Maybe OT...Prayers | Arthritis Information


I found this online poll in Womans Day magazine and the question was:
Do you believe that praying for someone with an illness or injury
will help heal physically?

93% said Yes
7% said no.

When prayers are answered, what do you think is the best explanation?

68% said divine intervention.
29% said the power if positive thinking (a mind/body connection)
3% said coincidence.

It also stated that a huge percentage of Doctors believe that praying
helps the patient and family. I am a firm believer in them and I have had them answered.I totally believe in prayer.  I don't always end up with my desired outcome, but I have seen over time that God's plan is always better than mine.I too am a firm believer in the power of prayer. It has worked many times in my own life. Although I do believe God is sovereign and his will isn't always ours. Whatever the outcome may be God is in control of my life.

ditto Linncn & mom 2 threeI have to go with the 7 and 3 percent. I don't see too many prayers answered where I work and I've seen a lot of prayer going on. I cannot grasp it at all.

It has never worked for me or anyone that I used to pray for. I guess I just was not very convincing.I truely believe in prayers for other people, but does not work so well for me. Guess I'm evil.I totally believe in prayer and I will share one example with you.  My Grandson has a very rare cancer, so rare that they do not know how to treat it.  We even sent him to the Mayo in Minnesota and they were baffled.  It is in his liver and has metastasized to his only kidney and lymph nodes. Anyway, I prayed faithfully for the tumors to shrink and to stop spreading and it happened!  Lots of people are praying for him.  He is 35 yrs. old, has a lovely wife and a 4 year old son.  The doctors never, never expected this and are truly amazed.  I have always been a believer and needless to say, I always will be.   lorster- it's not about being convincing.  Lost Poet - you are certainly not evil. Many times we pray for things that should not be so- as much as we would like them to be. There is a reason for everything. I have cried over unanswered prayers and asked why- or why not? The reason behind the answer  No has often revealed itself years later as more pieces of the puzzle of life have come together.

Please don't stop trying. I hope you don't mind if I pray that you will find your faith. I find such peace in mine- I would like everyone to have it. Especially people like you who have good hearts and yet can't find their way.
If I had any doubts, the last year ended them. Heaven is full of answers that no one has bothered to pray for. Do any of you pray for yourselves?
I pray, some. It is not an everyday thing for me. I do take time to pray for someone who needs them.
I will NOT pray for myself. It is just that I think I should not ask for something for myself. I believe it has something to do with how I was brought up. It was to never ask for anything like money or candy. You know something that is just a want, not a need.
My mom asked me before she had her bypass if I ever prayed to God to help me with my J/RA in getting better and all my other health problems. I told her "You are allowed to pray for yourself?" She said yes you are. I told her that I did not see it right to pray for myself. She said well how else you going to get better? I said "Because you pray for me."
I still cannot bring myself to pray for myself. It just seems "wrong".
I don't think I'm lost or cannot find my way. I just see the world a bit differently. I don't think that people who don't believe are lost or unhappy, or angry....or anything else. I just see the world more scientifically and organically. I have my own spiritual beliefs and I am still searching for meaning. Just when I think I have figured it out, something bad happens to someone or I see something horrible and it makes me question all over again. I do not disrespect others beliefs and I don't feel sorry for people because they do believe and I don't expect people to feel sorry for me because I don't believe as they do. This is a big world with many people and many different belief systems. None of us are right and none of us are wrong. We all need to respect each other for what ever we believe in. There should not be any pity because someone is Muslim or Jew, or Buddhist, or Scientologist, etc. and not a Christian. Because someone does not pray to God, does not make them less of a human than Christians. This is the very thing that makes me run away from Christianity....people feeling sorry for me. Lorster- I hope I haven't offended you- it was not my intention. I don't have pity for you and I respect your feelings. I don't think any less of you because of your beliefs. To me you are a person with a good heart. I will certainly back off and not make reference to prayers when I respond to your posts when you have hardships you are going through. (Sorry but because of my beliefs I might be secretly praying for you behind your back )
Joonie- I do pray for myself. More than asking for things or for things to happen I kind of talk to God.  I find it very comforting. It's OK to be praying for your health and strength. Psalms.  People were always praying for themselves.  They prayed for strength and wisdom, for humility, for every aspect of life.  So feel free!!  :)