RA Foot Involvement | Arthritis Information


Stupid disease.  I thought I was getting so much better from the MTX shot last week, but I think I was better b/c I was on the sugar pills week of my BC.  I hurt this morning. But I did successfully give myself a shot of MTX last night...anyway...

I had this part of my foot that was hurting and I thought it was unrelated, that I had strained my plantar fascia or whatever but now I think it may be RA.  I have a tender red spot on the bottom of my foot, towards the inside of my body, right above my heel.  Is there a joint or something there?  Anyone else have this?  It hurts to walk. the plantar  fasciatis was one of my worst symptoms in my flare a year ago!!  the constant burning and pain was bad.
I'd venture to say it was RA ... and due to the inflammations caused in your feet... as my RD explained to me.  Wear flat shoes w/ arch support and plenty of space in the toe area.. is what I was told... some I know use stretchers to pull the tendons...but mine corrected on it's own w/ my meds.
Good luck... I feel for you, Katie
[QUOTE=anaudlife]I broke my foot in May by dropping a power drill on it. I love power tolls, but I'm a clutz, not a perfect combination. anyway...

Looking at x-rays, I was once again awed by the amount of little bones we have in our feet!

So, it may be that one of the joints (or maybe more) in your foot are super inflamed. Definitely make sure to tell your Dr to be sure.

Hope you get relief!


I broke a toe by dropping a can of raviolios on my foot once.  My doctor just chuckled and shook his head.I  have a bone or something that is protruding from the inside of my left foot.  This is caused by my foot pronating (turning in).  I have ugly oxford shoes with rocker soles (hate them) and orthotics but it is getting worse.  I also have hammer toes after two surgeries!  I am looking for a new podiatrist.  My RD told me that I have had arthritis in my feet for years and none of my doctors picked up on it.  Does anyone else have the problem with a bone  poking out their foot?Has anyone tried those yoga toes I see advertised? Yes my bones are sticking out of my feet. Swelling and red hard to walk ouch!I have had a very hard time with my feet. My ankles are so weak that I twist them walking across the floor. I also have trouble with the planter fascias and especially with my achillies tendons being inflamed. I can't wait to see my Dr. Monday to get it checked out. I have been suffering now with intense pain in my ankles for sveral weeks. I am not sure about your tender, red spot, KatieG. Am wondering if anyone ha had/thought of/knows about ankle replacement surgery? 

My RA started in my feet and no meds have ever given any relief - not even steriod injections into the joints.   The balls and heels are fine when I'm resting but both areas become hot with a deep burning type pain and swell very quickly once I'm on them.   I saw a surgeon about them earlier in the week.  He thinks the pain in the front of my feet is inflammation around the sesamoid bones and perhaps I also have Plantar Fascitis (sp)  I'm to have my orthotic insoles readjusted to see if that helps, if it doesn't, then it'll be time to look at surgery.   I am a bit puzzled about the plantar thingee suggestion as my pain only comes on when I'm on my feet.    But, I will start the exercises one of the members posted here a few weeks ago and see if I can improve them.

As if I didn't have enough already to deal with, I've got a trapped nerve in my neck which is sending agonizing pain down my arm, into my hand when I'm sitting or laying flat.   The surgeon sent me to PT for a collar - which helps a little, and prescribed codeine and more tramadol.  The Tramadol is great - allows me to get a good 3 hours sleep before pain wakes me. 

I'm sorry I don't post much folks, but using the pc these past few weeks has been pretty  difficult.  While I pace about the living room to loosen up my bod, I often stand and read your posts

Ankle pain sucks. Do not walk barefoot. Your pain sounds like a tendon, there are so many in your foot. Do not over walk either or you can cause permanent damage. You might want to see a foot doctor to get special orthotics. I like the ones that support my ankle bones and they have a well in the heel. Also I had pain in my foot and at first they thought it was a Mortons Neuroma turned out I had a stress fracture (osteoporious).

Ankle replacements aren't so good yet. The ankle is very complicated I think people have more success with fusing it. Be careful about getting steriod shots in your ankle. I loved it, it was amazing. Well, when it wore off the pain was 5 times worse. I think I over used it because it didn't hurt and did more damage.I am so sorry Midg!!!!!!
Thanks for the info re orthotics and ankle issues...my wrist is much worse at this piont but all of this started in my feet years ago when I was running every day, although the swelling/pain were never as bad as now...I was only 20 so I think they just wrote me off...I guess I am glad I didn't get an RA dx then because I would have had so much worry (I was fairly okay for the next 10 years, although I had LOTS of issues with low fevers and fatigue...was dx CFS but I think it was early RA)
Yikes- hope they find the problem and fix it soon! Not being able to walk around is the pits!It is still there, but getting better.  The extent to which my RA (other than in my wrist, which flares constantly) is driven by monthly cycles is hard to believe.  Low estrogen = bad RA.
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