but that is a rite of passage. Once you catch their viruses, you won't get them again.I am not a teacher, but during the school year I am at our school quite a bit.  Also, where I work, we share workstations out in the hardware lab when we're doing system testing.  It's not uncommon to be crawling around on the floor hooking something up one minute, to using the keyboard/mouse the next minute.  Not to mention the fact that our company doesn't understand the value of kleenex, so people just tend to sneeze into their hands and keep on typing.  I try to keep kleenex around, but it tends to disappear rapidly.  The snotty people like me tend to always keep kleenex in our cells (oops! I mean cubicles) but the I-never-get-sick types end up grabbing whatever kleenex they can find when they come down with the sniffles at work. Not a bruiser before or after.
Was a sick kid and always caught weird stuff. Like when I went fishing in FL when I was 12 I sat on a dead log and woke up with red squiggly lines under my skin. Dr here in IL had no idea what it was and took several hours to figure it out. It was "creeping eruption" which is a tropical fungus you can get from sitting on dead logs. I burrows in your skin and lays eggs. EWWW!!! I have/had allergies all my life. Pneumonia, pericarditis, pleurisy, strept throat, bronchitis, appendicitis, just to name a few ailments and this was before and after ra. Now I need a hysterectomy. Bummer!
What part of Illinois?  I'm up in the Chicago suburbs. Always a bruiser.  Used to always get strep throat, since RA I really don't get sick.  *hope I'm not jinxing myself*   Bruising is a lot worse since all the meds.....And perhaps I'm more aware of germs now, I use wipes to wipe down shared phone/computer keyboard/fax at work when I have to use it, etc.  Some coworkers think I'm just paranoid, but I don't get sick and they do!
I feel left out! I cannot participate! *runs to the corner and cries*
I can tell you this much...
I hardly ever get sick now or catch anything going around.
I hardly ever bruised until now, with starting biologicals. And my bruises last for weeks!
I still have crop circles on abdomen from when I done the first 24hr holter monitor in March! I now have 3 sets of crop circles on my abdomen from the leds? The round sticky things that they hook you up to. I got my 3rd set from when they tried to do the TEE. It seems my skin does not like the adhesive and causes my skin to turn a brown color. Yep.
Bruised easily before, worse after with Pred.  Never sick before.as stated in previous thread.
For the last 5? years, I've had nothing.. no colds.. no flu.. no viruses...
Bruising.. never bruised... really had to whack myself badly to get a bruise.
NOW?  I've had more infections since starting MTX and enbrel ... I've had strep.... sprained my ankle four weeks ago getting into my truck and BOY did it bruise!!! gross colors and all the way down to the bottom of my foot!  UGH ich, yech...gross... looked like I was going to bleed out of the foot... colors are just fading.
ETA: I had a HORRIBLE painful resistant to antibiotic infection of my bladder/kidney 6 1/2 years ago.. trigger anyone/??
babs102008-07-28 06:13:23Never been a bruiser but if I get bruises now, they get really ugly.  Don't get sick a lot because I have been taking precautions for a long long time.  When I do get sick though, it seems to last forever.  The last cold I had lasted for 10 weeks.wasnt a bruiser before, now  if you look at me hard I bruise.
 I wasnt exactly "sickly" as a kid.. in between illnesses I was fine, but I got a lot of things like scarlet fever, strep, measles, mumps, chicken pox,  migraines, lung problems, asthma, pleurisy, bronchitis..
 that sounds sickly doesnt it.. but you know what I mean..
even when I got cardiomyopathy I was seldom sick unless I was actually in the hospital in cardiac ICU..
now I'm dragged out, but dont get colds, or flu etc.. except these damn shingles..
I didn't bruise too bad be for Ra, but boy I do now.
Iseldom got sick before,other than your typical RA crap, not really sick now
Pip -- this is really intersting to read.
Bruising - bruised easily before RA; much worse now -- always have large purple marks on my legs
Sick - rarely sick before RA (some issues with cold sores); no colds or flu since starting plaquenil and minocycline
OK - the results are in -
Bruisers (11) to non-Bruisers (13)
Sickly (6) to not-sickly (18)
Wow - this is definitely different from the last poll where I swear we were 50/50.
And I don't see why it's not adding up correctly.  Everybody only said one answer except Joonie who could only answer the bruising question.
Somebody want to double check me?  Me and math aren't friends.
Math is not my friend either but maybe different people responded this time?
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