Appointment Tomorrow with RD | Arthritis Information


I am very anxious to see what he is going to recommend and I AM going to request that he run CRP and ESD, which haven't been run since January (they were high then) plus Vitamin D!  I will not forget!  I am also going to ask that he x-ray my wrist (none since January) to see if permanent damage is being done.  I really need to insist on that to decide how aggressive to get with this, given that MTX alone isn't doing squat.

The "good" (ha) news is that I'm not doing great.  Wrist is bad as always but my shoulder and elbow have continued to act up--they are more on and off and I want him to examine them on.  I have gotten to where if I fall asleep with my elbow bent it is hard to work it straight in the morning.  After experience with my wrist though I now know it is critical to do so each day so I don't slowly lose ROM.  And I am starting to avoid carrying anything in my right hand. 
My appointment is also at 8 am which will also be good in terms of showing symptoms.  Some of my knuckles have been red and burning recently too.  I am really worried about the winter.  I think the cold weather had a lot to do with how bad things were, although I also wasn't on Mobic at the time. 
I hope its not just one of these where he hardly examines me and I end up frustrated. But he told me that he'd try something new if MTX alone didn't work, so we'll see...
i hope you are please w/ your exam tomorrow..
Hopefully there isnt' any further damage and that your RD get aggressive enough to keep it that way!
Isn't it odd that there's usually one joint that REALLY gets you!
katie, good luck tomorrow with your appt. with RD. 8 a.m. appt tije is probably good time for him to see exactly what he needs to. I hope he will take the time to thoroughly examine  you and send you for the testing you need. Best of luck to you.
Good luck Katie and it he's brusque, go find somebody else.  OK?
Hugs and more hugs,
Katie, I can't stress how important it is to have a list when you see the RD.  Make an exact list for him and hand it to him.  Then both of you have the same list.  Keep eye contact with him and ask him all of your questions.  Remember he works for you.  I sure hope you get some answers soon.  It doesn't sound like MXT is working.  Take care and keep us posted.  Lindy 
Best of luck Katie! Please let us know how it went!  I agree with LinB about the list. I always bring them to my appointments- also a current list of my meds.
Also agree with Pip- if you don't connect with this doctor- find another. My first RD was a egotistical jerk of a woman. She kept me in the dark and barely let me ask questions. The worst part is not only did she not make me well she made me worse. When I changed doctors my life/health changed for the better in a big way.
Good luck gettin' out the door for your 8 am appt.  I'm pretty slow myself in the morning.  Ditto on the list of questions, think it helps makes the best use of your time w/the doc.  Good you know about maintaining ROM, one doesn't realize until you lose rom what limits that places on ya.  Good luck with your appt and take care.

Best of luck at your appt - stick to your guns.   It's your health at risk, so don't hesitate to press.  

Good luck and best wishes on your appt, Katie!
Set that dr straight!
I always take a list of questions and tell dr I have a list and then we start from there.
take care and keep us posted
[QUOTE=LinB]Katie, I can't stress how important it is to have a list when you see the RD.  Make an exact list for him and hand it to him.  Then both of you have the same list.  Keep eye contact with him and ask him all of your questions.  Remember he works for you.  I sure hope you get some answers soon.  It doesn't sound like MXT is working.  Take care and keep us posted.  Lindy  awww, sorry I missed you before your appt Katie. I hope it goes well. Stick to your guns and insist on what you want done. Come back and let us know how it went!
Good Luck Katie and keep us posted..hiking_galWell, besides the fact that I didn't see the doctor until 8:45, it was a great appointment.  Here is what happened:
1. He is going to switch me to injectable MTX. He thinks maybe I'm not really getting the drug orally in sufficient doses because of metabolism or whatever.  I am going in on Monday morning to learn to give myself the shots--any tips?
2. He see me back in 2 months.  If we see results, great.  If not, we will have to consider whether biologics are worth the risk, particularly since it's only really bad in 2-3 joints, and I have young kids (=sick all the time in winter).  He will plan to x-ray my wrists regardless then as well to get an idea of how much damage has occured in one year to help with decision making.
3. He is putting me on a 6 day dose pack for my elbow and shoulder (which were really bad this am).  He would have given me a shot for my shoulder but I have a client meeting this afternoon.
4. I suggested running ESD and CRP again and he agreed.  That will be done.
5. I suggested Vitamin D and he said that was a good idea.  Unfortunately (and he told me this) to get the insurance to cover the test he had to dx me Vitamin D deficient (at least on my paperwork today).  Silly (he thought so too).
6. I am on Ferrex but my red blood count number thing was 11.6 last time.  He is worried and trying to decide about colonoscopy.  I just started birth control again which might make my peroids lighter so we will continue to monitor for 2 months.  If it is still bad then I am looking at a GI referral to look for GI bleeding.  My B12 was high though and folic acid was fine.  Iron saturation was 14.  Not sure what that means yet.
Gotta get to work, will write more later.
yay for good appointments!

Forgot to mention that because my non-red blood cell counts are so high he thinks the low hemoglobin has nothing to do with MTX or RA.  He is just seeing it because he's doing monthly blood draws.  Although I wonder about Mobic.  Seriously, if they take Mobic away from me, typing/writing becomes a huge issue which would create huge issues in my life.  I would probably go on pred though or actually we have a really awesome dictation system now that would make things pretty easy...

Glad it was a productive appointment! seems like you were able to have a meeting of the minds this time.
Good luck with the MTX as an injectable! If it works without the prednisone you would be better off.
sounds like it was much better than you had expected.. Glad to hear that..
I hope the injections work for you!
