Possible divorce/med ins. question? | Arthritis Information


Things with my husband and me have been rocky for the last while. Too long and not worth going into. i think though that I've hit my limit with how much verbal and mental abuse I will take. It's starting to affect my kids. Anyway, he has a lot of money. I haven't worked since I had my daughter more than years ago. If we did divorce, does anyone know what would happen to my med. insurance? I'm actually sitting here thinking that my choice is: leave him, and be uninsured and get no meds, or stay here and take his s**t and get my meds. Crazy but that's just what happens to a dog that gets kicked too much. They learn to take it. [QUOTE=Honey]Things with my husband and me have been rocky for the last while. Too long and not worth going into. i think though that I've hit my limit with how much verbal and mental abuse I will take. It's starting to affect my kids. Anyway, he has a lot of money. I haven't worked since I had my daughter more than years ago. If we did divorce, does anyone know what would happen to my med. insurance? I'm actually sitting here thinking that my choice is: leave him, and be uninsured and get no meds, or stay here and take his s**t and get my meds. Crazy but that's just what happens to a dog that gets kicked too much. They learn to take it.[/QUOTE]

Depends on the terms of the divorce.  If you get a good lawyer, your ex will get stuck with the insurance bill.Find a GOOD divorce attorney who will look out for your interests.  I don't know where you live.  You might ask for referrals from some women's groups.

Good luck.
Thanks. My head hurts.Sorry you have these added worries on top of everything else. I hear you and I wish you the best of luck. We are hear to listen if you need us.
First of all, I'm sorry to hear you're having marital problems, RAers don't need any extra stress, and secondly, see an attorney.  Even if you aren't sure what you want to do, you could pay for an hour session for some advice. 
Having a pre existing condition, you could have difficulty getting insurance in the future if you divorced.  People w/pre existing conditions are often denied individual health policies -- bad risks.  So in my nonlegal opinion, should you seek a divorce, you would want your husband to pay and provide health insurance coverage for you as part of the terms of the divorce. 
Access to health insurance for those of us w/pre existing conditions can be a big problem.  Some states have state subsidized high risk pool health insurance programs, you might also look into what your state provides.  Find a good divorce lawyer, ask around for a good recommendation.  Good luck.
And, don't forget alimony and child support! a possibility may be a long term legal separation.. not a divorce but he may still be required to pay for ins.
 depending on how long you were married he may be required to pay spousal support, including ins for 1/3 the duration of your marriage,
orrrrrrrrrrr try marriage counseling.. who knows it could work..
if you want to pm me Ive been through it..
Sweetie, I am going through the exact same thing. I am only here because of my medical benefits, how sad is that? I don't work either. I was working and they let me go when they found out I was sick. I didn't have the energy to pursue it. Now I am possibly in a position to get a really good job at a hotel, and if that's the case, I'm out of here. I could use a roommate though, anyone interested? I'm sorry you are going through this too. pm me if you'd like, I think we could help eachother through this....Ladies, I am very sorry that you are having to go through a bad situation. I will pray  for you... Please talk to an attorney ASAP. Depending on what state you live in, your husband may be responsible for the medical insurance and also spousal support. Especially if you have not been working for a while and he has been paying everything. He may be obligated to maintain in the manner to which you have become accustomed... Do it soon. The added stress cannot be good for you.
Good luck and God Bless...
For medical, assuming your husband has group coverage thru his employer, you would be eligible to elect COBRA for 36 months following divorce.  Coverage is still group coverage, so there shouldn't be an issue with pre-existing.  Benefits have to be the same as they were with active coverage, so if you met the waiting period before, they can't impose a new one or add a pre-existing exclusion.   Once COBRA is exhausted and if you did not have a break in coverage, you may be able to enroll in an individual plan w/o pre-existing.  That part is always a little unclear to me and w/o looking at the regs, I can't say for sure, but there has been recent COBRA/HIPAA changes that made it easier to obtain coverage.  
Insurance is another reason to find a good lawyer - make sure they cover you not only with child-support, alimony, 401(k)/pension assets, etc. but also be sure that you're getting good advice about medical insurance. 
I'm sorry that you have to go thru this (both of you) but agree that the extra stress is probably not good for you. 
Take care
Honey and Owie..
I was in your predicament 10 years ago.. but I was healthier and working..
I hope that you will take the sage advice here and seek counsel.  A good divorce attorney would be able to tell you what you are able to receive... and for how long..
Being ill and being a SAHM is good reason for alimony...
As wantto said, we're here for you
Thanks. my head still hurts.We tried 2 different counselors and hubby accused me of calling ahead of time to make him look bad, storming out of the room, etc. The very first session he told the counselor I was putting on an act to gain the counselor's sympathy. I never went  back. He did and they wanted him on some type of paranoia med and he refused and never went backHoney,
So sorry for all you are going through. I am another one also contemplating a divorce. Seems sad that after 25 years things have went sour. At least one of us meant it when we said "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health." I can guarantee it wasn't my husband. I am tired of all the emotional abuse and am beginning to understand that for  him I am now a liability instead an asset.  He has told me that I have to many health issues and he just won't  deal with them. For me I worry also because of insurance issues but not from husband side as I have insurance where I  work. I am not covered by husband.  I just worry about when I can't work anymore and how I  will do it insurance wise and such. Already I have been missing to many days due to RA, being sick, appt. and such. My sick leave is depleted so no work, no pay. It is frightening at times. My other half doesn't have anything to  take   if we do divorce and our boys are all college aged so I am stuck there. Last thing I want is to be a burden to my sons.
Please seek a good lawyer who will help get all you can and do need from your husband. I wish you the best.
Do look at every avenue before you go that route. You may still end up doing it and it's sometimes necessary, but it's still a last resort. You aren't guaranteed anything even with the best lawyer. 
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