Are you on Medicare? | Arthritis Information


I am getting on it in Oct. and I don't have to pay for a secondary plan, they give one to me as I so below the poverty line.

I have been on Medicaid for 6 months and it has been impossible to find a doctor and very few prescriptions are covered.

I would love to hear that things are going to get better once I am on Medicare. Anyone appreciated who has experience with Medicare.

Actually in my state (WV) you would be better off staying on medicaid than going over to medicare.  Medicare pays 80% of your doc visits it's the part D prescription plans that are the pits for RA patients.   I have a 5 deductible after which the insurance company pays up to ,510 in medication costs.  After hitting this cap, I'm in a coverage gap until I reach a total of ,050.   After that they have catastrophic coverage which makes me responsible for only 5% of the total prescription cost.  (compared to the normal 33% for Humira)  

The bad thing is that nearly ALL of the part D plans have this gap with you paying the premium but having zero prescription coverage.  The even worse thing, if you have one of these plans, you aren't eligible for the copay assistance programs through Abbott the maker of Humira.  
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news about medicare but the program really should be renamed medi-we-don't-care. 
Bob H
wow Bob, how awful for you. Do you have any other options? That is just terrible!
I'm afraid I would end up taking massive doses of pred and letting nature take it's course.

I feel your pain bob, it is the exact same way for us here (ky). For us medicade is much prefered over medicare. and I find myself being envious of those who have medicade because it covers almost everything. Here the choice between medicade and medicare is always medicade. Sorry to here about your troubles, sending hugs and prayers your way.


II'm on Medicare and chose a managed care plan through Blue Cross.  It has a prescription drug program comparable to Plan D.  My problem is the medicine coverage.  I get generics for a low copay but very few brand names are covered and if they are, it's at a copay.  The newer arthritis drugs (if covered) are at 35% copay and not affordable for me.  Same thing with two of my drugs for kidney problems....not covered at all and I had protested twice with doctors' statements etc and was refused.  It's just not right and we need some real changes in the system.

BTW, Medicare in my state covers just about everything including eye exams and dental.  I'm just not poor enough to get on it.

This is really bad news. I do not know if I will be better off as I was sent a letter saying that I would not have to pay for a supplementary plan because I am so low income. I am just praying it will pay for my prescriptions. It says my copay will be no more than . Most prescriptions are not paid by Medicaid but I am in OR which is in dire straights economically. I was way better off in CA but I need my family. No one expects me to live long so they are helping me to get my affairs in order and they come to visit me which are the highlights of my life. I had an emergency nurse tell me that people in my condition do not usually live longer than five years, my aides and my family are honest with me that I need to get my affairs taken care of. I am not scared but I want to be sure Kelsey and Colton and my dogs are taken care of and my brother gets his money back that he used to pay off my second mortgage and now with the housing market, that would not happenn. I am hoping that Obama wins as he has several plans that will help me.roxy2008-08-12 10:18:51Roxy, I had private insurance before I went on Soc. Sec. Disability. I paid 1600.00 per month for my husband and I for insurance. Now , it is covered by my part B .50 (Ithink) per mo. If you are below poverty line and have Medicaid, you should be covered by Medicare with the Medicaid policy picking up some, if not all of the rest. The exception might be prescriptions.
I have a Medicare HMO. My pcp is .00 co pay, specialists are 25.00. The RX part of my policy is much the same as Bob's, but I do not have the 275.00 deductible for meds.
If your access to Medicare is the same as mine, you will have a choice of several plans. I'm not sure if the State has any say in what plan you get, since you are getting a Medicaid supplemental, too. But if you have a choice, you can sign on to and look up the different plans. There is also a chart that you can check up to 3 plans and it will show the benefits side by side. That is really helpful.
Good luck and take care of yourself.
Hugs, Nini
People are telling you that you won't be alive within 5 years?  I'm all for honesty, but if people who are not my doctors, are telling me I'll be dead in 5 years, I'd tell them right where to go.  Of course everyone should have their affairs in order...who knows when our time is up? Positive thinking sure helps as far as I'm concerned.
Hoping things get better for you, Roxy.

Medicaid in my state has limits. Like they only pay for 14 doctor visits a year, then you have to pay. I used up my 14 visits within the first 3 months of the year. SUCKS!

The only good thing about Medicaid, the months I have it, is that they will pay my co-pay for my meds year-round, unless I am cut off for a month.
Medicaid does not really "spend" a lot of money on my health, compared to if I had ONLY medicaid, because I have BC/BS private insurance from hubby's work. Medicaid pays my co-pays and whatever else BC/BS does not pay for. I still have a co-pay with Medicaid, but it is not like the co-pays with BC/BS.
Oh and if you are on just Medicaid alone, some help with medications from the companies is not available to you because you have medicaid. I know... I checked it out back when I was on Humira, and was having to pay 0 co-pay. I was not able to get ABBOTT to help with that co-pay. I know medicaid should have paid for it, but it was like pulling teeth with them to PA Humira, and then they never did, so I just paid the 0 myself, grant it I did owe them 0 and the pharmacy said I had to pay upto 0 before they would send me anymore. So... I paid them 0 each month, until the beginning of the year and paid them off, by then... I was switched to Remicade.
Kelstev, People tell me that because my RA has progressed so rapidly and my liver is suffering from all the painkillers, pred. and everything else, antidepressants (now on the maximum for Cymbalta), cholesterol meds, ulcer meds ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I cannot even keep track. My RD wants me on Orencia but no way can I pay for it, that is why we are trying Enbrel again. I have had one stroke and high risk for another. I do not get hardly any exercise unless I am lucky enough to get a ride and can get in the building to the pool. They use a swing to put me in pool but once in, I feel great - I always overdo and feel it the next several days but it is bliss. I smoke, I want to quit so bad but in a bad flare, I quit caring and smoke or when Kelsey is having a bad day - I end up smoking. Smokes are always available as Kelsey rolls her own and will give them to me. Not good excuses but that is what happens. My bp gets very high when I am in pain. My diet sux as we eat food box donations and my brother brings groceries once in awhile, but rarely fresh stuff.   My family has paid for so many things I cannot ask for more. My brother has had to pay off utilities when they get shut off, he buys me groceries, anyything that breaks in the house, he pays to fix it,he paid off my car, takes Kelsey out and buys her clothes or to lunch to get a break from her sick mom.   My other brother paid off second mortgage on my house - 50 K and bought me a wheelchair. My younger brother has been paying for my oxycontin 0 a month - he does not make a lot of money - so I really have them all strapped. They all see me in such bad condition and I was very suicidal before I got the oxycontin that we had a talk and they agreed I really did not have quality of life. Doctors are frustrated because we are treating the symptoms but I really am not on anything that will put me remission. I pray that I can get back to a quality of life and I hope the wheelchair makes a difference. Someone has to push me but we are going to try to leash my two weimeraners to the front to pull me. I hope that works. If I could cut back on pred,. painkillers, lower blood pressure and cholesterol,, get on a biologic that actually works, less stress and better diet - we will all be more hopeful but my family is pretty much tapped out. Now with the housing crisis I cannot even sell my house. The nurses and doctors main concern are my liver, smoking, high bp with the stroke or internal bleeding from ulcer. Right now things are looking up. I feel like I am closer to getting Enbrel, getting connected to a church that I like the doctrine has helped a lot. They bring me a cd of the sermon every week and pray with me. I would love to go in person but too early in am for my morning pain. I also am hoping that the doctor will help me to get this plan to help pay for the oxycontin. He wants me on morphine, but I hate it. Take morphine, first I get sick, take nausea medicine, then I sleep a very wierd kind of sleep, then I wake up and everything is surreal and swimming. That stops and the pain comes back. The thing that bugs me the most is my brain does not function at all. That is what I have left. You may not know it from my posts but I am very intelligent. I was only two points short of Menses. (Professor nominated me to take the test). I would have passed it if it were not for geometry and my dyslexia.

I have to tell you, strengthening my belief that the spirit lives on (I would like to live as an Oak Tree after I die, maybe overlooking a creek where I could provide a place for birds and other animals food and shelter. That is where I picture my spirit would be happiest - that would be my heaven. Anyway, faith in your spirituality makes such a difference. Thank God I made that call and reached out.

Being very independent to almost totally dependent and a huge burden to your family is not quality of life. I hope it improves but if it does not - I have no problem with letting this body go. It has served me well.

(Hula and I use to talk about this a lot, her progression was very fast like mine, and she felt the same way. She was ready and tired of being trapped in her body. Our body is only a temporary housing for who we really are)roxy2008-08-12 15:07:32Roxy when you say people tell you that you wont be alive in 5 years, are they doctors? my aunt has had extremely bad RA for 40 years without any of the meds we have today. She has survived cancer, suffers with kidney, liver and heart problems, had 3 strokes and her BP has been through the roof, she has outlived a lot of her family who were healthy ,so dont let anyone tell you how long you have left. I read a book about Jane tomlinson who suffered cancer, she was given 4 months to live and then went on to live 12 more years and ran marathons, bike rode across america and did 2 thriathalons.Are you KIDDING me?
"I go to the pool for water therapy once a week. It is absolutely wonderful." then 3 hours later.."I do not get hardly any exercise unless I am lucky enough to get a ride and can get in the building to the pool."
Which is it?  You get in the pool once a week, or you hardly go?  Your lies are catching up with you again.
Go back to your hole.  You are pathetic.  I hardly doubt you are dying.  Get a hobby and some positive thinking and you might be better off.  Geezzz.  And stop talking about pissing in a bowl.  No one wants to hear about that.  Such white trash.
Orencia shouldn't be out of your reach.  I receive help from a supplemental insurance co. to cover my copay.  There were several out there and the Orencia maker themselves also provide drug assistance coverage.  I was not elegible for that since I do have insurance. 
Please look into the many organizations available.  I currently use the Healthwell Foundation.  My dr. said that the one that Montel Williams is spokesman for is excellent as well.  Can't remember the name at this time....
I hope that things do look up for you.  I know you are struggling right now.  Don't go listening to time limits...take it one day at a time.
[QUOTE=Phatgirl2]Are you KIDDING me?
"I go to the pool for water therapy once a week. It is absolutely wonderful." then 3 hours later.."I do not get hardly any exercise unless I am lucky enough to get a ride and can get in the building to the pool."
Which is it?  You get in the pool once a week, or you hardly go?  Your lies are catching up with you again.
Go back to your hole.  You are pathetic.  I hardly doubt you are dying.  Get a hobby and some positive thinking and you might be better off.  Geezzz.  And stop talking about pissing in a bowl.  No one wants to hear about that.  Such white trash.
She's something, isn't she... agile enough to piss in a bowl and rant online but can't do a damn thing for herself... broke but has money for smokes...
Well Phats, if you think about it...once a week is not very often to get out for activity. People that can just get up, get dressed, run out the door and do what they want, take for granted many things. I broke my leg one time and I learned quickly how poor facilities are laid out for handicapped people when I had to use a wheelchair to get around my community. I was a private home health nurse to a quadriplegic man for 11 years. I took him to his doctor appts and other errands and found parking, and access to different places of business to be inadequate for a motorized chair. It was difficult for him and he stayed home alot rather than fight access to places he really wanted to go.

Roxy, keep working on improving certain aspects of your health especially the smoking. it really adds to your inflammation and makes your blood pressure and cholesterol levels high. One day at a time. I actually am on a massive dose of prednisone too.  (100mg daily but beginning to taper in 20mg increments soon)  I applied for copay assistance through the Healthwell Foundation they helped me once with Remicade.  I never tried the one Montel is the spokesperson for but it is called PPARx. 
Here is a link:
I've just found out that the thing that is keeping me from getting any low income assistance is a life insurance policy that my mom has had on me since I was 7 years old for ,000.  When mom passed away in 2007 I had to become the new policy owner and since it has a cash out value of around ,000 that puts me over the asset limit. (they include my car at about ,200!  What a joke it's a 2000 escort)  I've since called in to cancel the policy and I guess I'll take the cash and pay doctors copays and for drugs.  Maybe I should get some medical marijuana ?
You missed my point.  She contradicted herself like usual.  She said in one post that she goes once a week.  In another post 3 hours later, she said she hardly ever goes.  Roxy has very deep rooted problems that aren't being helped by those of you who give her all this attention.  Once she accepts personal responsibility for her own path in life, she will probably do much better in many aspects.  All I know is....for someone who is near death and can't write, she sure can type alot.
This is very cyclic in nature, she will go away for a month or so until things calm down and until she feels the need to fill a void with sympathy from people who don't even know her and then she will be back.
It is a shame, really.

Well, I am gonna have to give in and agree with Phatgirl2. Roxy, I gave you the benefit of a doubt and tried to be nice to you and how do you repay me? You contradict yourself. I was really concerned about your muscle tone and you assured me that you were getting regular exercise and then I read this post and you are saying something different. I am disappointed and feel let down. Even though we don't know each other very well, I have been here for the entire saga. I was really hoping that things have change but, alas, they have not. Not only has your exercise routine changed but so have your meds. How very sad. You have a wonderful group of people here who love you and want to help you. Why do you treat us this way?


Well, I am gonna have to give in and agree with Phatgirl2. Roxy, I gave you the benefit of a doubt and tried to be nice to you and how do you repay me? You contradict yourself. I was really concerned about your muscle tone and you assured me that you were getting regular exercise and then I read this post and you are saying something different. I am disappointed and feel let down. Even though we don't know each other very well, I have been here for the entire saga. I was really hoping that things have change but, alas, they have not. Not only has your exercise routine changed but so have your meds. How very sad. You have a wonderful group of people here who love you and want to help you. Why do you treat us this way?

It's the same crap, different year with this one.
My goodness people! Ya'll know I have a history with Roxy, but... she seems to need people to talk to. I am up for listening to her. I am sure I have contridicted myself a few times when my brain was all messed up.
I can tell you one thing... if I go back and read half of my posts from the beginning of the year... I would not even remember typing most of them or even posting about it.
Heck I type long posts when my fingers and hands are really bad. I mean to the point that I cannot touch the palm of my hand or touch anything because it hurts them so much. typing actually helps me to not concintrate on the pain even if I am typing and it causes pain.
I vote you to be Roxy's personal shoulder to cry and lie to.  Most people figure out what she is about.  You might be a little slow on the uptake with this one.
But, your heart is in the right place, which is what matters.  I think the bottom line is, most people on here really care about each other.  You can attest to that with all the people who supported you when your mom was sick.  With that said, most people don't want to continually give their heart/support to someone who is obviously not being honest and has some serious issues.  There have been many people on this board who have been really, really worried about Roxy only to have her disappear like she does for months at a time and worry some half to death. can be her personal pen pal.  I vote you to give her unconditional support, lies and all.
Yeah... I understand what you are saying, Phats. Been there, done that. But she does seem to need support right now. I guess it is because I can relate to some of what she is saying. I say no more crudness and just let her post in peace.
Oh and I do not think she would allow me to be her pen pal or even support her. But that is ok, I have enough on my plate right now and coming up. Roxy, I am sorry for your troubles and I hope you can get your spirits up. I know nothing about medicare and wish I had some answers for you. You have a right to post here and try to get the answers to your questions like anyone else.  Keep posting. I have not read all these posts but I will. So there is no confusion - I hardly went to the pool but now I am back on oxycontin which my family is paying for and I am trying to go once a week. I went last week but missed today as I did not sleep last night. Prior to last Wednesday, I had not been to the pool for about 6 weeks. Months ago I almost made it every week on oxycontin so that is what I am hoping for now.I have been much better since oxycontin and the three days of migraines are gone. I do dissapear for months. Cigs - my brother buys our tobacco and Kelsey rolls them. My brother would not buy them for me but he knows it is impossible to get Kelsey to quit with her obsessive and he knows I smoke them also. Amazing what I get accused of on here. Maybe that is why I do not visit often. I came back this time as I was concerned about the condition I was in
I have been off oxycontin for months, what a difference to be out of pain. Now I have just been trying ways to get it paid for. My RA says the Orencia is impossible on Medicaid but I probably will get it in Oct when I get Medicaire. Why would I lie to get support? You do not need support if you are not telling the truth.

Pin-An emergency nurse and my PA told me I would be lucky to live five years. Then my aides have told me that is what they think and my family only says we have to be practical - you may not live long.

Reader- My post about regular exercise was on oxycontin and my goals. I have only been on oxy a few days. I do not know where I posted but it was probably mixing up my goals and how bad things have been lately.

I have a very positive attitude but I am looking for info for options. I do affirmations daily and listen to my Unity tapes. I Trust God and will not let myself absorb these nasty accusations. I wonder what kind of person would have the time to read and re-read posts looking for any inconsistencies. If you gave me the benefit of the doubt like I am sure you do others - what I post would hopefully make sense but maybe not - I usually only come here in a very desperate state of mind.

To my fact checkers - just remembered - I was not on oxycontin when I went swimming last week. It may have been the after effects of swimming that got me to call my bro to pay for oxy and then to go to doctor to get him to prescribe again. My hands and feet were very swollen but I had a blast in the pool and decided - no matter what - I am going swimming every week. I still hope I go before the end of the week. This precision writing is exhausting. As far as my meds are concerned - I have a hell of a time remembering them all - I just know they are not what is on the bottom of this page. Also, I am hopeful for the Enbrel to work again so I do not have to take Orenica - it scares me more. My meds change a lot also according to what free samples my PA has.roxy2008-08-13 18:25:12Roxy-  i wasnt having a go at you, in fact it just scared me that you are being told you only have 5 years to live, how can people like your aides, an emergency nurse and your family tell you such things. What is a PA, Is that the same a specialist in RA? Surely only medical specialists in your illnesses have the right to give you a life sentence. I think i would be telling myself that "heck i havent got 5 years but i have the rest of my life to live and fight this prediction. I do think RA on top of everything else you have is very hard to deal with plus all the personal issues you have had to cope with too but you cant give up. See if you can get hold a copy of The luxury of time by jane tomlinson as i know you like to read and she also wrote "you cant take it with you. Its very inspiring[QUOTE=pin cushion]Roxy-  i wasnt having a go at you, in fact it just scared me that you are being told you only have 5 years to live, how can people like your aides, an emergency nurse and your family tell you such things. [/QUOTE]
That's what I was wondering as well.  I used to work for the Red Cross as a home support worker and I can't even imagine telling a client that I felt they only had 5 years to live.  Your aides have no medical degrees.  I'm also betting that if I did say this to a client and my boss was to find out, I'd be fired.  The nurse obviously has medical training but that's not for her to suggest to you how many years she thinks you have left.  And again, if any of my family started telling me they didn't think I'd be living much longer, well I'd have to really question my relatiosnship with them.  It's one thing to be told by your doctor and then have family help you get things in order, but it's another to have people assume they know something they don't and then get you thinking things that may not be true. 
I'm certainly not bashing you Roxy...I just want you to have hope for a future without worrying about if you'll even be around to have a future.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way,
kelstev2008-08-14 07:34:00I cannot imagine any health care professional telling anyone that. And for more than one person to say it seems more odd to me. There are certain diseases out there that they can put a ball park time frame on (pancreatic cancer for one) but not RA. And there are many people who live a life time with severe disease. Roxy, if you let people convince you of this, this is probably what will happen. You need to put some fight into yourself and do what you can to get better. Smoking is not helping your longevity. It is creating some of the problems for you including stroke. You must help yourself. No one else is going to do some of this. And Kelsey smoking with you certainly cannot be good for either one of you. I'm not trying to lecture but for someone to be in as bad of shape as you say you are and then admitting to having such destructive habits, it is hard for me to understand. The bottom line is, if you want to get better, you have to get into your mind that you will get better and stop some of the destruction.I don't even know why I mentioned it. I do not dwell on dying except when I am in unrelenting, severe pain. The emergency nurse said it first, then I asked my PA that is a physician's asst. and he agreed IF my RA did not get controlled. I was told that 50 percent of people with severe RA that go untreated die within five years. Then my aide who just quit, Kelsey should not have but she through a bowl of uncooked scrambled eggs at her, well she was very negative, always reminding me I was getting worse, saying I would never be able to walk again, I needed 24 hr care and maybe a nursing home would be better, she hated Kelsey and always trying to get me to commit her again, she kept my house spotless and I just ignored her negativity but it scares me to get a new aide (stealing and such) My family just accepted what I told them about the ER nurse so it all really started from her and my aide being there. It just got me in a hurry to get my affairs taken care of. At the time I really did not want to live anyhow. Now that I finally got back on oxycontin and got a wheelchair, I am much more excited about the future. My old aide not age but the one I fired unjustly as she turned Brett in for disabled abuse, has come back until I hire a new one. I love her and wish I never fired her. I am not mad at anyone. It bugs me that every post I write is analalyzed for discrepencies. My God, 90% of my posts on here I am drugged up or in agony. Pin, I never thought you were being mean. Most people on here are always kind. Phat has it in for me and a few others. I must admit, I usually come here in bad shape and I do not come often. That is not fair. When I am here, I try to read other topics and if I have any advice, I try to help out. Long story short, all my earlier posts are not relevant now - I pray. The migraines are gone, my thighs and legs are working and I have an upcoming appt. with a new doc so I am hopeful. I know I can get more help - it is just getting a good doctor that is helpful. I am blacklisted because of my meds being stolen - they do not care if they were stolen- in OR you screw up once with narcotics - it is very hard to get them again. Also, insurance pays for very little. I can type but can hardly write. I have an ap here for Cherriots which will give me rides to the pool and the grocery store my aide is going to help me with and I have an ap for getting discounted oxy so my brother does not have to pay for it but I need a doctor to call them and so far no cooperation. My last aide hated filling out aps as she was not too bright and had poor handwriting. All I can say is I am trying to be resourceful. I DO APPRECIATE the support, and if that is what I am being accused of by coming here it is true - I am looking for answers and support.