What came first? | Arthritis Information


so many of us have bad absorption of vitamins ...

makes me wonder..
what came first the chicken or the egg????
did we have poor absorption and therefore develop med issues..
did we develop med issues that have caused poor absorption??
It just seems to coincidental to me that so many of us have vitamin issues ...vit D, B-12, iron....
there must be some connection.......  yes?  no??
I'd love to hear your thoughts..
I've never had an issue with low vitamins/minerals, except for anemia during pregnancy.  It was easily corrected with OTC iron tablets, and I began feeling better within a week of starting to take them.

My bones are healthy and dense, despite eating almost no dairy products.

Of course, I'm just one data point. babs - if you looked up the digestive system and found out how large it is, and how it works sucking up every thing you injest, you would be shocked.  I am convinced that "leaky gut" and poor bowel health makes you sick, and since RA causes constipation/diarreah (also along with all our drugs), it is a chicken/egg thing.  Great thread, great observation.  Cathy I have been doing a ton of reading... perhaps that's why I had the light bulb moment.
IF we only knew which it was........  what could we do then!!  wow.
yepWhat I find amazing is that the B's and the D's as well as the adrenaline (Pred anybody?) and insulin are hormones.  I've seen research showing they also get hijacked by microbes.  I can't explain iron tho.  And that bothers me.  LOL
Am I the only person who thinks of these disease onsets as being a 'perfect storm' in their onsets?  I think there is something wrong with the 'fuel uptake' in the body  So, the malabsorbtion comes first, then the microbes either activate or get stronger and - TADA - we get this stuff.
I do think if I knew then what I know now, I might have avoided this in the first place.
ok.. how to fix the malabsorption issue??
a start??
I have always been high in Vitamin B's.  But I am having to switch to injectible MTX so I don't know if I do have some absorption issues because I also have issues with anemia (iron related).  Waiting to hear back on Vitamin D levels...Serious probiotics IMHO.  Get the good stuff - something refrigerated with as many live encapuslations and as many different strains as possible.  Some sort of transfer factor - I used Kal brand colostrum when I was first sick and stopped a long time ago but am thinking of starting up again.  I had a serious drop in pain levels in about 2 weeks when using it.  Get some doc to pull a mineral panel - check the potassium, magnesium and the calcium.  Get those ASAP if they're low.  I'm still on the fence about D but you can make your own decision. 
I know I'm forgetting something...

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