Here we go again! Diet and diet! | Arthritis Information


Guys, if you remember I told you about the benefits of red wine and resveratrol, Mediterranean diet. When I was taking resveratrol and stuck with healthy diet (fish, olive oil, hummus, pesto with basil and nuts, veggies,etc) I managed even to go off medication for 16 days (no drugs at all excepting synthroid for my thyroids). I felt great, no pain, a little stiff in the morning but it was for a few minutes. Then I listened to you and resumed taking drugs. Well, it is over 100F here in Texas now, and I got a little sick with cold, I almost recovered now. I stayed home for 3 days and did not want to go outside, watched movies, took it easy. Well, I didn't have much food at home excepting sandwiches (my son's food. I thought I can eat what my son is eating (bread, turky, eggs, ham etc)I also have a habit not to take drugs every day (skip a day or two). I did sip on red wine but didn't take resveratrol. My flare up started yesterday evening which is very unusual,because before I felt the worse in the morning. This morning I have all joints hurt: knees, feet, hands!
I always think what I DO DIFFERENT when I have my flare up. This time: plaquenil was skipped, totally different diet, no resveratrol but I took fish and flaxseed oil, ArthriZen (herbs)and SULFASALAZIN. Sorry for long message. It is such a big difference in how I feel depending on what I eat. I hope my experience will help somebody. :) Hugs to all of you!Forgot to tell you. I felt so well that I started put milk in my coffee again. This is the other thing which was different.Pepper -

You need probiotics with sulfasalizine - my opinion.
Hope you feel better.
Do I need prescription? What is the name of the drug?
Sulphasalizine functions as a really, really, really mild antibiotic.  Kind of like a nephew twice removed.  LOL
Not a drug - you can get it at Whole Foods or any other vitamin store.  Get the refrigerated kind.  As you kill off good gut bacteria with meds you need to add them back in.  75% of our immunity resides in the gut.  Kill the good stuff off and you will ONLY get worse. 
Get as many strains as possible and as many 'live cultures' in one pill.  Start slow as it can cause bloating and gassiness when beginning.  It's your body getting confused at getting what it needs to process your food correctly.
PS - it's probably the gluten and the dairy if you have food allergies.Any brand name? What would be the name any way? Is it called Probiotic?I use Solaray Multdophilus 12 as that seems to work best for my body.  Whole Foods pushes Jarrow with FOS but that did nothing for me.  Others swear by it.  Go figure.  You can tell when its working by when your BM's regulate and you don't get constipated or too loose.  I swear, I'm the only person on the Internet talking about BM's!  Once you get regular and don't radiate between the two - you can experiment. 
Probiotics are in foods naturally but I don't think, by the time we come down with this stuff, that it's enough to replenish a system that's really out of whack.  The usual place to get it is yogurt but nowadays they've pasturized it - killing off the good stuff - and then add it back in.  And they only use one strain (acidophilous usually) and your gut is made up of waaaay more strains than that.
OK - really, now, I'm leaving (posted to Suzanne and Jas) - LOL
Thank you. I will try. My grandmother made her own yogart and it was all she ate for a long time. She was too religious to got to doctors- Russian Orthodox. She made it till 78 with a lot of health issues without any drugs. She died walking up the stairs after working in her garden (she had a heart failure). 78 is not too long but if you think she lived without medical attention and never took any drugs then it is not bad.