Anyone take ibuprofen/naproxen daily? | Arthritis Information


I was just wondering if people still take these drugs daily with others.  From what i understand they help a ton when combined with other treatments, but you don't hear people say they use them daily often.every day... same time each day... I take Daypro.. which is an NSAID ( I can't take naproxen.. I loose peripheral vision... weird) I take  ibuprofen daily, about the same time.

I used to take naproxen daily - as many as 5 OTC Aleve tablets.  When I was on high-dose naproxen, I had to take Prevacid with it to deal with the stomach issues, and also avoid beer and coffee.  It remains my preferred NSAID (with the exception of Toradol for immediate post-op pain relief), and I've tried many of them. Mobic, daily.  Not sure what I would do without it.  Would probably be on prednisone, daily!I had taken naproxen and had liver problems, i took celebrex and it swelled my entire body up along with meloxicam (i think was the name).
I do ok on ibuprofen, doesn't work as well as naproxen on pain for me, but noticed it is working ok, so i guess it will be my extra drug.
I am on 5mg of pred and 20mg of arava but they aren't working as well as they should.
As long as it works and you can tolerate it, doesn't matter. I suspect there are many people who remain undiagnosed relying on them.

Right now I am on Mobic for my FM.
I take ibuprofen once in a while when I am having a bad day.  Actually my RA doctor said it would be ok.  I take relafen twice a day at 750mg and have for about 3 years now. It hasn't bothered my stomach but ((This may be TMI)) I get the farts for a couple of hours after I take it. It's what has been making me able to move around. I know at night if I missed a dose cuz' I can feel myself getting sore and stiff.I also take relafen - 2x/750mg and have for about  1 1/2 yrs.  Next appt we'll probably decide to reduce that, maybe drop it all together at some point.    I know it helped in the beginning, but I would hope since mtx/enbrel is working, I can do without it.I take 500 mil Naproxen every other day.  I take it right after a large meal and haven't had any stomach problems so far.  My dad has been on it for 12 years and has never had a problem.Relafen for me too, but at 500 mg twice a day.I take Mobic daily. It's an NSAID, but selective for COX2 (I think). Anyway I don't ever notice it doing anything to me until I don't take it for a few days, then I can tell the difference.mab - I agree, I think there are alot of undiagnosed cases out there using OTC.  I was so dead set against taking any drugs, I wouldn't even take aspirin/NSAIDS my entire life until a few years ago. 
I researched, and naproxen is supposedly the best OTC for RA, so I started Aleve about six months ago.  I am really glad I did as I am battling this injured back with my RA pain pills and RA muscle relaxant (flexeril), and you need an anti-inflammatory to make up the 3-drug combo you are suppose to be on when badly injured. 
Good luck ~~ Cathy
So the MTX users don't worry about taking MTX and nsaids?  I have a torn rotator cuff, and frozen shoulder.  When I absolutely can't take the pain, I take an Etodolac.  I stress about my liver though. [QUOTE=TheLa]So the MTX users don't worry about taking MTX and nsaids?  I have a torn rotator cuff, and frozen shoulder.  When I absolutely can't take the pain, I take an Etodolac.  I stress about my liver though.[/QUOTE]

It would depend on the NSAID, your dosages, your liver function, and probably other factors.  Definitely talk to your rheumatologist.
My bottle says to not mix with alcohol .. it's not that I drink all the time but I like the odd drink is it terrible to drink while on Naproxen.

I've been wondering this as well.  My joints are bad at the moment so I take naproxen when it hurts and then go off while I feel ok and back on again when the pain returns (normally no more than a week).  Do you think I'd be better off taking them daily as just part of life? I am prescribed 2 daily but I wonder if I took them continually daily would 1 do it?

Mobic daily here too.  Was taking Motrin as needed but was put on a daily Mobic instead.  I've always been on prevacid.  I take Mobic after dinner and I'm not a big drinker so that's not an issue.  I do drink diet cola all day long though and haven't had any problems.I use to take naprosyn daily.  I started around 1978, 250 mg twice a day.  Around 2003 I  developed stomach/acid reflux problems, but I had also been taking trilisate and methotrexate.   I then added prevacid, then switched to nexium, but after a second flare of stomach problems, I discontinued naprosyn and switched to injectable mtx and enbrel.  Currently I'm on mtx, enbrel and actonel.
Naprosyn can mess w/your stomach so its important to be mindful of taking them w/or around meals, watching alcohol or coffee intake, and possibly adding a proton pump inhibitor-PPIs (those acid reducing meds).  Be aware that PPIs interfere with the absorption of calcium, which we all need to maintain strong bones.
Of course, we all have different experiences with these meds and one should always discuss medication concerns with one's doc.
Joie2008-09-07 14:46:56OK stupid question from wannabe- what do you take these daily for? Pain? Or do you get swelled up significantly if you don't take it? I only took naprosyn before I was dx's and it didn't do anything for me at all. Then I took Indomicien or something - again nothing. I don't take any of them now.You were taking trilisate and naproxen at the same time?  Yikes! I take Mobic for swelling and pain.  I haven't experimented with going off of it since my dx.  Would be scared to.  Before Mobic/after mobic was a huge difference in my wrist pain and level of visible swelling.  Because MTX isn't working for me, I probably wouldn't be able to work without Mobic, unless I was on daily prednisone.  It is a life-saver for me.  I had a horrible reaction to Indocin but am doing great on Mobic with a daily PPI.  JR- if that was my question- no. The naproxen didn't work and then I was put on prednisone. That didn't work either and I swelled to monsterous proportions so I was put on the Indocin but that didn't do jack either so they took me off of that and tried lasix, but that didn't work.....all the while I was on different doses of prednisone and MTX .
I wonder if now I'm in control I could drop the prednisone for one of these drugs...
wanttobeRAfree2008-09-07 17:20:52wanttobe,
prednisone didn't work for you? 
