So. CA Earthquake | Arthritis Information


We just had an earthquake.  Centered in L.A. area but felt up north here.  5.8.  No damage.

I guess that is normal for you guys in CA??Hi Jan, glad you're ok.  The quake registered at the Mt. Hood center here in the northwest.  LindyBabs-
Yes, we do have earthquakes, but surprizingly, so do other places.
I heard it was felt in Las Vegas.  I guess they do travel.  As I remember,  there have been some even in the Northwest.
I have a cousin out in LA.  A few years back after one of the fairly big quakes, she awoke to chaos.  Stuff had fallen off the shelves; the police were evacuating her apartment building.  She had felt the quake while she was lying in bed after a night of partying, but was so drunk she thought it was just a bad case of the spins. Jas-
She must have been in the Northridge quake living in the San Fernando Valley.  That one was big.  Very big for the people over the epicenter.  I was about 10 miles away.
Pip is in L.A. I'm sure she felt it.
[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]Babs-
Yes, we do have earthquakes, but surprizingly, so do other places.
I heard it was felt in Las Vegas.  I guess they do travel.  As I remember,  there have been some even in the Northwest.
I just received a phone call from a annuity rep I deal with and he is 29 miles south of LA.. He was driving in his car from lunch and felt it.  It's only his second since he's lived there, but he said it was scarey.. driving and on a bridge!!
I'm glad you're okay, Jan..
I know other places have quakes, but not as many as CA and other Pacific ocean countries seem to.


Glad he is O.K.   I was sitting in my car and felt it.   For people new to CA they are an adjustment!!!   And people learn how to stay safe.


You guys on the Left Coast can keep your earthquakes, and I'll keep my Midwestern tornadoes. [QUOTE=JasmineRain]You guys on the Left Coast can keep your earthquakes, and I'll keep my Midwestern tornadoes. [/QUOTE]
I'll be contacting you Jas when I move to TX to learn the important things about tornadoes!!  eeeek!!
I remember one earthquake in PA.. I was about 13.. so that was eons ago I felt it down here in San Diego County, too. I was sitting in my office at home and actually felt like 2 of them. But it was either one long one or a regular one with an aftershock. This one wasn't bad down here. I've lived here all my life and have felt many that were a lot worse. But, of course, the epicenter was about 75 miles away.
By the way, my husband was standing in the kitchen and didn't feel it at all. Since I was sitting, he said I just have a sensitive butt.
Glad everyone is okay!
Well, my fella Californians, does everyone have an earthquake preparedness kit/stash  -- y'know, water, food, first aid stuff, flashlight, "manual" can opener, etc -- my sister who lives near the San Andreas fault does, me -- its on my to do list.  Hey guys!
I was in the kitchen and heard something and spent a few seconds trying to figure out if it was some car in the alley when I figured it out and yelled "Earthquake" as we'd talked about it but hubby and the baby haven't really experienced one yet.  Hubby felt one in bed last year but it was a baby one.  LOL
Anyway, I start moving into the dining room and the baby screams and runs for the bedroom and I sprint to catch her and drag her into the bathroom doorway.  Hubby is on some conference call and I hear him yelling 'earthquake' and I'm like 'this is morning so its not going to be anything' and then he jumps over the end of the couch and gets into the other doorway near us.  LOL - he was like a gazelle! 
The baby was terrified - I could feel her heart pounding in her chest and I kept saying - it's a baby earthquake, they give you drills at school about this - calm down. 
Hubbys conference is still going on and he's say 'yeah, I am in a doorway'.  LOL
It only felt like a 3.5 to me, tops but I knew it must have been bigger because my mom calls when we're in swimming class.  She said 5.8 (Northridge was 5.9 - now THAT was scary) but I found out we were 40 miles away and I guess Jan was closer.  Glad you're OK, Jan.
Guys, we came cross country in March of '06 and missed those gazillion tornados in Oklahoma to Texas by inches, it seemed.  I much prefer an earthquake in the middle of the night to that
Joy - I picked up some mini mag lights for the bedrooms - the baby was soooo bummed it happened in the AM and she didn't get to use it!  We're going to get a supply kit going soon.
[QUOTE=Joie]Well, my fella Californians, does everyone have an earthquake preparedness kit/stash  -- y'know, water, food, first aid stuff, flashlight, "manual" can opener, etc -- my sister who lives near the San Andreas fault does, me -- its on my to do list.  Glad everyone's ok. We had a earthquake here in central IL several months ago. There is a fault down in S. IL called the Madrid  and they predict "the big one" one day. We had almost 30 aftershocks. It was freaky. For one, I was lying in bed and my bed was shaking. The first one was early, early, about 2am and I slept through that one. It only lasts for seconds but it feels like forever. Hey Pip,
I am so glad you and your family are ok!!  Earthquakes are stronger at night?  How come?  I live in Wisconsin and I did not know that!
For all of those living in California, glad everyone is ok.
I was in college in Yuma quite few years back when they had an earthquake in Ca. I was in the second floor of the dorm and we could feel everything shake. We were out of there pretty quick.  I lived in Tex. when they had that big quake in Mexico. there were parts of Mcallen and surrounding cities that felt tremmors I guess you would call it.  Those that worked in the big bank building in McAllen said everything trembled. And there were reports of people saying their swimming pool water just did like a big wave thing and splashed  out of the pool. 
We don't have earthquakes in AZ (or at least that I can remember) or Tornados or much of anything like that. We do have sweltering heat and dust storms though.
I am glad everyone is okay, and it appears that there isn't any serious damage caused by this quake.  It definitely must take a unique breed to live in California!  Fires, mudslides, earthquakes, droughts, plastic surgeons - whew!
I'll stay here in Connecticut - we occasionally have a tornado or hurricane, but nothing too severe.  We might lose power during an ice storm in the winter or get a good blizzard every few years, that's about it!
Yeah, sometimes it's like the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse around here! I'd still rather live here than where there are tornadoes or hurricanes. I guess it's all relative. Just depends upon what you are most familiar with.
Yes I do have a earthquake box and have for years. I checked it this year and replaced the food and water. It doesn't take long to put one together, and it's worth it to know you have the necessities for a few days. Don't forget an extra pair of shoes! You never know when you'll have to run out without any.
They're not stonger at night; they just feel that way.  I guess it's because they wake you up from a sound sleep and you're disoriented.  And, my experience, the bigger ones happen at like 4 in the morning.  I remember Northridge was still dark when it happened but it was like 5 AM.  So, right or wrong, my thought was, 'it's in the morning, it's not gonna be that bad'.  I read something once that said they are more likely to happen at night because of cooling and warming plates.   
The funny part was my daughter checked with all her friends in her various classes and they all told her it was over 5.  She got home and was happy to tell me 'you were wrong, mom, it was bigger!'
