Gardisil vaccine & AI - CNN video | Arthritis Information


I believe we've talked about a possible connection between the Gardisil vaccine and AI diseases on this board.  This morning I saw this video on CNN:
Access denied at work and I don't remember the discussion here. Concerned tho since my daughter got the vaccine....If your daughter is fine now, then she's OK.  Most of the onsets happen within a few months.  21 deaths - 9700+ adverse reactions.  Merck says 'no connection' - Judicial Watch (???) says there is.
Two of my daughters had the vaccine.  No problems for either one of them. [QUOTE=Lynn49]Two of my daughters had the vaccine.  No problems for either one of them.[/QUOTE]

Most people probably won't have an adverse reaction.  However, there does seem to be a very real risk with this vaccine, and I am still vehemently opposed to this vaccine becoming part of the mandatory vaccinations for our children.

You can't catch cervical cancer by sitting in the same classroom with an HPV carrier.  Cervical cancer is easily detectable and treatable - often even before it becomes cancer.
My daughter chose to take it on her own- she's in her early 20's. I think it's been at least 6 months since her last booster.

I was fine before my shots. Then after the third one I had a huge flare. I was pretty much symptom free all through my teenage years. Practically in remission??? Then after that shot I felt horrible. It has been almost a year since the shot and I have been feeling much better lately.  Coinsidence???

I think thew drug maker was pushing this shot.  It will be interesting longterm to see what happens.  I hope it works out for all who got or get the shot but my gut reaction was they didn't know enough about the drug.  my girls haven't been innoculated.......  they're 21 and 26I found this interesting:
Because it's a live virus vaccine, right?
And this
I got infected with HPV right before I really got sick with mono, but AFTER I had an RA-like episode with my feet (that cleared up with NSAIDs and not running anymore).  It's all so very very complicated, so many factors.  My uncle has RA, so there's the genetic factor, and then I'm so much worse when my estrogen levels are low. Just so much going on...
Nothing is perfect. But that was a seriously aggressive media push.  Nothing to everywhere, overnight.
It's horrible, but how many of these girls might have developed RA or something similar after contracting HPV or mono or whatever in college, sexually acquired or not.  But maybe they wouldn't have.  It's hard to make conclusions either way without more information and statistical analysis. 
well said Katie, I agree with you 100% and If I had daughters, I would not let them get the shots. Too new and I thought at the time, pushing too hard and fast....