PsA and Pregnancy | Arthritis Information


Hello, I am new to this forum and am so happy to find out I am not alone. I have been living with this disease for the past 9 years.

I have been on Humira and MTX for the past 2 years. Last October, my husband and I decided we wanted to try for baby # 2 in the Spring of the following year so I decided to come off MTX early for the required washout period (only 3 months is required but I opted to do 6 months). I stayed on Humira until the month before we started trying. It didnt take long for the pain to come back. We tried for only 2 months and I just couldnt bear the pain any longer so I asked my RD to put me back on all my meds. It just upsets me how this disease is controlling my life. I'm now on weekly Humira injections and have had 3 doses and 2 doses of MTX to no avail. I'm still in tremendous amount of pain. I dont know if it's just a bad flare up or if the medications are not working. Could anyone share their PsA and pregnancy stories? any advice is greatly appreciated.
Hi Aissa and welcome to the forum.  I can't help you with the pregnancy issues but I'm sure there's a member who can help you out.  It may take longer for your meds to kick back in.  I'm afraid you'll have to be patient to find out if they're going to start working again or work as well.   Unfortunately this disease affects every part of our life, including having children.  Take care and keep us updated on how you're doing.  LindyHi Aissa,

I thought I replied to your post already but I guess not.  Anyway, I have had 2 fine healthy girls both of whom were conceived, grown in utero and nursed while taking Enbrel.  I too was told to come off everything and after a few months of excruciating pain my husband and I decided that based on the fact that Enbrel (like Humira) is a Class B drug we would take the chance of going through the pregnancy while taking it.  We felt that we would suffer the consequences should anything adverse happen.  Well, luckily for us and our daughter, all was well.  My second daughter was born on April 29th this year and she too is fine (although she was born prematurely due to the fact that I had been diagnosed with Placent Previa and started bleeding at 33 weeks).
My OB/GYN was the one who took the bull by the horns and said 'go for it'.  Nobody else would come right out and say yes or no with regard to staying on Enbrel for the duration.  Anyway, she was wonderful and was very confident.  Then my daughter's pediatrician confirmed that Enbrel was safe to use during nursing.
So that's my story - i hope the info is helpful.  Please feel free to ask questions.
Best of luck to you.
