Curious - those of you on injectables | Arthritis Information


If you have small children, how do you ensure that the kids don't mess with your meds?  I'm paranoid about meds - we keep everything locked up in a metal toolbox.  The only things that don't go in the toolbox are Rolaids, fiber tablets (the kids' plumbing sometimes gets backed up and the fiber chewables are a quick fix!), and fish oil, which goes in the fridge.  Luckily the boys have not needed an antibiotic suspension for quite some time, but even that made me nervous when it was in the fridge.  Do you keep a lock box in the fridge? well when I was on the injectible I simply showed ally the syringe and said these are for mommy's medicine and let her watch me give myself a shot..that was the LAST thing in the world she wanted..

we keep all meds in lock boxes in the kitchen up high.. but every now and then a pill will wander off and both kids will just call us and say "MOMMY.... pill on the floor!!" they wont touch them.
I was more worried about my  young adult son, and made sure ANY pain meds or  anything he could get high with was well hidden.
[QUOTE=kathy_in_wlsv]well when I was on the injectible I simply showed ally the syringe and said these are for mommy's medicine and let her watch me give myself a shot..that was the LAST thing in the world she wanted..