Room for one more? | Arthritis Information


I just stumbled upon this site this morning and already have read some great things.
I just wanted to introduce myself -
My name is Kizzie, I'm 23, married to my wonderful husband Andy for 3 1/2 years. We have 2 boys, Avery is 2 and Jack is 3 1/2 weeks. My husband is starting a masters program in Social work this fall then we plan to move back near family in the midwest.
I was diagnosed with RA this past February and have been on Prednisone throughout my pregnancy with Jack. The hope was that while I nurse him the hormones my body produces would offset the RA...wrong. My body has gone through a major "crash" of sorts over the last couple days and it's awful! I was trying to stay off meds so I could continue nursing Jack, so I' have been trying tylenol everyday, Certo Gelatin (anyone tried it? or even heard of this method?) but so far nothing's helping. Monday I am going to have to call and make an appointment and try and get on something.
It doesn't really work out so well having 2 kids and not being able to function. My husband has been really great about helping me with the boys and trying to be understanding. But it's hard to explain to him how bad it is. Every joint in my body aches. from my toes to my neck, it feels like someone pummeled me with a baseball bat. I haven't slept in nights because of the pain.
I'm looking forward to reading more tips, advice and ideas on how to deal with RA. I still can't help but feel a little jipped at getting this diagnosis at such a young age with small children to take care of. I know that it happens everyday to someone my age, but it makes my heart ache whey I can't pick up my new baby, or play a game with my toddler. I look forward to finding some sort of relief in the near future, whether it be natural or a prescription. I just need to be able to take care of my babies, that's all I have ever wanted.
Thanks for listening and hopefully I can become a part of this community!
Welcome aboard Kizzie.  The best part is that everyone of us had to make that same first post in here, so the equality in here is on the same level.  Keep posting and reading as there is a vast amount of information in the archives and in the daily postings.  Good luck ~~ CathyWelcome Kizzie. Glad you're here.

I was dx'ed about 14 years ago after the birth of my second daughter. I know all too well what it's like to have small ones and RA. You can do it though....hang in there.
Look forward to seeing you here more often.
Welcome!  I have an eight-month old baby, so I can definitely relate to your struggle!  I was able to nurse him for almost four months but then had to stop because the RA just got too bad - had to go on meds.  Like you, I managed with just prednisone for part of the pregnancy (I was lucky enough to be in remission during the second trimester and part of the third) and the nursing.
It's definitely rough having little ones and RA.  Lots of people on this board are in the same boat, so you'll have lots of people to talk to about the challenges!
Welcome Kizzie!
I tried the certo with grape juice and all I got was bad belly aches....
Please get on the meds you need- breast feeding is nice but plenty of babies were brought up on formula and have done just fine. Please get yourself well so you can enjoy your babies.
Welcome Kizzie!
And congratulations on your baby boy!! I know that 'breast is best' but it's also best for you to not be stressed. You need rest, and to build up strength in your body in order to get better. Your babies need their mommy happy and healthy and if you aren't able to take your meds, then it's going to be harder to treat you RA.

I hope you're able to get some relief. Having a newborn and a busy 3 year old is a lot of work, and having RA on top of that ... wow

Do you have anyone to help you out where you live?

Best wishes, take care, shine on~
Welcome to the board Kizzie. So sorry you have to be here. Sounds like you need to get to a doctor and get some help with your pain issues. Please get your doctor to refer you to a RD ASAP so you can get the treatment as soon as you can. Have your MD prescribe you meds to help out and run your lab work so that you will have some answers. Good luck. Welcome to the board Kizzie! !  You will certainly find much support and advice here. It is terrible to have RA.  It is certainly difficult have RA and little ones at the same time. My heart goes out to you. I was diagnosed a few months ago. I am  47.  Find a good Rheumetologist who will put  you on a good drug regamin aimed at combating the RA and taking care of your pain so you can hopefully have more good days to enjoy those little ones.
Take care and  come on back anytime you need anything or even if you just want to vent. You'll  find a great bunch of people here.

edited for typos mom2threeinaz2008-08-09 17:25:20Awww Kissie, We will be here for you. So sorry you are going through this honey. Having children and a bbaby makes it so much worse. Hang in there sweetie, we will help when we can. Loves and hugs to you!Jump on in, Kizzie.  Lots of good stuff here! Hi Kizzie and welcome -
Welcome Kizzie, congratulations on your new baby and for such a wonderful family. I think it's great you will be moving closer to family. Having help makes such a difference, especially when you are flaring. I know it will make you feel sad, but it sounds like it is time for little Jack to go to a bottle so you can start meds that will help you to be able to take care of Avery and Jack. Doesn't the idea of playing with them and hubby without pain sound amazing? Try to focus on that and not what you are giving up (breast feeding). Come here often and share your successes and also your not so good days. Chances are, we have been through it.
Hugs to you and your family
Hi and welcome and congrats on the new baby. Can you stand pumping out your breast milk and freezing it for the little one and then gradually get him on formula? Like alot people said here before. You have to get on some meds to get feeling better and take care of your little ones. I wish you the best and come back often. This is a site with a bunch of awesome people. SO visit off and feel free to vent, talk or whatever. Get to an rd and get better soon!Awwww Kizzie I hate reading that someone so young has RA.
 As others have said, you sure have come to the right place (Im sorry about that) and I echo the advice given here re your pain and feeding your wee boy.
Having fed him for nearly a month he has received all the 'bug fighting' colostrum from you, and THAT is a great gift to your son, more than some mothers manage even when well. Now you need to take care of YOU so you CAN hold him and share so many things with him and your family. That most likely means meds.
I was dx'ed a few months ago and hated the idea of swallowing nasty pills but I have since learnt that my best chance at remission, or at least pain/inflammation control, is taking my medicine. So I do, and I am doing pretty well!
Apparently, hitting RA with some aggressive treatment early on is our best chance of achieving remission so I say go for it! If you have questions about the different medications then do a search here or ask. I did and got wonderful advice and suggestions.
Best of luck Kizzie, and please visit often and let us know how you are.
Cheers.....Lyn   Welcome Kizzie, Congrats on the new baby! Not everyone is like me, but if I'd just had a baby and was going to have to stop nursing I would feel terribly guilty. Please don't do that! Know that millions of babies develop just fine on formula. Do whatever your doctor tells you to do, take the meds, hopefully you will feel better soon and can enjoy being a mom. RA can be terribly confusing, if there is anyway we can help here, we will! Welcome aboard :)Hi Kizzie..welcome!Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! It is so great knowing I have somewhere to turn where people will really understand what I'm going through! I'm not excited to be here...but I'm glad that since I have to, there are so many of you willing to lend a listening ear!        