RA drugs causing Lymphoma? | Arthritis Information



Does anybody have any experience or knowledge regarding Enbrel, Humira or Remicade causing Lymphoma?   My partner has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and is aquainted with a few people who's physician's are of the opinion that Enbrel caused their Lymphoma. 

Thanks.  I'm new here so I appreciate your patience while I learn how to use the message  board




People with RA are more likely to get lymphoma than other people.Those 3 biologics do increase our risk even more. It is stated in patient literature for Enbrel and Remicade. Have not seen the Humira patient literature.

Hi Terri
    From what I have read RA drugs may increase the risk of lymphoma by a
few percent but having RA increases your chances more because you are
imune supresed. I have just had treatment for lymphoma and thought the
mtx may have caused it but the type of lymphoma I had is not the type
associated with its use the doctors referred to another.In any case I have
stoped taking mtx while I have treatment and have been told I can not ever
have enbrel or others like it because I have had lymphoma.Hope your
partners treatment goes well and take care.
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