DEXA scan | Arthritis Information


Tomorrow I go in for a DEXA scan and was wondering if anyone could tell me just what the DEXA scan might reveal that the x-rays didn't. I know I have soft tissue swelling and bone demineraliozation. I also have a scaphoid cyst in my right wrist. (probably from a old break) There is also some degeneration in the thoracic spine. Thanks to anyone can give me any info.
A DEXA scan is for bone density, like for osteoporious. Its like a blurry x-ray. You lay on a table and they put tablets like x-rays on your spine, hip and wrist. So it tells a completely different story than an x-ray.

Here is more information.
The easiest and fastest scan I have ever had! Too bad not long enough to fall asleep LOL! I like falling asleep in them scanning machines for some reason. It is the vibrating or the sounds that put me to sleep.

Oh and with a DEXA scan you will have to hold your breath a couple of times, if I remember correctly. The machine tells you when to inhale and exhale.
It's easy as a sugar sandwich Like Bird Girl said, a dexa scan measures bone density, so you'll find out if your bones are in good shape, or if you have osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis) or osteoporosis. Depending on the results, your doc may recommend taking calcium, possibly vit D, or a osteoporosis med to build bone.   It's an easy, comfortable test, and doesn't take too long.
Thanks joonie and Bird Girl for your input.  I am hoping the cyst thing is nothing to worry about or my back either. Oh I guess I am just getting over the hill. I always said 40 for me was like the 100,00 mile on a car. You know the time when the warranty  is up and everything starts to give out. Lol  Yep that's me. It all started to go down hill at 40. 

You know the sugar sandwhich sounds really delicious. We used to eat them when I was a kid. Lots of butter, sprinkled with white sugar on wonder bread. Yum Yum.
Thanks Joie. I read somewhere today that x-rays won't show any bone loss until you are at about 30%. So I am a little concerned but will ride it out till go back to RD on the 28th.

Good Luck! Hope it comes out good! Good luck momof3! Well I am back. Had the scan and it was really no huge undertaking; although laying flat on my back for 15 minutes was not comfortable at all. I had to brace myself to get up I was so stiff.  When did it all go south??? I keep asking my self. I feel like  I need one of those Calgon take me away moments right about now.  Or maybe a sugar sandwich. Ah doggone it I don't have any sugar in the house I wander if Eaqual will do?  Bird Girl: A blurry DEXA Scan isn't acceptable and will have to be repeated. Though not intentionally, I moved a wee bit when having my second DEXA Scan and it had to be repeated.  Accurate measurements cannot be obtained if the DEXA Scan is blurred.
 *Gentle Hugs *
OMG Joonie has everyone on a sugar sandwich kick! I can guarantee you I will have to try one to try and sweeten my day up too! I will have a half (very lightly buttered with whip butter and not too heavy on the sugar) instead of my 1/2 cup of fat free icecream after dinner. After all wannnabe is complaining that she's fat!