Thigh pain | Arthritis Information



It's my week for pains - first headaches and now thighs.  It started yesterday and still there today. The top, front of my thighs ache and they feel a little warm to the touch.  They almost feel swollen as well - slight, but if I run my hands across the top there is a slight difference.   No joints there, so assuming it can't be RA?    I haven't done any leg exercises - or even taken walks in the last few days, so puzzled.
I haven't experienced quite the same thing as you but I do get a lot of muscles aches (presume it is tendonitus). When it happened in my thigh it was a killer, nothing would relieve it, I also experience it quite alot in my shoulders.
I presume it part of RA as  other people on here have also commented on it.
Hope you feel better soon.
When I get pain in the front of my thighs, it is from my fibromyalgia.  Usually it gets sore to the touch.  Hope you figure out what's going on and start feeling better.I keep reading that fibro and RA can sometimes go together and was actually worried about that.   I can understand the aches/pains in the "normal" joints that can hit for RA, but the top of thighs pain threw me.  I guess I need to research fibro a little and start keeping notes on that as well to discuss at my next appt.    It's much better today, but still tender if put pressure on it.    Guess, I should quit pressing on it - that may help.

I have RA, Fibro and Peripheral Neuropathy and it's hard to tell what is causing each pain.  Usually the Fibro hurts in my upper arms, shoulders, upper back, and thighs.  It's a heavy feeling with muscle aches like when you have the flu.  I also get pins and needles sometimes.  I also have IBS which the doctor said is associated with Fibro.  Strange thing is that I was diagnosed with RA many years ago and only a few years ago was the Fibro added.
I think your thigh pain could very well be Fibro.

CathyMN - I have to throw in my whacked-out alternative healing stuff, but your thigh muscles' organ correlation is to your colon.  You can actually stimulate your colon by rubbing up and down on your thighs, and sometimes that's why your thighs hurt - constipation, gas, something.  I know you are having other pain problems, but it is fascinating how our body is all tied together.  I cannot remember exactly how I learned this, but I believe its from accupuncture and how one part of your body connects to a different part in ways we don't quite understand.  I am always amazed when I watch surgeries performed in China using accupuncture and no anethesia and the patient is talking through the whole procedure.  Hope you find some relief soon ~~ CathyFLHope you feel better soon Cathy!I get a lot of thigh pain. I wonder if it is fibro. I also am carrying 25 more pounds and my posture is terrible from cane and walker. It may also be your knees or hips pulling the muscles tight from RA swelling in those areas. Anyway, these are my theories.

I did want to ask, I have been getting a lot of radiating heat. Sometimes my thighs will feel way hotter than the rest of my body. I get "foot fevers" that my aide and daughter wrap in ice water towels and they are amazed how quickly I heat the towel. Do you get heat, like a fever, but only in your thighs?

Anyway, I do hope you feel better. Anyone you can talk into a leg massage. Doesn't that sound good?I get thigh pain from Polymyalgia  Rheumatica.

Interesting on thigh/colon connection - especially since I've had some issues with that lately as well, but too much TMI, so won't go there.   It's better today, but still puzzles me, so will do some searching on fibro, colon, and Polymyalgia  Rheumatica.   

I don't want to start thinking every ache and pain needs to have a condition attached to it, but I also don't want to brush it off if there is something else going on.  That balance game can sometimes be a struggle.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.
