Twisted ankle and questions! | Arthritis Information


Tonight I twisted my ankle and I am wondering if others have this weird sensation of your body not always having your head connected!! And vice versa. I know it was because of this that I hurt the ankle and I am assuming it is the meds as I never used to feel this way.

Have iced the ankle and strapped it but it sure is ' ouchie', I will go see the Doc if no better come Monday.
Also, does anyone else have red/bloodshot looking eyes? Looks like Im a real wino...lolol
I am assuming, again, that it is the meds. And the worst thing at the moment is that I feel my RA lurking close to the surface again, after nearly 2 months of being fine. Darnnit! My hands are feeling odd and my fingers are tingly with numb tips. Shoulders and wrists sore.
Im feeling sorry for myself. And scared again. No way will I have the Pred increased so I guess I will need to wait until I see my Rheumy on 22nd and see what he has to say after 3 months on the meds.
Thanks for listening peeps!
Lyn  xxx
LyndeeNZ2008-08-02 05:06:49Hey Lyndee,
I'm wondering if what you are describing is another way of saying you feel off balance? I notice I kind of walk into walls when trying to go through dorrways and stuff...I never thought too much about it but I was just recently told that my B12 levels are low and I've been reading up on it and that's one of the symptoms- loss of balance.
My eyes are bloodshot. I look so tired. I think I had it pre RA too- maybe not so significantly.
I dropped my pred on Monday and last night before bed my shoulders were aching and wrists and ankles extra sore too! I see swelling in my ankles and had to take off my rings.  I thought oh oh what will tomorrow bring?
I'm much better today- that's how it is! Don't be scared-things often turn around to be good again.
It's Ok to feel sorry for yourself a little bit- I had a full day of it yesterday myself!
Hope today is a better day for you!
Hi Lyndzee, you mean your head is connected to your body?  I thought mine just floated up there on it's own or so it seems.  Because of this floaty head condition and after 3 falls I'm very careful.  For some reason I courted gawkiness even before Ra and starting the meds, so I can't blame it all on them.  RA and meds has just enhanced my natural clumsiness.  This is the reason I started Tai Chi.  I thought I could become graceful and quit being clumsy.  It did help with my balance and I'm not as tippy as before. but I'm still clumsy.  I don't know about you, but for me it's a combination of naturally being clumsy, RA and medications, and just getting old.  It's a trecherous combo and I think many of us here have injured ourselves by falling, stepping off of the curb wrong, or tripping over our own feet or something else.  I have two cats who take delight in making me stumble over their furry little bodies at least once a day. 
My eyes aren't so red as sometimes watery.  There seems to be a series of eye issues with the auto immune diseases.  Since you're on Plaquenil why don't you call your eye doctor about the redness.  
I'm so sorry you hurt your ankle and I know you know what to do for it.  Hope it improves over the weekend.  Lindy 
I hope your ankle feels better today.  I have twisted mine in the past.  Sometimes they are fine come the next day other times not so fine.
I twisted mine once and it hurt but by the next day it seemed okay.  4 months down the road my foot was hurting and getting worse.  Ended up I did damage and it never really showed for a few months.  So keep that in mind.  Might not hurt to see a foot doc anyways.
Lyndee, when I first really started getting the inflammation and swelling under control, I felt off-balance in part due to the fact that my joints were looser than they had been in a while.  I think in part I had been relying on the stiffness to keep me upright and still (especially in feet and ankles).  When it was gone, my feet, ankles, hands and shoulders really felt weird - like my feet were just hanging off my ankles, or my arms were going to fall out of my shoulder sockets.  Hard to describe, but it took some getting used to! Lyndee~~ So sorry you hurt yourself. By all means I would definately go check with Dr. even if you do feel better. Better safe than sorry later I think. For me I have been  more clumbsy since RA, but I haven't fallen yet. I have just knocked over, dropped, spilt, etc.
Take care,
umm.. would you be talking to me?  who fell off the step up into my truck four weeks ago??  I felt like such a dork!!  So glad it was early in the a.m and  no one saw me!!
I swelled and my ankle got the UGLIEST colors of yellow, green, purple and dark red!! bloody ugly I tell ya!!
I always felt that I moved rather graceful before the last five years... perhaps it was all an illusion
OT a bit: Lynndee and LinB!!!  Tai Chi.. I just bought a book w/ DVD!!  I'm so there!!   RD said it was a great idea!!  Are you taking classes? or self teaching..
Good luck.  Hope it all get fixed.
Babs, am taking a class but I also have a dvd and book but I haven't used them yet.  I thought I would when we start traveling in September.  I practiced Tai Chi back in the lates 80's when I lived in S.F. and just started again recently.  I love it and highly recommend it.  Lindy