Flares and Stress | Arthritis Information


How many of you seem to hit a flare following a abnormal period of stress. I am flaring today...totally sick, been on the couch most of the day. I have had a horrible few days at work the past couple of weeks, the baby still has not died ( i cannot believe it) and i had to take care of him and his mom screamed at me the entire shift. i was in tears most of the day over it. they are so angry about the pending loss of their child. I cannot take care of this baby tomorrow...i will refuse. I'm so stressed over this and I really feel it has affected my health and caused a flare. Happens to me whenever I get way stressed out.  The flare usually hits several weeks after the stress lets up.  Back in college, I always got sick a few weeks after finals. Lorster... I am so sorry you're having to deal w/ this.. it's been more than a week, hasn't it? My heart bleeds for you having to care for this child and endure this with the family day after day..  It's heartwrenching.

Understandably.... it could cause a flare.
Every flare was following a huge amount of stress...  unavoidable but stressing situations last year pushed me into flares...
It's horrible..
again, I'm so sorry.
babs102008-08-08 04:10:30Wow- that sounds very stressful- no wonder you're in a flare.... What a terrible situation to be in- hope you find the strength to cope.Lorester, Sorry you are going through such a struggle  right now. I think stress does aggrivate our RA. I have been getting flares especially after periods of stress with my husband , work, etc.  My issues with my husband give me the biggest flares. Getting him to realize what he does to me has been a real struggle. He doesn't think he influences my RA at all.
Sometimes it is only a matter of an hour from the onset of the stress to the onset of the additional symptoms.  I can practically see my ankles swelling when something happens.  Lorster, I hope this terrible situation is resolved soon and you are able to get some peace.Gosh, Lorster, what an ordeal!
My heart aches for you and the parents of the baby. No wonder you're feeling so awful.
Stress definitely plays a role in my flare ups as well! I'm in the middle of one because of stress, but not as much stress as you!

I'm like you and InnerGlow, within an hour of the onset of stress.
and mom2three- why do our husbands think they don't contribute to our stress? Mine is my main contributor! He's such a giver!

Hope this resolves soon for all of you and life gets more peaceful, for a bit.

Take care~
I flare when I stress, too.  Right now I'm having a minor flare that I know will grow after next week when my son leaves for boot camp.  His last night at home will be Monday.  He has reserved that day for me...and I'm taking off to spend it with him...and fix him his favorite meal that night.  The next night he will be in a hotel, waiting for MEPS to come and take him away the next morning.  I've already written 4 letters that I will mail to him the moment I get his address at basic training.
I feel my joints stiffen as I think about it.  yeah  stress= flare.
 the shingles are caused by stress, so now everything hurts.. skin joints head (migraines..stress induced)  fun..
lorster I am so sorry you have to deal with this. truly I would ask to not have to be assigned to the baby's case any more.
Those poor parents..
Is there a hospital chaplain or some spiritual person.  I worked at U.C.L.A. and they have a very strong deparment for spiritual support for patients and staff.  There is a meditation room for quiet for patients and staff.  A friend whose husband was an M.D. doing research helped get that established.  This may be a benefit of a larger hospital.
Wow Lorster.  A painful situation all the way around.  I hope you, these parents and the baby will get some peaceful relief soon.
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