Prilosec | Arthritis Information


Well now I know I really need that stuff and it works!

I am bad about putting all my pills in my pill box. One week I went 5 days straight before I realized I didn't put my birth control pills in that week. (That could have been a big mistake!)
This week I did that again but I caught it the first day. Something still didn't seem right, something seemed to be missing.
My stomach has been feeling yucky. Ever since I started my B12. I thought that darn pill must be making me feel sick.
Then today I noticed I have no Prilosec in my pill box! Ever since I started the B12!
that's not good, wantto...
especially the BC!! 
I set up in a weekly/daily reminder container... otherwise, I would forget too.
[QUOTE=babs10]that's not good, wantto... You ain't kidding! I'd be starting all over again!
Babs I put my pills in a weekly/daily container every Sunday- but since the BC and Prilosec are not in bottles I guess I didn't take them out of the medicine cabinet!
Every day before I take my pills I look them over- are all the colors there that should be? I count them. I group them- BP, RA, supplements, etc..somehow I still get screwed up! Too many pills to keep track of!
That's the pill I always forget.  I hate OTC Prilosec because I have a hard time getting the pill out.  Drives me nuts [QUOTE=Debrakay]That's the pill I always forget.  I hate OTC Prilosec because I have a hard time getting the pill out.  Drives me nuts[/QUOTE]

Get a small utility knife, open up all the blister packs, dig out all the pills, and put them into a bottle.Good idea Jasmine - I'll have to make myself do it or find some nice person, lol.  I don't mind blister packs that you can "pop" the pill out of, but this packaging is the worst.  You can't even snip the side with scissors and drop them out.  Prilosec manufacturers.....I hope you can see this, lol.I have mis-managed setting up my pill boxes for the week more than once myself.
I keep a current list of drugs for the morning box and evening box - so I check the list and pill box and double check each day.
Now all I have to do is remember to take them! Especially the humira which I gotta leave in the fridge!
Prilosec packaging is the worst! The last box I bought said it was new packaging and it looks the same but it has been easier to snip the side with scissors and shake the pill out.Well who are they trying to keep out of those pills? I started taking them when I was taking Naprosyn, I could barely brush my teeth, let alone tear apart the larger sheet and then get a pill free. Thank goodness my hands are better, but it's still a struggle. It has got to be one of the dumbest packaged pill I've had the misfortune to need. My silliest pill mixup was when I was using weekly medication reminder that had AM and PM for each day, and each day was detachable so I could pop it in my purse and go.  Sounds good on paper, but at the time I had 3 medication times per day, not 2.  I had morning meds (naproxen, metoprolol, fish oil), evening meds (naproxen, metoprolol, fish oil) and nighttime med (benadryl).  Since there was no "nighttime" slot, I would put the nighttime benadryl in the "evening" slot and just tell myself I wouldn't be stupid enough to take benadryl until it was actually bedtime... yea right.  One night I was at a school board meeting, and it was getting late.  I decided to take my evening meds because if I don't take the metoprolol approximately every 12 hours I can start getting silly heart beats.  Besides, I needed the naproxen, because I wasn't feeling all that great.  So, I chugged all the pills with the last swig of Coke.  20 minutes later I was practically asleep, leaning on my friend sitting next to me.  You guessed it - I had taken the benadryl along with everything else.  Luckily did not drive to the meeting that night; I had my friend pick me up, since I was not feeling well and did not want to drive. Is Prilosec only available over the counter now?
Not sure- but it's what I use with much more success then I knew!