RA and pregnancy | Arthritis Information


Hi there,

I have a long story and I am going to try to shorten it as best as possible...wanted to see if anyone else has been through this and if there is a light at the end of the tunnel...will use point form for my timeline.
Age 6: diagnosed with JRA, very active in all joints
Age 6-36: surgeries - multiple synovectomies in wrists and R ankle, tendon transfers from pointer finger to thumb both hands, ulnar head removal both wrists, titanium toe joint replacements both large toes

I got pregnant last year and at seven-and-a-half months, we lost our son in a stillbirth. It was incredibly heartbreaking, as we had not been told of any potential Arthritis-related complications, and things had been proceeding well. I had severe pre-eclampsia (at that point it was eclampsia/toxemia).

Afterwards a bunch of tests were ordered and it was discovered that I have four things in addition to the RA, such as a lupus antibody, double-stranded DNA,, that are all apparently auto-immune in nature.

My fetal-maternal medicine specialist is working with my Rheumatologist and my neurologist...sheesh. A whole team.

The fetal-maternal doctor gives me a 50% chance of having a subsequent baby to full-term, and has said I have a 1% chance of dying with a pregnancy. One of the antibodies leads to a clotting problem so I am on aspirin therapy daily and he is going to put me on low molecular weight Heparin when I get pregnant again.

Is there anyone else out there who has been through this? I thought I had RA and thought that I was equipped to live with it and that my only fear was a flare after the pregnancy, and was concerned about how I would lift up and care for the baby when my shoulders, elbows and wrists were going to be in pain. Now I have a whole lot more to worry about...

Thank you in advance for a discussion.

WOW Tamara I really feel for you.  That is just terrible, I am so sorry.  My first pregnancy (before 2 successful ones) I had a miscarriage at 20 weeks--it was apparently a partial molar pregnancy, although I didn't have most of the symptoms.  I can't imagine at 7.5 months, I am so sorry you went through that.

I have been negative for most of those other things I think, although I'm always worried after that first experience.  I know someone who had to give herself those shots every day and her baby did fine. 
Anyway, I hope someone here can give you help/advice!!!!!
I never heard of RA as a contributor to complications during pregnancies.
In fact, it backs off during pregnancy and leaves you pain free.. The danger is in drugs you were taking before and during the period when you were pregnant. And the age! 36 is still OK but chances you giving a birth to a baby are decreasing. Your body needs to be free of drugs! You need to start taking vitamins, avoid stress, think positive and stop taking drugs,which can be dangerous for your pregnancy. 2 years ago I got pregnant and had a none-vital pregnancy. Soon after that I got pregnant again and everything was fine. My doctor told me that drugs might have played role in the first case. With RA you have to plan pregnancy and get ready for it. We are so medicated that anything can happen to pregnancy. Try to eat right, rest, and switch to pregnancy friendly drugs. Good luck!!! It is worth it!!!I have no experience, my children were pre ra, but my heart and prayers are are going out to you right now!!!
Hi KatieG, thank you for your kind words...I am not so worried about the shots but everything in combination leaves me a bit nervous.

Pepper28 - You say "the danger is in the drugs you were taking before and during the period when you were pregnant", but I haven't been on meds since Enbrel, 4 years ago - so meds can't have been a contributing factor in any way. I clearly had these antibodies like the lupus antibody, before, but they hadn't been suspected and so not tested for. I don't think the RA was a contributor to the complications, and I actually did experience a remission of the disease activity during the pregnancy (that was a nice break). I do take pre-natal vitamins - have for years now, and the drugs the doctor is talking about (the low molecular weight Heparin) could be lifesaving for me. Thank you for your note.

reegie, thank you so much.

This is like hugs from people who really get me...wish I had joined in sooner! I'm surrounded by people who really try to help and are very good at that, but still they don't know what it's like.
I can't offer an advice or insight into pregnancy and RA, but just want to let you know how sorry I am to hear of your loss.   Hope you find some answers.Thank you so much, CathyMN. 
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