Help please! | Arthritis Information


I know I told you my toes are curled under, but now my other foot is doing the same! My bones are sticking out are my feet are weid looking. Can barley walk now. My feet are swelled and red, my ankles sweeled and red. My left joint on my left hand has shifted to the left..hurts like you now what! My Hips give out and my back hurts. Does any one feel this?I don't feel this right now but have had some of that pain in the recent past.

I so feel for you lostpoet. It makes me so sad that any of us has to go through that.
                                                             I'm so sorry.  I wish I could say something to make your pain stop.  Please just remember that you're not alone in this.  Others will tell you their experiences that are similar to yours and though I may not have had exactly the same experience, I can certainly relate to what you're feeling and I understand how worried and frustrated you must be.  Apparently whatever medication you're taking is not working yet.  I'm sorry, I don't remember what you're being treated with.  It's clear you need to have your meds tweaked and when the right combination is found, you'll be a different person.  Better days are ahead.  Thank you Maimi. Guess I'll get through it all, just whinning.Sorry that you're having such difficulties.   And don't worry about whining - I wouldn't even call it that.   I can't imagine going thru this and not having answers.  I may not remember correctly, but are you currently not on meds because your doctor doesn't think you have RA?    Maybe you can find out where he lives and have him take a look at how things are reacting.    I feel very blessed that my dr sent me to a RA doc right away and dx happened quickly or I could be in your shoes.   If I'm wrong in my recall and you're treating and have a good RA, I apologize - I certainly don't want to be negative if it's not warranted.
Prayers for better days tomorrow. 
I am so sorry that you are having such difficulties. If there was one thing that I could do to make it all go away I would. I will pray that you will have a much better day tomorrow. Much hugs.
I sorry. I hope it gets better in a few days.
Much hugs to you!
Oh lost, Your post makes me so sad. Nobody should be going through what you are going through. You need to get back to that Dr asap or at least an ER so they can get the proper treatment started. In the meantime, I would take lots of pictures for your next appt. and maybe try icing, then heat. Sometimes that helps me when I am in a lot of pain.[QUOTE=lostpoet]Thank you Maimi. Guess I'll get through it all, just whinning.[/QUOTE]
I don't think of it a whinning. This is the place to come that people really understand what you are going through and can feel the pain and sadness.
I really hope you get to feeling better soon.
It so sucks to hurt so much.
I think it's something that needs to be checked out pronto! I'm sorry you are going through this!Thank you all for listenting! Just didn't know where to go with mu problems. I think my hubby gets tired of hearing this. Thanks guys!come here anytime! that is what we are for - helping eachother through the rough times and celebrating good times.LP my husband doesn't want to listen at all- that's why I'm always here....Hi,
     I know what your going through right now as I have exactly the same problem with my feet and ankles.  My toes have started to go to the side and my ankles are sore, swollen and stiff. 
I'm getting a systemic injection and if the flares don't go away then they need to look at other medication.
My aide and daughter keep my feet wrapped in ice rags. It helps a lot, I hope it helps you.