Exercise and My Hip Pain | Arthritis Information


I was having pain in my right hip for weeks and finally I decided to get on my stationary bike and stepper.   After 2 weeks I notice the pain in my hip is gone.  I am thinking it is because I strengthened those muscles around my hip.   I just wanted to past this on in case anyone else is having hip pain that maybe a stepper will help.   I really think it was my stepper that helped the most.I know that exercise helps!!! my hips use to really bother me too. I started an walking routine, now it never hurts!!! I also have the Air climber which is a stepper. you will feel stiff and sore but your body will be getting stronger. I'm in Va too. I would love to have an Air Climber.  You are right about exercise.  I was so stiff this morning and after being on my stat. bike for 15 min. I felt much better.   I've started lifting the 3 lb. weights to help my upper body strength.   I had gotten to the point I could hardly lift a pot.  This has helped a lot.  I'm trying to get into a exercise routing before winter comes.  I really get stiff then but I'm going to exercise through the entire winter this year.  Last winter I was so weak.Aleva. I have been having the same problem with my left hip. I have been riding my new cruiser for 3 weeks now almost daily and not only is the pain better, but I sleep better at night and the pain no longer wakes me. If I skip an evening on my bike, I have the pain. If I bike, I have no pain. Not only does it strengthen, but I think it warms and stretches those muscles and prevents a lot of pain.
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