tinnitus article | Arthritis Information


From The People's Pharmacy, their suggestions and also a reader shares what has helped them in the Comment section:

Thanks for this article, Suzanne.  It has some good information there.  I've heard before that Ginkgo is helpful for some but when I tried it for my memory, I didn't notice any difference in the tinnitus or my memory.  I guess it works for some and not others.  I may try it again, though, at the dosage recommended. 

wait.. these people sleep w their aids in?  no way. I'd lose them... as a matter of fact, I have!!! 
I do agree that my tinnitus sometimes interferes w/ sleep.. I just turn on the TV (history channel or something equally monotoned) at a very low volume...set it to go off in a short time.. and zzzzzzzzzzz
I have Tinnitis from being too close to large caliber gun fire and being too close to explosions. I never found anything that would relieve me of it. I slowly became used to it and now don't even notice it unless someone mentions it. Like you
focusing on it makes it worse and tension does the same. Hang in there,at least it isn't terminal.
                                       Good luck
American Tinnitus Association

Wikipedia article on tinnitus

I have tinnitus from time to time; in my case, it is aggravated by NSAIDs.  I also tend to be a light sleeper, easily awakened by noise.  I have several white noise MP3 albums (typically 99 cents for an hour-long MP3 from Amazon.com).  My favorites are forest/woodlands and rain/thunderstorms.  I play them on my laptop at night, in an endless loop.  It helps mask the tinnitus as well as other minor annoyances (the damn-near-deaf neighbor's dogs, for one).
LOL, Babs, I use the TV too!  It helps so much with the tinnitus and it's also the only thing that can keep my mind off of everything.  Without it, there woud be nights when I'm up for most of the night, just because I can't stop thinking.  It doesn't even have to be about anything important, it could be total nonesense.  At least if I was busy solving the world's problems it wouldn't be so bad.  But I can't concentrate on the TV and my thoughts too, so I'm finally able to sleep.  It's better than any sleeping pill for me. 
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