prednisone | Arthritis Information


I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the normal mg that they are given when given prednisone?Reggie, not quite sure if this is normal but I was started out on 10mg. per day.
I think it depends on the problem being treated. I've seen very high doses initially. The thing to remember about this that it is amazing....when used as it is supposed to be. Wean off it and be done. Do not stay on this drug long term no matter what your doctor may tell you. If this happens, get a second opinion.I was put on 20mg at first and slowly went down to 5 and weaned off. My brother who also has RA was put on 60.         It all depends on the situation. I think they usually try a dose pack at first. It's a pack that tells you exactly how to take the medication, you start out with 6 pills daily and then taper it down to one. The pills in the pack can be anywhere from 2 -32 mgs each, although I have never seen one myself with pills that are 32 each. The medrol dosepacks I, myself have taken have had the 5 mg tabs. So I'd start out with 30 mg and work my way down. I'd be fine at higher doses but within a week's time I'd be hurting again.I think "normal" depends on the person and the problem. I was started on 10, went up to 20, no relief, went up to 30- slight improvement, went down to 20- disasterous, went up to 40- hot damn! I was new again! Have now tapered down to 4 and still tapering with success!It depends on why and when you are given it.

There are tapers that can start as high as 40mgs and then you go down slowly.
Other times people are on it all the time like me.  I am on 5mg, at 10mg i can walk alone, but they won't give it to me.  Dr. after dr. don't want me on anything more than 5mg.  They worry about the damage to bones, which they have drugs to fix now.
I am sorry, but I would rather have 10 to 20 years of great body and then deal with bone damage then get bone damage now because they won't up my prednisone and the other drugs aren't working.
Sorry, had to vent.  Right now prednisone is the only drug that has worked for me besides naproxen.  Just watch your liver if you take naproxen.
[QUOTE=reegie]I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what the normal mg that they are given when given prednisone?[/QUOTE]

I've only had methylprednisolone dosepaks, which start at 6-4mg tablets, then decrease by one tablet per day for the next 5 days.
They put me on 60 mgs a day.  I only took 40mg yesterday and will take 60 today.  How long before it starts to work???

When I went on 40 I saw a significant difference the very next day. I had also been on MTX for about 6 weeks as well.

Is it weird that I don't feel any better?I just want to make people aware that prednisone causes ulcers. I have a terrible ulcer, (thrown up coffee ground looking which means it has bled) I am on 10 mg which my rd hates because of ulcer. Pred can do multiple system damage. Be careful. I am always trying to taper off. Trust me - I absolutely love high doses of pred. BUT the consequences are very scarey. My PA says I will likely die from either a stroke or a bleeding ulcer. Either can happen with no warning.Like anything, prednisone and related compounds have benefits and risks.  Not everyone who takes it is going to get a bleeding ulcer - especially if you are using it short-term.  It can literally be a lifesaving drug. Reegie- I'm not an expert and I have only had RA for 8 months myself but if you don't feel relief after taking 60 mgs I'm surprised. What other medications are you on and for how long? Everyone is different so don't worry on account of what I'm saying.Wanttobe is right.  You should be a  large amount of relief on 60mg, almost perfect feeling on that, if not perfect.
If you aren't feelilng relief, i would see the doctor right away for possible other problems causing your pain.
I am not on any other meds because I want to have another child.  I took 40mg yesterday and 40 mg today without any relief.  I was don't exactly know why I didn't want to take the 60 mg.  So do you think it is something else?  I have been told by more than one rd ra but always have doubts! [QUOTE=reegie]I am not on any other meds because I want to have another child.  I took 40mg yesterday and 40 mg today without any relief.  I was don't exactly know why I didn't want to take the 60 mg.  So do you think it is something else?  I have been told by more than one rd ra but always have doubts![/QUOTE]

You're only taking 2/3 the dosage prescribed by your doctor.  Definitely call your doctor tomorrow, and explain to him/her that you did not take the full dosage prescribed.  I would imagine he/she might tell you to take the full 60 mg dosage for a day or two and then see what happens.
I remember my RD saying it is common practice in Europe to start out with 60 mgs of prednisone to try and "reset" (OK now my brain has shut down- I don't remember what it was supposed to reset- sorry)
Anyway- like I said I had also been on MTX for about 6 or so weeks too when I was given 40 mgs.
I was given pred when I was first dx in Sept 05' and didn't not like it, not one bit. My heart was pounding, I couldn't sleep, my hands were shaking, eyes bulging and couldn't sleep. Ever since then I told my dr not to give me any more pred. I can't stand feeling that way. I also had major sweating and ate like a horse. He brings it up about every visit and says "oh you don't like pred." I said "no sir, keep it away from me!" I haven't taken it since. I know alot people swear by it but I think it's just a short term fix and I want a long term fix. Enbrel is working pretty well for me but still have pain/swelling during humid days, or a couple days before next shot is due. It's alot better than I was 3 years ago. Especially energy and stiffness wise. I hope you can get your ra under control. It's a hard, long process but so worth the outcome.
take care
First time I started out on 90 and went down fast at first then real slow.  The second time they started me out thur iv in the hospital and went home on 95, taper down the same way.  no ulcers, but I do have eye problems,  high blood presure and a few few other thing from it. It's a great fix, but don't take anymore then you have too.  when I was on a very high dose I did have trouble remembering things and was unable to say what I was thinking,  like a grandchild would be standing in front of me and I would try to say their name and another kids name would come out. my mind didn't seen to connect with my speech, I'd think one thing and say another.  That went away as the dose went down.  meds can do funny things to you, but most of us can't live without them.I've been on 100mg a day now for three weeks.  I just got the word from my doc that my labs are starting to look better and that I should drop back to 80mg for two weeks, repeat labs, then if they're still getting better, cut the dose again.   This time last year I was only on a maintenance dose of 5mg per day.  This flare doesn't seem to want to respond to anything at all as usually 30-40mg daily beats it back pretty badly.  The 100mg is killing me as I WAS losing some weight which is the one thing that makes me happy about a flare.  Now if it doesn't move, I'm eating it, oh heck I'll run it down and eat it anyway!   GRRRRRR!
Bob H.
so is it weird that I am feeling NO relief at 60 mgs?  my father in law died a 1 1/2 ago but the pain has been getting worse not better!!
Thanks for all the imput everyone, you guys are awesome!!

Poor Bob! I know that feeling. Even on the low dose I'm on my appetite sometimes wants to get out of control. In fact I need to go to bed in a few minutes so I don't raid the pantry.

I take 3 mg dailyI'm jealous of your 3mg daily.  I wish I could get back down to 5 but I'm afraid we're still a long way off on that one.   I hate to ask such a sensitive question to so many of you nice ladies here, but does prednisone at high doses cause constipation in anyone here?  I also get the shakes like crazy which is not fun either. 
