Just venting... | Arthritis Information


I had to go to the dentist yesterday (I'm terrified of the dentist) and I left in a lot of pain- I need to have a root canal tomorrow. After the dentist- I had to take my youngest daughter to the hospital  with me, we needed to have some blood work done. Her thyroid tested and my coagulation. We were there for 6 hours!!! 6 HOURS for them to tell me my INR is fine and that Jillian doesn't need to take synthroid anymore. That's a blessing- her thyroid is working on it's own now!  I was almost in the fetal position, tooth pain and being stuck in a waiting room with an 8 year-old who also doesn't want to be there.

 I was so stressed, I woke up with huge knees this morning. They are so swollen and sore I can hardly walk. Tomorrow, I think I'll ask the dentist to knock me out with a hammer while I have the work done. I will be so happy when Friday comes!

Sorry for venting- I needed an outlet! thanx.
Oh, anaudlife I feel for you. The dentist is one of my fears too!  It must have been tough with an 8 year old in tow going through the agony.  I hope you feel better soon, and at least some good news about your daughter:)I hate root canals! Plus they are so expensive! To pay over a thousand dollars for one tooth just kills me!

Hope you feel better tomorrow! Glad your daughter got good news!
Oh man! A thousand dollars would hurt more than the root canal!!
I'm so thankful for you guys!
Anaudlife, I'm sorry you had a bad day and I feel for you and pray tomorrow is better. I also feel for you, I know what it's like to be sitting in a waiting room with a bored 8-year-old. My daughter hates doctors. When she was younger, she used to throw up at every doctor's visit. See, it could have been worse today.
Take care...
Sorry about your root canal! I've never had one but heard they are no fun. It was aleast good news for child. SO it's not all bad but bad enough.
Take care and have them gas you good! If it's not thing it's another. I know how you feel. I am not a patient patient and that is a long time to sit and wait. In fact I think it's BS!! WHY did you have to wait so long? Couldn't they have just called you with the info?
Geez, now I'm venting. LOL
Sorry but that amount of time is just crazy!
vent away!!  We all need to do that sometimes..
sorry for the long day yesterday ......  hope the dental visit is quick and relatively painfree!!
I bit the dentist!!

My jaw was hurting so bad, and when he was using a file to measure the root, a huge wave of pain zinged up the left side of my jaw (the right side is still frozen), and I bit down hard! on his finger!

I feel so bad, he said he understood and that he'd never been bit by an adult before.

The root canal is done- and done properly- despite his sore finger, and I'm relatively happy!

Is it wrong of me to think it was hilarious?! Not at all -ROFL My husband recently had a root canal by an endodontist. Said it took 10 minutes. He couldn't believe it. He paid 1800 dollars for the root canal and crown. I think it is hilarious that you bit the dentist! I'm glad it is all over and you made it through ok.
I also get super nervous at the dentist office. I have had 7 root canals. I don't know anybody else who has had that many - I'm only 33 years old! I do not have dental insurance either - so each one has been just as painful to my wallet - as it has to my mouth! I have OCD when it comes to brushing and flossing - no idea why my teeth keep going bad.
I'm glad your daughter gets to stop taking her meds - that's great news! My sis had her thyroid removed at 23 (Hashimoto's disease) - I believe she takes the same stuff.
7 root canals, you poor thing! Man, I've only had 2 on the same tooth, this one was to fix up what another dentist massacred. You deserve to bite your dentist!!

How has sister been since the removal of her thyroid? My mum, sister, niece, and my 11 year old daughter all have hypo-thyroid as well.

Take care~
"My husband recently had a root canal by an endodontist. Said it took 10 minutes. He couldn't believe it. He paid 1800 dollars for the root canal and crown."

10 minutes?! I could cry! Mine took over 2 hours- no wonder I bit the man, I needed a snack!
That may be the funniest thing I've ever heard. Heh...  I called an old friend of my mine that happens to be a dentist to tell him. He thought it was funny but said that it isn't all that rare. I got the feeling he didn't think it was as funny as I did. Heh again...
The first (and last) time I had a root canal, it took 3 separate visits, with lots of drilling and scraping.  Luckily I had waited so long that the nerve in the tooth actually died, so I did not need local anesthetic shots.  I only went to the dentist when it formed an abscess on the roof of my mouth - my fear of the dentist far outweighed the pain and suffering I had for 2 years prior.  Wow - that's a lot of hypo-thyroid in the fam! When's the last time you had yours checked? I have mine checked every once in a while - but all is well for now.  I had two aunts that had it also (sisters).
My sis is doing great. The hardest part for her was getting her calcium levels regulated after surgery - every once in a while they still fluctuate.
Ouch - having to go in twice for the same root canal must've stunk! I'm glad it's finally done!
I very much dislike dentistry!!!!!  There are dentists here who advertise that they cater to dental phobics.  Some are ALOT better than others.  I last saw a female dental student at a university dental school.  She was pretty good.
Glad the agony is over for you!!!
Aud, I have to ask this, on behalf of that poor dentist.  Are you up to date on your rabies shots?
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