New to Forum... and RA | Arthritis Information


Hi all, my name's Stacy, I recently found out I have RA. Ive known for several years I had a problem, but no doctors I went to believed me because of my age. They said it was nearly impossible to have anything that I was describing. So, thankfully, I finally found a doctor who was willing to test me, and the results came back positive for RA. At the age of 20. I have not started any medication or therapies of any kind yet, and I'd just like to know what I'm in for here. How old were each of you when you were diagnosed? How long does it take for the disease to progress severely? I'll be on here often to read about everyone's stories and opinions... thanks! Welcome Stacy! There are several members here in your age group. I myself did not get RA until I was 47.

It's very hard to predict the kind of progression you will have with RA. I have only had it for about 8 months but I am doing a lot better now than when I first got it! I was immediately put on Methotrexate and prednisone. Again the correct method of treatment is different for everyone but you should definitely be starting some kind of treatment.
Hope you are one of the lucky ones who are able to get into a remission quickly!
Welcome to you Stacy! ! I did not find out I had RA until I was 47. Like you I had gone on awhile with symptoms but couldn't get Dr.s to listen to or believe me. It's good that you were able to finally find a Dr did listen and get you diagnosed.  It would be difficult to say how the RA will progress with you.  I have just started on the Methotrexate and placquenil and I am trying to get off the prednisone. So far the Mtx and Placquenil haven't given me  to many awful side affects but I know they don't work for everyone. Your dr. will  have to work with you to see what medicines will work best for you.
Hopefully you can get started soon on a med combination that will work for you.

Btw~~ You have a cool moniker
mom2threeinaz2008-08-02 21:52:59Hi Stacy and welcome to AI!
You have lots of choices on meds and/or therapies and I suggest you research you backside off!  LOL  Ask any questions as we're here to help.   There are people here that are doing everything from the traditional meds to diet and supplements to antibiotics to a mix of everything.  Knowledge is power.
Good Morning Stacy - My RA was diagnosed 50 years ago, when I was just 5 years old........actually I suppose they should have called it JRA??  Keep reading these boards and sharing and learning........I haven't been on here very long, but there are lots of wonderful folks, willing to answer your questions or just listen to your concerns.  The GOOD thing is that being diagnosed now in 2008, there are LOTS of drugs that your rheumatologist can try, to get your disease into remission.  Back in the Dark Ages, when I was a child, there was no such field as rheumatology, and my pediatrician had me taking tons of aspirin, and bed rest for 3 full years.....!!! Needless to say, I ended up with lots of joint damage and destruction.  That doesn't need to happen in this day and age.   Take good care of yourself and keep us posted on your progress???

Glad you're here Stacy. Welcome.
I was 23 when i found out I had RA. That was about 14 years ago. Although the RA has progressed I still manage to raise 2 children and work a full time job. Life isn't always easy; but you learn to adjust and deal the cards you're dealt.
I've been on been on a number of treatments the entire time.....except for that stupid year I thought I was smarter than the doctors and decided to stop taking my meds. That probable didn't last the whole year because just as my doctor had warned; RA is a progressive illness and has to be controlled with medication for me to continue to function. It's as simple as that. Or at least it was for me.
At 20 years old I know this news can be devestating. (Sorry I'm not much of a speller) But do as Pip suggest; "Research your backside off!" You've made one good choice early; you've found us. I've found no other theropy better than finding a group of friends that live and understand my struggles. That will be come very important.
Again; Welcome to AI.
Hi Stacy and welcome
I was only told I had RA a year ago.  But have had OA for many years.  I am not on any meds right now.  I was on only anti inflamitory.  I see a regular doc as mine has not sent me to a RA doc.  There really isn't any in the area.
I have stopped all my meds other than prilosec until I have something called a lap nissen fundoplasty.  Then I will be back on them with something to also help the stomach.  And go from there.
Good luck to you. 
Welcome Stacy. Sorry you have this disease. It amazes me that any doctor will tell someone of any age that something is impossible. There are some JRA members here who have this disease almost since birth. I'm glad you have found a doctor that did not blow you off because of your young age. Stick around here and you will learn much about your disease. Hi Stacy and welcome!!  I was diagnosed 5 months ago.  I will be 31 next month and I am married with 2 small children.  Life isn't easy but I manage just fine.  Hang in there and welcome again!!

Hi Stacy...welcome!  I was 30 when I was diagnosed. 

Good luck!

Welcome to the boards. I was 19 when finally diagnosed-had years of questions before then.

You will learn alot as you read through the messages...feel free to ask questions. We have all been in your shoes.Hello!
sorry you needed to find us.. but I'm glad you did.
I was DX'd at age 10 (41 years ago) I had a rough time for a few years and then things slowed down alot.. only to pick up in the last five years like nobody's business.
Read read read read... you are your best advocate!! if you aren't comfortable with anything ask for more information.  Good dr's usually are forthcoming..
My best to you..
I was dx'd about 8 months ago after 2.5 years of sudden onset of symptoms (when my son was born at 31)  I'm currently on Plaquenil and Sulfasalazine with no side effects (as long as I take meds with food and drink lots of water)  I'm also on tramadol for pain and trying to balance with a natural approach of aloe vera juice and mega fish oil.   This new mix of things is new (less than a month) so its hard to say if its working or not.  I don't wake up and dive for the pain meds anymore just to get going, so I think its at least not progressing.
While I'd certainly rather not have it, I count myself as still lucky because I am about 95% functional with a 3 year old son.  I choose to treat it because I want to still be functional when he's in high school and beyond.  I am trying to hold off on the big gun meds (like methotrexate, etc) because of the side effects, but try to take all of it just one day at a time.
Good luck to you!
Hi Stacy,
Sorry about your dx but don't stress. There are alot of good therapies you can start on. I can't believe that dr thought you were too young. I was 39 when I was dx but I think I had it years before that. Check out the internet and get informed but sometimes you see the worst cases and that's not always true so don't freak too much. What parts of your body are affected the most? It's your body, your decision, but be very, very informed.
take care and let us know how you're doing, there are alot of good people here that care.Hi Stacy and Welcome. I was diagnoised at 52 years old. Had this for a year now and is realy active. Hope it dosen't happen to you sweetie! Find a good Ra Dr. Stacy.
Best Wishes and Love to You!Welcome!  I was diagnosed when I was 37 (last year), which seems young to me - I can't imagine how you must feel at 20!  I had problems for a long time before the diagnosis, though, so I can't say for sure how long I've actually had it.
Very glad you found this board - there's so much good information and support here.  I'm new to the board and have really liked what I've found here.  And like others have said, even though it sucks to have RA at any time, it's so much better to have it in 2008 when there is so much research going on and so many good drugs available.  Not that the drugs are fun, but your prognosis is SO much better now than it would have been years ago.  I wish you lots of luck and hope that you will find the treatment that is right for you!
[QUOTE=meowmix007]Hi all, my name's Stacy, I recently found out I have RA. Ive known for several years I had a problem, but no doctors I went to believed me because of my age. They said it was nearly impossible to have anything that I was describing. So, thankfully, I finally found a doctor who was willing to test me, and the results came back positive for RA. At the age of 20. I have not started any medication or therapies of any kind yet, and I'd just like to know what I'm in for here. How old were each of you when you were diagnosed? How long does it take for the disease to progress severely? I'll be on here often to read about everyone's stories and opinions... thanks! [/QUOTE]

I was 32 when it hit.  It struck the knuckles in my hands and feet, and they were so painful I could barely get out of bed or walk around, and even holding a can of Coke hurt.  I went to my GP, who gave me a medrol dosepak, some vicodin, and an antiinflammatory (I think it was Relafen).  Well, the medrol worked wonders.  Unfortunately, I was back to square one a couple weeks later.  We did another medrol pack, a different antiinflammatory, and the results were the same.  He said I needed to go see a rheumatologist, which I did.  The bloodwork came back negative, but she said in all likelyhood I had seronegative RA - especially since medrol produced such striking results.  I achieved remission for a few years using nothing but fish oil, naproxen and occasional medrol dosepaks, but about a year ago I got worse again so we added plaquenil.  The plaquenil has pretty much gotten me back to normal.  I am still seronegative.
Oh, and my x-rays at this point show no damage.  During my last big flare (luckily I timed the flare to coincide with a rheumatologist appointment!!!), they did show inflammation in the knuckles in my feet.
Hi Stacy,
Welcome to the Boards.  You were given some great advice on researching, medications, etc.  I was diagnosed earlier this year at 47.  I believe that the therapies are much improved and this is not the same disease it was even 10 years ago.  Keep us posted on your progress and ask questions....Hiking_gal
edited for spelling correction
hiking_gal2008-08-04 10:31:18Hi Stacy,
I was diagnosed two years ago, when I was 30, after about 3-4 months of pain, swelling, and stiffness in my feet. It was actually the orthopedist who suggested that it might be RA. We had tried different anti-inflammatories with no results, and he indicated that if the medrol dosepak produced results, it was more likely to be something systemic than a mere mechanical problem with my toes. My GP did bloodwork and it came back with positive RA markers. The rheumatologist saw me two months later and got the same blood work results, so I've been trying to get this under control since then. I know how frustrating it can be to compare what you think you should be doing at a young age with what your body will actually allow you to do. I've been on Enbrel for 7 weeks now after taking methotrexate for the last couple years. I've been lucky enough not to be on prednisone constantly like many do, but I've had several times when I've been on the dose packs to get me through a flare-up. My GP has been better at dealing with pain management, so my suggestion is to make sure you find the right doctors who listen to you completely. Also, I've found that keeping a journal just for your RA helps a lot. Since you only see your rheumatologist infrequently, it helps a lot to keep notes on your pain & activity levels, so you don't forget to mention problems at your doctor visits. Hope this helps some. And I agree with what was posted earlier: research as much as you can about this, as everybody responds to treatments differently.
Hi Stacy!
I was diagnosed 1.5 years ago - I was 31. My cousin (who is also my age now) - was diagnosed at 13. I havent had kids yet - but fully intend to - while my cousin has 2 beautiful, healthy girls.
I'm glad you found us here - there is a lot of info. I remember when I was diagnosed - I was like a sponge sucking up all the info I could find about RA. I do very well on my meds and I am super active. I'm one of the lucky ones who doesn't seem to have many reactions to meds (knock on wood).  I also found out last month that I have lupus - but a mild form that should pretty much stick to joint pain (my RA) and an occasional rash.
Hopefully your rheumatologist can get you started on a treatment program soon - as many of the drugs take a few months to start working.
Feel free to ask anything - as there are many here to help.
Hi! I was 36 and I have RA for 5 years now. When I first found out I have it I could not believe it. I am a healthy eater, work out all the time, not overweight, and don't have a single family member with RA. It happened when I had a lot of stress in my life because of financial and personal problems. I was very upset and I thought I would never wear high heals again and will have deformed legs and hands. Well, nothing bad has happened to me yet. You will learn to know your disease and sometimes you will be on top of it and sometimes it will be on top of you. I don't know about other people but my RA is very sensitive to my emotional state and my diet. My RA loves processed food and fried food and junk food but it hates veggies, Greek food, fruits, yogurt, cereal, grains,grape juice or red wine and physical exercises. I still wear high heals if I want to and have no any destruction as of my last x-ray. Laugh is the best doctor and RA may leave you alone for a while if you laugh a lot. The thing is I hate medication but people take vitamins every day so think like you take vitamins. Attitude is everything. Hug you! You will be just fine :)