Poem for the Day | Arthritis Information


Let Me Paint You

Let me paint you a Spring Sunday

All in Lavenders and Pinks

To make your heart light and carefree.

Let me paint you a Summer Sunday

Warm and Sultry

To put you in a hammock safe.

Let me paint you a Autumn Sunday

Ambers, Reds…Yellows

To sooth your spirit, quiet your dreams.

Let me paint you a Winter Sunday

Cold Crisp Realization

Of who you are, and where you have been.

Let me paint the seasons of your life

To unveil the canvas that is you

And we’ll paint the door black to the past.

Let me paint the seasons of your life

Windows clear for vision

White wash the nightmares

Give you a glimpse of a new life

Let me paint the Beauty that is You.


Cinda S. Wilson

I enjoyed that- thank you!You;re welcome wannabe. I would like to post one everyday.
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