Sleep studies and apnea. | Arthritis Information


I want some input from people that have sleep apnea and have gone through a sleep study. It is common practice to give the patient heavy doses of Ambien prior to the study. I was given 20 mg and do not remember getting home the next day. Anyway, I would think this would greatly skew the results of the study given the fact that ambien can depress respirations. So I have to wonder how many studies on this are accurate due to the amount of sleeper given.There must be a good profit in 'sleep medicine'.  We've got centers popping up around here like tanning salons, it seems.

My neighbor's son used to work in one; I'll ask if their patients were sedated.   She only mentioned  that he hooked up the electrodes and monitored all night long.  Only two people worked overnight, she said.  I would think one would have to be at least a nurse, if the patients received meds, right?  Unless the patient picked up the rx themselves beforehand?
Hi Lori, I had a sleep study done about 6 months ago. I really hated sleeping someplace strange. I haven't slept well for years and tried many different sleep meds. The problem with sleep meds for me, is that I am so very groggy the next morning. I've been known to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation after taking sleep meds the night before.

I checked in at 11:00 pm. They did not give me any meds at all. Of course, I am on many meds as it is, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not. I agree with you, that the results couldn't be very accurate, if you are given that much medication.
I would actually be pretty upset if they sedated me so much the night before that I didn't
  remember getting home!
I was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea. But when they tried the CPAP we discovered that I can't tolerate it. I felt like I was suffocating. So I am presently on a search for alternative treatment. I found an oral surgeon who does a mouth appliance to hold the jaw out. But my insurance sent me to a different oral surgeon. I see him Friday. I called his office though, and all he does is surgery. Not real sure about that.
Good luck Lori. Did you get a diagnosis?
Take care.  Hugs, Nini
I am currently using CPAP but have not used it for months because I too feel like I'm suffocating. If I use the humidity, I wake up with water in the tubing and water running down my throat but if I don't use the humidity, I get too dried out. I have had the machine and mask checked and it is because I keep my bedroom so cool, it condenses so in order to not have that happen, I have to keep my bedroom warm and I can't sleep in a warm room either. I have REM apnea. I have noticed my weight creeping up since I quit using it and that is a concern. (maybe part of it is the apple blueberry crisp i just pulled out of the over, lol) I am requesting an overnight oxymetry to see if sleeping on my side or stomach versus my back all night will keep it above 90. Anyway, thanks for answers. I know lack of sleep can lead to health problems so it is good to know if we stay oxygenated all noc.

this is slightly off topic.. but Nini mentioned a mouth appliance for sleeping..

my husband, and oldest son use this:

it works til they spit it out..   lol babs. i have a night guard for teeth grinding but cannot stand it in my mouth at night...ack.I have sleep apnea and they gave me NO medication during my sleep study...nor my husband or eldest son. Very strange Lorster!! My PCP has been on me about having one and I keep refusing. I am one of those people that cannot sleep anywhere but at home and even there I have a hard time sleeping.
My mom had one done and she wasn't given any meds to make her sleep. She was able to take her pain meds and valium that she always takes at bed time. They prescribed a sleep apnea maching but she doesn't use the mask. She can't stand it. She is on oxygen and keep the things up her nose. Her nose is always dry and itching.
Lori, that doesn't sound right to me either.  Both my husband and I have had sleep studies and neither of us were given any meds.  It was the worst night of my life...horribly uncomfortable bed, electrodes that wouldn't let me move, and air so dry I was gasping for breath.  I felt like I got sleep in 5 minute increments (and not many of them), although I did do a bit better than that (according to them).  Ultimately they felt that my pain was the primary cause of my sleep issues (and that was just with DDD & fibro, before the RA), with allergies coming in second (and adding Singulair to my Zyrtec did improve things about 10%) and third was a mild case of sleep apnea.  My hubby has more serious sleep apnea.  Neither of us can tolerate a CPAP.  It's terrible technology.  I hope you find some answers with the additional study.