One Of Those Days | Arthritis Information


I was supposed to go see my 3rd RD on Thursday but found out my babysitter had to cancel so I had to call and reschedule. Now can't be seen until Aug 29 becaue doc is going out of town. On one hand that is a little better though as my oldest will be back in school so I only have to ask someone to watch one kid. We are having a bit of a cold snap today which has left me really achey. It's hard to even get my fingers to straighten. The other night I was having a really bad time and my husband was talking to me about it. He asked if I thought this was the cancer coming back or another form of cancer. I know this is his biggest fear. I told him that honestly, I thought it was RA or something similar and that I really hope this new RD will actually listen to me. On a good note, our water had been out all morning due to construction in the neighborhood and had finally come back on!I hope the new dr. will listen, too.  I'm sorry you have to wait so long, but maybe the dr. will have a cancellation before he goes out of town.  Good luck!

I am so sorry you had to postpone your RD appointment..  Perhaps another will open, as Suzanne said, before 8/29  *crossfingers*

How young are your kids?  How many do you have?  Is there any way you could bring them with you?  I don't like to bring my kids with me to doctor's appointments, but there are times when I've had to.  The last time I did it, I had strep throat all weekend.  I went to the doctor's office on Monday afternoon (soonest I could get in) and I had to take my boys with me, because they were off school that day.  We had to wait for over an hour, as the doctor was squeezing me into his busy schedule.  The boys brought their Nintendo DS's and quietly played as we waited.  My oldest is 7 and does quite well if I have to take her with. She will read a book or listen to her MP3. My youngest 4 and a social butterfly. I had to take them with me to an appt with my PCM here on base two weeks ago and she spent most of the time trying to talk to the doctor. I don't mind taking them if I am already established with a doc, but don't feel it would be a beneficial appt if they go for an initial visit. I am also hoping now that I have a months warning, maybe my husband will be able to take off and go with me. Can always use that moral support!