Anti-inflammatory diet | Arthritis Information


Dear All,

 I have been off the site for a while as I was really feeling well again.  Off the methotrexate (no side effects) and down to prednisilone 1-2 mgm alternate days.  YAY.  Had got back on my bike, was swimming well and did a small club triathlon.   Got a cold, did not pick up and then the pain set in, followed by fatigue, weight loss, foul wind,depression .

Rheumy said restart methotrexate, up pred to 5mgm....not much improvement.  Remembered I had a contact in my phone for a dr (G.P.) who sees people with chronic illness.  He had CFS himself, for 10 years, so he looks at illness and really understands.

He asked for my husband to come to the 1st appointment. Said I needed support.  He talked and questioned us for 4 hrs.

Said no healing could take place with any anger present. Vent it and I did . There and then.
Said I was too sensitive.
I had thought that I was not an angry person but he made me see how little things from this damn pmr had built up. I was angry with the illness, angry with my body, and angry with my husband, who I felt did not understand.

Explained to me and husband that I was on a downward spiral unless I really took charge and learnt to not push my body or my spirit.

I had started on another blood pressure pill in jan. Am on thyroxin. Have PMR and was now losing weight and feeling that I just could not get better.  I am 5'9 and weigh 58 kgs.

He immediately ordered a whole pile of blood and urine tests, but the most important info ,was he started me on an anti-inflammatory diet.  NO SOY   NO  DAIRY  NO GRAIN (except basmati rice).  NO  YEAST  NO LEGUMES   NO BEANS   NO RED MEAT

How did I react....cross really, because i am not the best cook and I said what am I to eat???  Basically  fish, chicken  fruit and vegs and preferably low GI

Within 3 days I was feeling better .  The result over 2 months has been amazing. 

I am not off the meth and cannot lower the pred. yet as we have found I have really high levels of mercury and arsenic, also relating to high inflammation, and a severe iodine deficiency.

Require chelation therapy, which I have started, but overall the diet has been amazing..

Saw this diet mentioned in another thread, but thought it so important that it should be a new topic.

 Basically it follows the Dr Barry Sears Anti-inflammatory diet, and as we are full of inflammation,and perhaps some of you may have some other underlying cause as I have, I thought it important to write.

Good luck to all in returning our bodies to better health.

My hugs     Zali Zali,

I'm glad to read that you are feeling better than you did a few months ago.  You are right that we do not realize how angry most of are at this disease and what it does to us physically and mentally.
The challenges of the medications ,alone, are enough to deal with.  As my GP asked about the up and downs the steroids cause on a daily basis.  I am normally pretty even natured, and handled things in stride.  But, for the past year, I find myself with little patience, feeling anxious and upset about things that normally I would not bat an eye at. I also find I cry more about things.  It seems that these things are worse when i am reducing my doses and when my morning dose of steroid is wearing off.  I am also in menopause which is a whole other topic.  The sweats are the worse, which are, again, made worse by the steroids. 
Getting support from family members is important.  I just let them know I cannot do what I did before and that I need help.  My husband has tried to be supportive.  He knows little about this disease except for what he read on the INTERNET.  He just thinks I'm being too sensitive about issues, and that I'm easily upset.  He used to be being the strong, stoic person I used to be.
I try to watch my diet regarding sugar and certain vegetables.  I'm not a meat eater except for chicken.  The breads I switched to whole grains, but not sure if I should be stricter with that aspect.  About the only side effect from the steroids I have not gotten is a bouncing blood sugar.  Every other one I have gotten.  Probably just jinxed myself.
I'm sure there are more tales about how this disease has affected us.  It is a hard disease to manage both physically and emotionally. 
What we all keep on failing to remember is that Prednisolone is not the main problem. PMR and GCA are the problem.

There is no known cause and no cure at present.

Steroids and Methotrexate, relieve the symptoms of PMR and GCA, they do not cure it.

Steroids have been around since 1949 and the side-effects are well documented.

Methotrexate, is comparatively new and is chemo based.

I would compare the side effects of both drugs before deciding which to take.

I have done so and will stick with Prednisolone - but that is a personal decision.

Some of us are working to set up a National Organisation for PMR-GCA to set up support, self help groups and highlight the need for Research into these two illnesses. The National Organisation is on track to be launched hopefully this September. Currently limited research is being undertaken by a Professor in Southend and a Rsearch Doctor in Leeds. A similar organisation has been launched in the USA to push for research in the USA.

I noticed Donna that you are located in New York.  The website is the NMR Foundation - gogle it and have a look at it.

Also visit the website for the international survey - you will be interested in it also.
I responded to the survey questions.  I am currently moving to PA, but still within traveling distance to NY.  My family is still there. 
You bring back to reality the fact that this disease responds best to steroids.  My rheumatologist, told me that at least we have the steroids to help with the symptoms.  Years ago, people just laid in bed for months and suffered with the pain and lack of ability to move.  He told me they called it senile gout because it struck the elderly.  I'm not sure about the senile part of this name.  Most of the people were alert mentally.  They just could not move.
When I broke with this, it literally took less than a few days to become almost bedridden.
It zapped my energy, and my ability to move.  I'm improved much, but with the decreases, I am doing, some of the old symptoms are coming back.  Right now, I increased back to 7 because it is not my intention to be gallant and suffer in silence. 
I was told that if I cannot get off of the steroids, they can add Methotrexate to the formula.
I am leery because of the added side effects.  I want to have less to deal with not more.
All the doctor's just tell me to have patience, and that this will go away.  I'm sure the expression on my face lets them know how I feel about that statement. 
The current formula is steroids, and some type of pain management that does not require a trip to the Betty Ford Clinic when this is over. 
Donna, PA
I cannot get information on the NMR Foundation. 
Donna PA

here is the website address National Medical Research Foundation.

Joan Reiter is the founder and leader.   You will find it most interesting and now the Mayo Clinic and another, (I forget which) are interested and getting more interested.   We are pushing on this side of the pond for a National Organisation and hopefully this will be set-up in September this year.    Our leading expert in PMR-GCA a Professor Bhaskar Dasgutap has just come back from a conference in New York on PMR.   (copy and paste).

mrs UK
Thank you.  I will read it.  The New York Times just published a short blurb about the disease.  They made it sound like a walk in the park.  I don't know how to attach articles or I would attach to this posting.
Donna, NY/PA
Dear DonnaNY,

  The point of the methotrexate is to reduce the prednisilone.  I see a really top rheumatologist in Sydney. After 3 months on prednisilone , I started oral methotrexate, then he thought I might not be absorbing the methotrexate,so changed to intra -muscular.  I remained on this for 20months.

I had monthly liver function tests, and no alcohol passed my lips. I had no side effects. I know it is a  chemo drug, but is used in much smaller doses than for chemotherapy. And yes I did have to sign a 2 page info about the drug , which scares you a little, but it is just so you realize it may have side effects and have to be absolutely regularly monitored.

This allows you to slowly reduce the steroids, which it is felt are much worse.

I have to just re-itererate that  the anti-inflammatory diet is helping enormously  and I am able to get back to regular exercise. Walking my dalmation every day for about 45mins, and also 3 x 45 mins aqua-fit classes in lovely hot water.  and also waking up in the am and feeling great.

Want to spread my good feelings   hugs to all those in pain    Zali Zali, would you mind telling me about the anti-chelation therapy?  I have tons of fillings in my mouth and I would like to do everything I can to improve my health.I have been on the anti inflamatory diet since Oct of 2007 and pred free since then.   I believe the diet helped me with the PMR and get off the pred.  My sed rate  and c-pro is still a little high, but I feel much better.  I really try to live stress free, as I think it was stress that brought this on in Feb of 07.  Hi Patandpaula,

 I am not the full bottle on the chelation  therapy as 2 weeks after i started it , my dr has had to take time off with back injury.  I did however , have , in the 1st week , 30mgm of Vit C IV . and then the 2nd week , 45 mgm Vit C.  He intended after about 6 weeks of IV Vit C, to use a a product called DSMA  ( also IV )

As far as the mercury in our teeth goes, I have only been able to find out , that removal of mercury of fillings , should only be undertaken by specailist biological dentists.  This is because it must be done in a certain way so no more mercury is released into our bodies.    From what I have read on the internet, chelation therapy should be done following each removal of filling.

I have many questions for my dr, but as I have improved in leaps and bounds on the anti-inflammatory diet, in conjunction with the methotrexate 20mgm, and 3 1/2 mgm prednisilone,  I have no choice but to continue as is until after my holiday in Canada, in Sept.

As I am an Aussie, I am very excited about my first big  trip, and now feel that i am going to be well enough to walk and enjoy.

Love     Zali Thanks a lot Zali, I am going to ask my doc about it.Hi patandpaula,
I had trouble logging on to this site as I could not remember my password  etc. so i am only just getting back to you with regards to the chelation therapy for mercury.

We went OS for 6 weeks so I have not started the therapy, and my GP who I found is no longer practising.  So start over.  Fortuneately I was also seeing another GP who was prescribing DHEA and progesterone, which I have been on for nearly 3 yrs now.  He  said that  I could not start chelation therapy for mercury , until all amalgam removed, and replaced.

Advised  to do each corner of mouth in 1 month intervals. As usual, I am too impatient ( because I want a cure!!!!!) and I am suffering with the PMR for it. But I will continue at fortnightly intervals,  and will see him Jan 13th.

I think he said that there is a pill containing bonding agent (sounds weird ), rather than IV , as I was previously told.

Will know more in late Jan.  I am going through this as I am wondering if the mercury is also keeping the inflammation levels raised. Medicos have very differing thoughts on this, but i am going to give anything a go. Also just told to do no exercise for 2 weeks and see if I pick up.  Killing me not to do it, and the same if I do it!!!

Had to go back to IM methotrexate, rather than oral , starting from today,as have been a bit sh.t, since returning from 6 weeks away. Canada was magic , but things started to turn pear-shaped when we started the driving holiday for 10 days through USA.

Here is to beating this bl..dy PMR   Zali Can you direct us to this anti inflam. diet, or do we just google it? I was told also that a gluten free diet helps, but your 3 day feeling great on your diet sounds right. Again I will tell you, if you can get to a good yoga class, for restoration, it will also be of much help with your sleep, guys, trust me!I know I am just a newby with this forum, and this PMR stuff, but I don't want to be on anything that is going to make a zombie out of me, including pain meds. If there is any way to do it without having to add this stuff to my body, I am open to it. Thank you!  Giraffe, Go back and read my posts....I am totally for trying to get my health back - i am not looking for meds to try. After about 14 months i am doing ok...dont need meds and am doing my daily thing. I am not 100% but ok - remarkable since last year i could not pick up a cup of coffee. My crp and sed rate are normal now. My newest rhumy has me down for undiffereniated connective tissue disease. It is what they call you when they are watching you to see if a particular disease comes out lupus. He is concerned because i am so young for PMR - 54. But whatever i have i want to get to health and stay there. I think this thing whatever you want to call it can worsen and go to heck in a handbasket anytime. My main thing is a good quality omega 3 and lots of it. I also think pycogenal has helped me. Just give those things some time to work. My back is bothering me but i have found that a chiropratic visit helps a lot. And if you can find a warm pool to swim in - that is heaven and also keeps you moving. You can go to and check out his diet thing - he is all about reducing inflammation and there is some good info there. I use his fish oil and sea health - expensive but it is good stuff. 
Thank you, I will check it out. I also went to Dr. Weil's website, full of info. I do see conflicting info regarding the nightshade veggies, tomatoes, and potatoes. Weil says eat tomatoes, and colorful veggies, but most of the anit-inflam stuff says stay away from all of them. Good luck to you, and may we all have an unpainful 2009.  [QUOTE=DonnaNY]Zali, Hi Mrs K.

 This whole PMR has me baffled.  It is now 3 yrs since diagnosis, and a few times I have thought I had it beaten. But I think what actually happens, is that you beat some of the presenting symptoms.

Jan 07, I was fantastic. Begged to be taken off the IMI methotrexate. Lowered Pred to  1/2 alternate....then the sh..t hit the fan!  Big downward slide to pain, depression , loss of weight,felt demented, cried, angry etc.

Saw alt Dr, did anti inflamm diet. Wow  cured I thought!  well enough to really enjoy OS trip for first 4 weeks, then gradual decline over next 2, continue decline while I was having mercury fillings removed over 2 mths ( was advised to do it over 4 mths) , leading to lots of pain, depression, and dropped my bundle at the rheumy.

He advised, back to IMI methotrexate again ( had been on oral since April, last bad episode), and 6 weeks later i am FANTASTIC. Only doing anti -inflamm diet when at home, as friends were sick of me being so absolutely particular.

 BUT i have put the weight i lost back on and am so well. I am nearly 5'9 and now weigh 63 kgs aqain , so I think this is me.

I am doing a small paper run , 5 mornings a week , with my dalmation, that can take 1 1/4 hrs to 1 3/4 hrs . I am back at swim squad (only 35 mins slowly) which I had to give up when i lost the weight and became so achy.  I feel great.

The other advice the rheumy gave , was not to touch my pred(5mgm)  until he sees me again in mid Feb.   WHO KNOWS with this damn PMR......but once again I am loud, laughing , smiling, walking and swimming.  Those drugs just keep it under control. Lets hope in mid feb I start the decrease of pred once again.

love to all    Zali I used to have some RA show up in my finger joints. I was not taking a good multi-vitamin, calcium, or alfalfa. I started taking care of myself, and all pain and swelling is gone and has been for years. A good diet is key-no sugars, no artificial colors, sweeteners, flavorings, MSG, etc. The key has been to lower the toxic load, and turn my PH to more alkaline. Acidosis is said to be the spawn of disease. It doesn't matter what the name of the disease some doctors say, it is the PH in which it thrives.
Medications cause acidosis; especially steroids, etc. Steroids cause mood swings, etc., and are immune suppressants. The medical field has become very tied to the Pharmaceutical companies. Many are prescribed so many drugs, the polypharmacy effect would be impossible to guess. There is a whole booklet on Medication-Induced Nutrient Deficiency.
The body can't repair itself or balance without the tools or nutrients it needs.
Our diets are many times of processed foods. Pacific-caught salmon, organic chicken, and lots of veggies, some fruits and whole grains.
Exercise, diet, lowering stress and using foods instead of medication help remove symptoms.
Alfalfa for example, is 23-28 times more alkalinizing than other foods. The body takes calcium from the bones and teeth to 'put out the fire' and it gets laid down to make bone spurs, arthritis, etc. Gout is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. Acid is deposited in the body joints, etc. Acid in body tissue is painful. For example, lactic acid in muscle tissue after a lot of new exercise, makes pain.
Chondroitin has not proven helpful in long-term studies. Glucosamine can help if you use the right form. Many are clueless about what supplements or diet to use, so these forums are priceless. I welcome discussion of all of these issues on my blog:
