OT: Your plans for today | Arthritis Information


What are your plans to jump-start your weekend?

I have plans, but it is mostly in my head
I want to go to Montgomery to the new Micheal's craft store. Just too look around, not by. Because we would have used up the money I could have spent there on the gas to get there
So... I think I will suggest we go to Montgomery, and get my exercise! I know when we go there we will have to hit all the wal-marts in the area, the target and most of the craft store, and the mall. It should be a good trip, since I THINK I can make it thru all of them stores.
Heck! I have made it thru all of them stores before when I was in bad flares and all. It was slow going and felt like I was going to die, and all, but I saw it as my "exercise".
take a cane and use the carts...yes you need exercise but you also need to let your body heal a bit.  A full day of walking around stores will simply put your knees back to where they were 3 days agoHappy shopping! I try to stay out of the stores all together - it only makes me sad that I cant buy the things that I want (broke!)  Plus - my part time job is in retail - so I tend to only shop at my store - I get that extra 20% discount on top of the sales prices!
Either way - it would be great exercise - and it's air conditioned!
Not much planned for me this weekend. My BF and I have spent the last 2 weekends partying down in Chicago with friends - I think we are laying low - recooping some cash this weekend (LOL). Plus we need to finish working on the kitchen - have to get the new plumbing hooked up  - been without a kitchen sink for 4 months - ugh! We completely gutted the room and started from scratch - it's been a project for sure!
Here's a before photo
And an after photo
Well - actually we are a lot farther than that now....we finished putting up the cabinets - installed the countertops, faucet and dishwasher - just have to do the plumbing under the sink - hopefully this weekend it will all be over with - LOL!
Hope you all have a great weekend!

Brennaboo the new kitchen is VERY nice!
I'm trying to get through this day at work. As I said in my other post I'm feeling depressed and with that I'm feeling some anger too. I'm also fatigued today. So I already had words with my boss. He wanted me to stop in the middle of something I was doing that takes concentration and do someone elses job for them. I'm not one to tell a boss no- because I am also the employer of a PT company and I expect my employees to do what I ask them. Well today I just flat out said so & so always does it & can do it. Well don't you think you should learn how to  do it? No I said I know how to do too many things now! Then we just stared each other down LOL! I get so sick of covering for people all the time here. We are a small office and when someone is out- guess who knows how to do everything therefore has to cover their work?  Before RA I had the energy, stamina, memory, and stress resistence to handle it. Now I do not.
Oh- what am I doing today? I guess I'm ragging about everything. Sorry for the abuse. I'll shut up now.
wanttobeRAfree2008-08-01 10:35:31Nice kitchen!  And, at least it's Friday!
I am planning on taking advantage of the tax free weekend as an excuse to buy a pair of jeans that actually fit (which is hard because my legs are so short) and new shoes, etc. for my boys.  I love buying itty bitty shoes for them!  My 3 year old is alerady geared up about the play area at the mall. I think I've even convinced my husband to come with me.  Which is good because I always need some alone time with my 18 month old but I sometimes overdo it with my wrist
Buckeye - I am hesitant about using a cane because of my right wrist and how it cannot support the pressure that I might have to put on it. But I will be sure to ride the mart-carts if I am having trouble walking or hurting. I have been riding them a few times in the last couple of months. I still will not ride one from our wal-mart while the man in the wheelchair is the people greeter. I just feel bad about it for some reason. I am kinda enjoying my right leg acting right, so I will try not to hamper my progress with my stubborness.
Nice kitchen, Brenna! I kinda liked the old one, too. My kitchen is pepto pink LOL! I did not paint it that, that is how it was when we moved here.

Wannabe - I am sorry you are feeling like you are. I hope it will pass for you soon. Much hugs!

Joonie sweetie..the guy in the wheelchair is using it because he needs it..and guess what when in a big store so do you.  don't put yourself in a position of being crippled for the next week because pride gets in your way.  I understand the arm/elbow thing and the cane.  I have the same issue which means knowing when to utilize the carts is even more important.I know, Buckeye. I just cannot get myself to do it though when he is the people greeter. I just feel... I do not know the word... want to say fake. Because I know he sees me when I am doing good and bad. And I just feel really bad that I can "walk" still and he cannot. I do not know why it bothers me so much. I make it sound like I have a problem with everyone in a wheelchair that is a people greeter, but I do not. I think it might have something to do with he can do way more than I can physically and yet he is in a wheelchair. Makes me think I should not let my disability hinder my life, just like he does not let his disability hinder his.

have you ever talked to him other than to say hello?  He has made the accomadations to allow him to function..he uses the chair to work..he may be able to walk around his house.  Yes you can walk around the store but at what price.  You physically exhaust yourself, dramatically push your pain levels upward, and put tremendous pressure on your knees.  You end up in bed for a week for every trip to Wal-Mart.  I bet the guy in the wheelchair does better cause he knows when to say when.

You can't worry about what others may think.  You know what you need to do...
I have a date with Sam Adams this evening.  He and I are going to move my computer from its cramped old cathair-encrusted case to a nice shiny new HTPC case with an ultra-quiet and power-efficient 500W power supply.  Its current power supply sounds like a jet engine that just ate a chicken, and it doesn't always have enough power to spin up all the drives and run all the peripherals.  And I think it swallowed a kitten.  It looks like a persian kitten trapped in a cage. Brennaboo~~ the kitchen looks fabulous!

Joonie~~ lol we used to go the the local mall when I was a kid to do what we called "window shopping"   We'd walk the whole mall and look at every shop window and sometimes (if there was money) we'd have an ice cream cone when we were through. Not sure if I could or would want to do that now. I like buying things better than just looking.  *sad sigh*

Jasminerain~ ~ Sounds like you have night of fun waiting for you. Ah the sound of quiet a quiet computer. That Sam Adams sounds like a perfect date partner. I sure he's one cool drink.

Wanttobe~~ Sorry you had a rough day. Hope your weekend is better.

Katie~~ Tax free. Like the sound of that. enjoy your time with your family.

As for me I am going to the movies with my boys. Today we did the democratic thing, (Mom's choice) We are going to see Dark Knight.   I heard The movie is really good not to mention Christian Bale is really hot. Nothing like a little eye candy once and a while.

Have a great weekend everyone.

edited for numerous typos mom2threeinaz2008-08-01 16:16:24Well... I made it thru 2 wal-marts, Hobby Lobby, AC Moores, & Michaels! I did not even hurt one little bit until about 9pm when we were in our wal-mart standing in a VERY long line. It was only my left ankle, but it was because it got stiff from standing so long without moving. My knees no problem and I walked "normal"! I even out walked hubby and the kids a few times.
I do not think I will be paying for this weekend round trip. I was already in good standing RA wise!
Thanks for worrying about me, Buckeye. I know. Oh and no that people greeter I am talking about cannot walk, he is bound to his wheel chair.

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