Injectable MTX | Arthritis Information


I just need tips on the shot.  They are going to (try to) teach me on Monday.  What should I expect?  Also, are any side effects better/worse?

Hi Katie,
I inject mtx, or actually my cousin injects me, as after 31 yrs of RA my fingers aren't so nimble.  I've been on mtx since 1986, first pills, then switching to injectable a few years ago after problems with my stomach (the result of years of taking naprosyn, trilisate and other oral RA meds)
My cousin had never given shots, but now is a pro at loading the syringe and administering the shot.  It doesn't hurt me, the needle is a fine gauge (25??) and I get them in my thighs (one advantage in having fat thighs) and I experience no stinging.  The shot is given at an angle, like 45 degrees, you can pinch the skin, area for shot, of course swipe w/alcohol wipe, I'm sure the nurse will go over all that.
I inject .6 cc, which is more effective than an equivalent oral amount, since you're avoiding going through the stomach.
I take my mtx shot the same day I take an enbrel shot, so sometimes I can feel tired the next day.  I try to make a point of drinking plenty of water on that day, for me it seems to help.
My insurance does not cover injectable mtx, though it covers mtx pills, go figure, but a month supply of injectable mtx runs me about , and needles and syringes are pretty cheap.
Oh, mtx may cause you to be more sun sensitive, decades ago before RA and all these meds, I could easily tan and not burn, but now on these RA meds, I burn, get red, so I just take precautions, sunblock, wear a hat, seek the shade.
Good luck, I hope the injectable mtx helps ya feel better.  Let us know how you're first shot goes.  Take care.
Ditto to all of the above.  I use injectable and inject in thigh. No pain.  Let the alcohol dry or there will be a little sting from the wet alcohol when you inject.  LindyYep, ditto.  I found the injections to be much more effective, however, I started getting an annoying side effect of acne-like blisters that I didn't get with the pills, and sometimes cold sores, but you shouldn't have that problem if you didn't previously have a history of them. 
So I'm getting some bad with the good effects.   I think overall you'll find you're getting much more "bang for your buck" and feel better overall.

Thanks everyone!  I did get cold sores in my mouth at first, but the folic acid has helped it so far.  My stomach is fatter than my thighs but thighs sort of sound less scary.  Although inner thighs have some fat going on.  But the rolls are in the stomach I must have missed an earlier post about what went down at your appt today. I don't know about the injections. I'll go look for your first post.Katie, same with me. A very easy injection though I don't think the goal is fat, as its a sub Q (under the skin). I rotate since I also take Humira. Make sure you have an alchohol swab and band aides. I usually lay everything out on a papertowel to make sure I don't forget anything. I open the band aid and open the swab. Swab on the area and swab on top of its package in case I mess up or forget where I swabbed. Open cap of vail, open package with needle, put needle straight into vial and pull liquid. Make sure you know the dose and pull past that level. Squirt a bit out to get rid of air, watch out its yellow and can stain--hence the papertowel. Put needle into bunched skin and pull plunger to make sure blood doesn't enter, push stuff into body. Put on band aid.Hi Katie,

I inject in my stomach but I don't inject MTX, I inject insulin about 5 to 6 times a day.  It doesn't hurt at all.  Remember, the first shot is the hardest; after that, it's routine.  Good luck to you, Hiking_gal
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]I must have missed an earlier post about what went down at your appt today. I don't know about the injections. I'll go look for your first post.[/QUOTE]
me too... BRB
I did inject for about 4-5 months and seemed to have difficulty each week  - I think my problem was either the wrong size needle guage or I just didn't do the jab very well.  Once my dose went down to 20mg, I asked to go back on oral.   I don't seem to have the same effect on oral, so I agree that inject may be more bang for your buck.  My next appt is in September and as much as I dislike it, I may switch back to inject.   I do enbrel (sureclick) fine, but that mtx inject just wasn't my cup of tea.   
So, long answer -  but to shorten it, make sure the needle guage is correct and learn the jab.  Best of luck - hope it brings you more relief than the oral dose.
I will be brave!  I am going to JAB.  Something about jabbing into rolls of belly fat makes it seem easier. I hate those rolls, so I will JAB them! :)
I was on 20 mg oral.  And RD has also prescribed 20 mg injectable.  Is that normal?
I was on 20 oral and was switched to .8 which I believe is the equivalent to the 20 mg., but I'm not sure.  Then I was dropped to .6 because of side effects, although I was getting better benefits from the higher dose. 
Don't worry about it.  You'll be fine.  Not long ago I was stressing about the same thing and others said it would be OK, and it was.  Just a little adjustment period is needed, that's all and then you'll be used to the whole procedure.  I hope you get the increased benefit you're looking for.  I'll bet you do!
Thanks!  I'm still in the pity party "I have to give myself a shot" phase.  It's really not a huge deal but my family thinks it is.  None of them are diabetic though, that puts things in perspective!  But if that stuff actually works I will be SO excited!!!  I am so tired of not being able to hold my 18 month for very long (and if he doesn't want to be held and struggles, he knows that there is nothing I can do but put him down, which can be very problematic sometimes in public)