RA Related Thought of the Day | Arthritis Information


I wonder why I have chronic inflammation. Every joint in my body has inflammation to some degree. The body parts I use most have the most inflammation.

I never really realized how much inflammation I have, until I am on something to take away the inflammation, then I notice how every part looks smaller and boner. Like my wrist for example.... they look "fat", but I never paid it much attention that they have inflammation in them, until I was on the pred flare taper. Same with my hands... I knew my fingers had lots of inflammation in them, but I did not notice my hand had inflammation until the other night when every thing decided to swell up again.
I think without my daily dose of 10mg of pred, I would be in a heap of trouble and have much more pain and swelling. It is just too bad, that the 10mg of pred does not keep all the inflammation in check.
Well, that is my RA related thought of the day
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