OT: Update to my mommy Update LOL! | Arthritis Information


I went and visited my mommy tonight, and MAN! SHe looks soooooooo much better and is doing SO much better. I really feel this should be the last of her set backs and on to full recovery.

She has the "classic" emotional thing going on. She was never much of a crier, but since her last surgery she canno stop crying and she just does not understand why she is all of a sudden. I tried to tell her it is was from having heart surgery, because hubby's grandpa had the same to happen to him. She cries when she is happy, and she just does not like that she starts crying and sometimes cannot stop.
So... that is a good sign, for me anyways.
She is able to do a lot by herself now. She can raise herself up without using her hands, unlike before she could not. She even walked 3 laps in her room for the physcial therapy guy and he was quite surprised she walked so much at one time and hardly got winded.
They say she is a slow healer and all, so when they discharge her from the hospital some time next week, she will have to go to a nursing home and stay in their rehab center for a month or so. They do not feel she is well enough to be at home, plus she still has the drainage tubes in her and they want nurses to tend to them everyday and all that good stuff.
So... she is doing WELL! And she is spunky too! She no longer looks so helpless and misrable. She really did look and act like her old self, minus the crying, but I can over look that.
Thanks to all that have been praying for her. they were greatly appreciated!WoooHooo Joonie!
Oh and if ya'll will... please pray for my niece. I just found out tonight that she has cancer. Not sure which part... but in the areas of cervex, uthrus, ovary area. My sister said vagaina area. I asked which part she said she was not sure, because it was found after her yearly pap smear.
So... please pray for her./
That is so good to hear, i wish you all well.Great news about your mom! With regard to her recovery- slow but steady wins the race!
I will put your niece in my prayers.
yay!! Joonie's mom!!
Another blessing, sweetheart.
sorry to hear about your niece......  I'll keep her in my thoughts as well.
YAY!!!!!!joonie - that's great news.  its amazing what surgeons can do these days.  This has to be a huge relief for you - CathyGreat news!  Wonderful news about your mother, Joonie!  Joonie, I told you mom would be OK.  She sounds like a tough one, just like my dad. Joonie, I'm so glad to hear your Mom is doing so much better!  Be sure to let her know she has been in the prayers of many. May she continue to improve!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and for your niece. I hope, since it was caught during a pap, that it was caught early and is very treatable.
Keep the faith, Sweetie!
Much love, Nini
Joonie, good news about your mom! My mom had heart surgery last year and her dr told us that sometimes people get real emotional/depressed after surgery. My mom was the same way for  a little while. Weepy from joy and sometimes from bad news. It's like their senses are heightened. My prayers are with your niece. I just went through a biopsy and thank God it was ok. There are many options today for cancer and it is cured much more than it used to be.
take care

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