GP today possible thyroid prob | Arthritis Information


I went to my GP today with a checklist from with symptoms I have that would indicate low thyroid.

She agreed I should definitely be tested given the symptoms plus my father had it and my mom & brother do.
She also is testing me for B12 deficency. She took a look at my tan and said between my supplements and it I must have plenty of vitamin D.
I was up another 6 lbs since April
I mentioned that I thought my thyroid was why this weight won't come off even though I am dieting and exercising. She says thyroid has very little to do with that. She says my weight is from the prednisone.
Once you get off you are able to lose right? Does anyone have any experience with that?
I was hoping I would start some thyroid medicine and magically the weight would start dropping off....
I had a little 99 degree temperature too- I guess that is just the RA.
I'm glad you are getting things checked out.  Sounds like you have a good relationship with your doctor - that's wonderful.  Wow, I would love to have that BP!!!Have you done the  basal temperature test?
I have consistently low readings and can't find a doc here in PA who will address them.. and all my blood work comes back just at range.
oh.. I've read where you should do the test for 7-10 days.. not just three as this site suggests.Hillhoney- my doctor is great. She and I just "clicked" and I think if I had met her elsewhere we probably would have become friends. She really helped me out during my onset- getting me right in with an RD even though there was a couple months waiting list.
I have to admit- I'm on BP meds to get that great reading!
Babs- I didn't even know about the basal temperature method. My docotor said even if I'm just out of range she'll start me on medicine due to family history and my having an autoimmune disease already.
It's not going to be the magic pill that makes my weight fall off like I thought it would be though
Well it will still be good if it takes care of these other symptoms that I don't know if I should blame on RA  or thyroid.
It won't hurt to have done the basal temp chart as further documentation of the strong possibility!
I was way below the charts.. but my endo isn't "fond" (her word) of that testing criteria..
Hey there-checking in!  I had low thyroid for years before RA.  Many docs nowadays believe a normal range is between 1-3 (tsh) it used to be btwn 1-5.  It depends on how progressive your doc is.  I now know that I feel my best if my tsh is close to 2, and my doc works with me.  Good-luck.I feel best if my thyroid level is .002, more on the hyper side. For those who  are on thyroid medicine- what symptom di you have that led you to be tested? Did the medicine get rid of them?I have taken Sythroid for 13 years now. I went to the Dr after I had my first child and I was tired. Came back I had hypothyroidism. I didnt notice a difference to be honest and still dont but my lab tests come back fine nowWannabe, I take 2 different BP med's and mine isn't that good, LOL!  And I used to be a perfect 120/80 for all my life - until my thyroid disease hit.  Then everything went to hell!  Okay, you asked here is my Novela:
I had always had a "sub" temperature, but didn't know it was indicative of anything.  I just became aware of it as I was doing temperature charts to get preggers!  My normal temp. was about 97.2.  After my third child (see temp. charting works!) I never felt well.  My entire body ached and hurt, I was tired, lots of back pain.  But I just figured it came from life in general.
I lived about 7 years that way, and then started having pretty serious throat pain and difficulty swallowing.  My doctor told me it was acid reflux from a hiatal hernia, because I was overweight.  I had constant headaches and was popping Ibuprofen like candy.  My period was very heavy, and I would sometimes have it twice a month.  Then I started running a fever and doctor said it wasn't related to my throat pain.  He suggested I go see a Eye, Ear Nose & Throat doctor, which I did.  That doctor, bless his heart, immediately picked up on my thyroid being enlarged, sent me for thyroid uptake testing and ultrasound.  Yep, it was thyroiditis.
As my thyroid was attacked by inflammation, it caused all stored thyroid hormone to be released into my system.  I became hyperthyroid and couldn't walk across the room without being severely short of breath.  Then just as suddenly as that started, I went hypothyroid, as the thyroid was now inactive.  Talk about a roller coaster! 
For most people the thyroid eventually recovers - but I have never been like most people!  I've been hypothyroid now for 11 years.
I just went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago to have my thyroid checked. I went to a new GP, and boy am I glad I did. She was wonderfully understanding and didn't brush me off when I told her everything that was going on with me. She did a bunch of blood work and I got a call 4 days later letting me know that my thyroid and vitamin D levels were borderline low, and adrenal number was low as well. I started on Armour Thyroid, DHEA, and vitamin D the next day.

For the first time in at least two years, I am not exhausted beyond belief. I feel clear-headed and alert. It's only been one week since I started on the meds and I feel more like myself than I have in a very long time. I have suspected I was having thyroid issues for a couple of years or more. I've had it checked a few times and always come back within normal range. This time, even though I was technically within the normal range, the doctor saw fit to prescribe medication. I am beyond grateful. Now I have to address the extra weight that has crept on these past couple of years, but I am optimistic. Hillhoney- what a fiasco! Do you feel better on the meds even tho you are still hypothyroid?
Are you on a dieuretic with your BP meds? That's what brought mine down.
Graciesmom- glad you got good result going on meds. My doctor said the thyroid factor in very little with weight/stubborn weight.